
remove old testing
Line 198: Line 198:  
  write 72
  write 72
  abacus 19
  abacus 19
===Install to HD===
:(4GB USB)
*Works well
[Configure Network] '''if you want wireless AP to work on USB'''
..answer sections until get to formatting section..
formatting (4GB USB)
erase all partitions
create / ext4 partition
No swap
shut down CD/Boot USB
firstboot ..etc
:boots fine
:Sugar on a Stick 6
:Fedora release 6 (Rawhide)
:SUGAR 0.93.2
===dd write to USB===
dd if=Fedora-16-Nightly-20110901.09-i686-Live-soas.iso of=/dev/sdg bs=4M
109+0 records in
109+0 records out
457179136 bytes (457 MB) copied, 115.313 s, 4.0 MB/s
*Boots nicely (no persistence)
:great way to install with liveinst
* all favorites
surf 115              '''DOES NOT START ImportError: cannot import name AddressEntry'''
pippy 40              starts : (ImportError: cannot import name physics)
calculate 37          starts 
speak 29              starts
physics 8            starts
log 24                works
terminal 33          starts
clock 6              starts
irc 10                works joins #sugar and #sugar-es
chat 70              works
etoys 116            starts
turtle art 113        works
record 93            starts
memorize 36          starts
write 72 >75          starts
abacus 19 >22        starts
:boots fine no major changes from 823
:terminal updates to ver 34 still 0.92.4 sugar
:boots fine no major changes from 823
====Install to 2 GB USB HD:====
:revised 08/30/2011
* from Booted CD
(with inserted 2 GB USB formatted fat16)
Remove USB; Frame; hover over USB icon in bottom right; remove
'''USB must be removed or the format in custom of liveinst will fail'''
in sugar-terminal:
[setup network]
    configure your wireless AP; close
fill in required info
(when you get to partition portion:)
delete fat partition
create ext4 partition labeled /
shutdown Booted CD
*Boot from USB
firstboot; user (make administrator (x)); time ; smolt (no profile);
gdm login
"click to change color"
change name
==> ==>
CP/About my computer
  Sugar on a Stick 6
  Fedora release 16 (Rawhide)
*f1 network neighborhood sees Jabber
*'''Connected to Wireless AP set up in Anaconda'''
: neat workaround for wireless
===MacBook Pro i7 Boot===
:connect to wired network
:Insert Fedora-16-Nightly-20110825.14-i686-Live-soas CD
:Hold down option key until see CD "Windows"
:Select it.
:OR boot holding down "C" key
:(Name  ) Color next==>
:F3 ring
:F1 sees Jabber
:CP/About my Computer
::Sugar on a Stick 6
::Fedora release 6 (Rawhide)
f1 network neighborhood sees jabber
===Control Panel===
Sugar on a Stick 6
Fedora release 16 (rawhide)  >is this correct?<
Network does not start
* all favorites
> updates
pippy 40              starts : (ImportError: cannot import name physics) shares on f1 (icon remains on f1 after initiator exits)
calculate 37          starts  shares on f1 (icon remains on f1 after initiator exits)
speak 29 > 30        starts - talks - shares on f1
physics 8            starts - share is greyed out
log 24 > 25          works  - share icon does not have dropdown from top bar
terminal 33          starts - [#  ] goes to root prompt - share is greyed out
clock 6              starts - talks - share is greyed out
irc 10                works joins #sugar and #sugar-es
chat 70              collaborates on jabber (ceibal joined)
etoys 116            starts -shares on f1
turtle art 113 >114  works - shares on f1  (icon remains on f1 after initiator exits shared TA)
record 93            starts - no sound  pictures restart in e-toys from journal
memorize 36          starts  shares on f1
write 72 >75          starts  writes color text correctly shares on f1 (icon remains on f1 after initiator exits)
abacus 19 >22        starts  share is greyed out
surf 115              starts  Connects shares on f1
==f16 Soas-v6-Remix08112011==
===Build System===
:HD install using Fedora-16-Alpha-RC3-i386-DVD.iso
boot line: remove quiet  selinux=0 enforce=0
use whole disk no LVM
firstboot no select sync date and time over the internet greyed out
  Blank smolt profile
gdm: log in OK
System Settings;
  System Info
  gnome3-shell 3.1.4
  Wired have to turn on
  Wireless: disconnected not available?
      eventually shows up <alt> <f2> / on top bar
      [Use as a Hotspot]?
