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==Notes from 2011-08-03 meeting==
From the discussions in [ Design Team meeting]:
* The gear icon is for when use creates content; the spanner icon is for simple parameter adjustments. For example, the toolbar icon for creating a custom Abacus would use the gear; the toolbar icon for adjusting temperature and humidity in Distance would use the spanner.
* The "sparkle" star should be used as a badge on the activity icon to indicate new.
* The five-pointed star is for favorites
* We will use a box icon with a badge to indicate collections of things on submenues.
* We will make more use of the combo box with embedded icon (see Record) for lists when appropriate.
Action items
* walter to replace star icon in Abacus with badged activity icon
* walter will move all the Abacus sample buttons to radio buttons on the secondary toolbar
* walter will use a box icon with a badge for that toolbar
* manuq will do the abacus activity icon smaller
* ??? will move the title and sharing button to the standard activity secondary toolbar in distance.
* gonzalo will replace the smiley face with the standard insert image icon in fototunes
* manuq will try an isometric box for "samples"
* manuq replace the cards icon in Get Books with something better
* manuq will do a smaller icon for maze
* walter will move the title, sharing and stop buttons in minitamtam to the main toolbar
* walter will use a box button with a badge for the presets in synthlab
* walter will rethink the tamtam edit secondary toolbar: perhaps breaking it up into multiple toolbars
==Notes from 2011-04-10 meeting==
From the discussions in [ IRC] and email:
From the discussions in [ IRC] and email: