
295 bytes added ,  14:07, 21 November 2011
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| Walter Bender || [[Features/Background_image_on_home_view]] || Add the ability to set a background image to the Home View.
| Walter Bender || [[Features/Background_image_on_home_view]] || Add the ability to set a background image to the Home View.
| Walter Bender || [[Features/Journal_Volume_Toolbar_enhancement]] ||
| Walter Bender || [[Features/Journal_Volume_Toolbar_enhancement]] || The VolumesToolbar class in should be extended so that Sugar activities can "mount" directories containing example projects, e.g., the samples subdirectory in Turtle Art. Thus samples will be available through the Sugar Chooser rather than having to use the GNOME file chooser.
| Walter Bender || [[Features/Activity_specific_metadata_in_Journal]] ||
| Walter Bender || [[Features/Activity_specific_metadata_in_Journal]] ||