==Build remix on booted HD==
livecd-creator \
  --config=/home/robert/Desktop/spin-kickstarts/fedora-livecd-soas.ks \
  --fslabel=Soas-v6-Remix08112011 --cache=/var/cache/live --verbose
* use git fedora-livecd-soas.ks and fedora-live-mini.ks (with only rawhide repo)
:'''see git listings below'''
===Boot Soas-v6-Remix08112011 CD===
====Control Panel====
{f16 (rawhide)}
sugar 0.92.4
Networking does not start
Jabber works on wired eth0 connection
No wireless AP on f1 Network Neighborhood
> = Updates
pippy 40
calculate 37
turtle art 113
speak 29>30
physics 8
log 24>25
terminal 33
irc 10
chat 70
etoys 116
record 93
memorize 36
write 72>75
abacus 19>22
surf 115
==Soas-v5-Coconut-Test(git) Remix==
:08/01/2011 built on f15 gnome3-shell
:Built from git:$PROJECT?p=spin-kickstarts.git;a=commitdiff;h=776275a4e262fa5b3bc68b903e2a34841ee3b799
*Changed fedora-live mini.ks
repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=$basearch
#repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
#repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
#repo --name=updates-testing --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
#repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=$basearch
repo --name=fedora --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
repo --name=updates-testing --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
====Boot CD====
:Booted to (Name______)
:f1 Network Neighborhood works on Jabber- (alsroot seems to have fixed 100's of buddies problems)
:CP/Network does not start
::'''nm-connection-editor not installed.'''
==== CP/About my  Computer====
Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut) Beta
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
:All Favorites  > = Updates
etoys 116
terminal 33
write 72>75
record 93  >(no sound)<
physics 8  >(Freezes sugar on custom title share)< have to reboot CD ''''''
turtle art 112  (shares and has custom title on f1 icon)
pippy 40
calculate 37  (shares fine but no custom title on f1 icon)
chat 70    (shares and has custom title on f1 icon)
speak 29>30
memorize 36
log 24
abacus 19>21
irc 10
surf 115
====Install to Hard Disk====
:liveinst to 4 GB USB (Custom; ext4 / partition; no swap) works fine.
:::Takes almost whole 4 GB USB to fit
::Firstboot; User; TZ; smolt etc
:Starts at color selection
::<====(back) for name change    ''' THIS SHOULD START AT (NAME_____)''' if possible
===MacBook Pro i7 Boot===
:connect to wired network
:Insert  CD
:Hold down option key until see CD "Windows"
:Select it.
:Sugar plymouth screen
:F3 Ring
: F1 Network Neighborhood shows jabber
::Sugar on a Stick (Coconut)Beta
::Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
:Download for testing:
:Note:'''CD of Remix Installs with liveinst in terminal to VirtualBox Hard Disk'''
* Remix Built on f15-gnome3-shell
:ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 (Atom intel)
:3 files used to create remix;
*Using: Updates-testing repo
started Avahi mDNS-SD Stack
started D-bus System Message Bus:halts at
started Network Manager
::5 min delay on boot (something times out)
:(gdm) Live System User
:Click to Change color
:<===Back    ===>DONE
:New Keyring Password
:Enter password for keyring 'login' to unlock
::OK then cancel 7 times
:2 min delay  (jabber flood?)
:CP/About my computer
      Fedora release 15 727
CP/Network  does not start
*f1 neighborhood : 100's Avitars and 3 shared application icons
====Halo effect surrounding application Icons in F1-Network Neighborhood====
:Look at thumbnail to right===>
Thanks! AFAICT this is intentional: Sugar groups buddies (visualised as
XO icons) around the activity they are working on; those are the buddies
you see directly beside the activity icons. Buddies that are working on
a different activity or no shared activity at all shouldn't be displayed
in proximity to the activity icon (otherwise you'd assume they work on
this activity); that's the clear space ("halo") you're seeing.
*error on starting applications: (works on 2nd or 3rd try)
  dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktp.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not recieve a reply (timeout by message bus)
:Key= * not a favorite  >Updates
etoys 115
*terminal 33
write 72>75
record 93
*physics 8
pippy 40
calculate 37
chat 70
turtle art 111>112
speak 29>30
memorize 36
*log 24
*abacus 19>21
*irc 10
*surf 115
===Fix DBus errors===
:'''Update: alsroot has fixed this on jabber 07/28/2011'''
::(Update 2 sugar 0.90-92.x Jabber has no avitars but sugar 0.88 does. 07/28/2011.)
::(update 3 0.9x has errors on jabber. It is cutting in and out. Does not affect 0.88.X sugar 07/28/2011)
::screen has static display that only seems to update on restart.
::But only active buddies are displayed
:enter in terminal:
sugar-control-panel -s jabber ""
;no longer have delays starting applications.
* synopsis: JABBER ERRORS cause delays on 0.92.4 sugar
:Jabber is configured on sugar 0.90-92.x to send all buddies on roster including not connected ones (alsroot 7/36/2011 on IRC)
:'''After jabber turned off ("" blanks entry) applications start right away.'''
* Remix Built on f15-gnome3-shell
::f1-- grey screen
::5 min delay on boot
:enter in terminal:
sugar-control-panel -s jabber
;no longer have delays starting applications.
* synopsis: JABBER ERRORS cause delays on 0.92.2 sugar
*'''Tested:AMD Turion 64x2'''
:selinux=0 enforce=0
;microcode: error cpu0: family 15 is not supported (long loop) about 2 min.
:long delay
:: shell log : d-bus error ........adding new client ( ) null to session.
::f1--central avitar disappears in 1 sec to grey screen
:enter in terminal:
sugar-control-panel -s jabber
;no longer have delays and d-bus errors starting applications.
* synopsis: JABBER ERRORS cause d-bus errors on 0.92.1 sugar
