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The command {{Code|./sweets upgrade}} might require relogin from the X session to take into account the new PATH value.
The command {{Code|./sweets upgrade}} might require relogin from the X session to take into account the new PATH value.
== Writing recipe files ==
== Recipe files ==
The recipe specification file is an analog of scenario files in regular GNU/Linux distributions, like {{Code|.spec}} files in RPM. It is the cornerstone of Sweets, everything on the sweet project level depends on the recipe file. For activities, {{Code|activity/}}, an inherited recipe file name, is supported.
The recipe specification file is an analog of scenario files in regular GNU/Linux distributions, like {{Code|.spec}} files in RPM. It is the cornerstone of Sweets, everything on the sweet project level depends on the recipe file. For activities, {{Code|activity/}}, an inherited recipe file name, is supported.
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These files need to be placed in the root sources directory with names {{Code|sweets.recipe}} or {{Code|activity/}} for Sugar activities.
These files need to be placed in the root sources directory with names {{Code|sweets.recipe}} or {{Code|activity/}} for Sugar activities.
== Writing recipe files ==
In sources directory, create a recipe file, e.g., using {{Code|sweets init}} command. Recipe file should contain at least one [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification#Use case sections|use case]] section. There are several types of use case sections:
* ''Activity'' for Sugar activities,
* ''Application'' for stand alone applications,
* ''Library'' for libraries.
Make sure that all required options were set. The ''implement'' option has a special meaning, it is an [[Platform_Team/Sweets_Glossary#Implemented_interfaces|identifier]] of the sweet.
By default, the entirely sources directory will be packaged into sources tarball. In case if sources list needs to be restricted, add [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification#.5BBuild.5D|Source]] section with appropriate ''include'' and/or ''exclude'' options.
If the sweet needs to be built, add [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification#.5BBuild.5D|Build]] section.
If built files are platform dependent, add [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification#Archive_sections|Archive]] section with ''arch=any'' option.
=== Examples ===
=== Examples ===