
the sweet "base/x11-libs" had a bug that was found in mint
Line 1: Line 1: −
'''My reference /sweets-6Mint'''
{{Under construction|Ready for feedback!.--[[User:Inkyfingers|Inkyfingers]] 02:35, 20 December 2011 (EST)}}
My machine:
==Mint-12 successful install==
notes here: [[Talk:Platform Team/Guide/Sugar via Sweets#Installing Sugar via sweets - in Mint-12]]
===try this===
:works fine for 11.04 Linux Mint 11  I did this and it worked but alsroot wanted me to not put it on the wiki. It installs sweets-sugar 0.94.1 [[User:Satellit]] 9 Dec 2011
::Link:  [[Talk:Platform_Team/Guide/Sugar_via_Sweets#Installing_sweets-sugar_from_Fedora_16_GNOME_3_Terminal|Installing_sweets-sugar_from_Fedora_16_GNOME_3_Terminal]]
== Exploring extra documentation ==
Expanding central section of [[Platform Team/Guide/Sweets Usage]]] ...
=== Aim of this paper ===
'''What are the opportunities of improving documentation for users at a certain point, after install and before successful launch?'''
=== Install ===
Imagine you are now reading [[Sweets/Getting started]]
Pre-introductory paragraphs explain what an emulator will look like, and the reasons for experimenting with it.
Introductory paragraph will have "fully" covered distro-non-specific apt-get update.
I suggest it might be a good idea to try to fix the level of experience expected of a reader. I suggest a potential reader would have some confidence at the  level of . Do others think a lower level is reasonable? - define.
Then "packagekit" and issues, then download and run script ""
Then, "After installing PackageKit, you need to restart the DBus system bus,"  "Relogin from X session," or "Restart the machine"
: Minor issue 1. a) "Restart the machine" seems clumsy. b) I guess distro-non-specific instructions  may be too difficult? It might be nice to include, say, the best available outside tutorial, even if only to demonstrate good practice?
''Alternatively, {{Code|sweets}} might be run from the [[Platform_Team/Guide/Sweets_Packaging#Run_Sweets_from_sources|sources]].''
:Issue 2. This idea needs dealing with at an appropriate level. Is this an alternative for our reader? Under what conditions would the reader start on this method?
=== Upgrade ===
Enter in the Terminal activity, or any other terminal:
sweets upgrade
You should expect a positive response. An example of a positive response is
-- No need in upgrading
insert wording generated by successful upgrade.
If you run into difficulties, sweets contains a --help file. You get it with the command:
sweets -h
The file is displayed in your terminal, you get out of the file by pressing "q" for quit.
'''What about a negative response to your initial {{code|sweets}} command?'''
An example of a negative response at this stage is:
sweets: command not found.
If you are in this situation - did you restart either {{code|dbus}} or the computer before you gave the first {{code|sweets}} command?
Start    01.47 UTC 9/12/11 on a 10 minute old, fresh install of Mint-12
You could restart the computer. If you still get a negative response from
sweets upgrade
sweets -h
then you need to work through the instructions above this point again.
iain@iain-KM266 ~ $ sudo apt-get install gnome-packagekit
==== What Sugar to launch ====
Reading package lists... Done
There are two types of Sugars that are accessible via Sweets:
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  app-install-data gnome-packagekit-data libpackagekit-glib2-14 packagekit
  packagekit-backend-aptcc python-packagekit
Suggested packages:
  packagekit-backend-apt packagekit-backend-smart
==Stop notes here==
* {{Code|sdk/sugar}}, for pristine Sugar;
The above suggested packages were not installed.
* {{Code|dextrose/sugar}}, for Sugar based on [[Dextrose]].
'''fix next time'''
==try this==
The terms we use are currently defined here: [[Platform_Team/Guide/Sweets_Usage#Search]] and [[Platform_Team/Sweets/Glossary]]
:works fine for 11.04 Linux Mint 11 I did this and it worked but alsroot wanted me to not put it on the wiki. It installs sweets-sugar 0.94.1 [[User:Satellit]] 9 Dec 2011
The '''name''' of one available {{code|sweet}} (alternate usage ''<SWEET>'' ) is sdk/sugar.
* also this may help:
Another's '''name''' (alternate usage ''<SWEET>'') is dextrose/sugar.
<s>look at :  [[Talk:Platform_Team/Guide/Sugar_via_Sweets#Notes_on_how_to_start_0.88_or_0.94| How to start 0.88 or 0.94 Sweets Sugar]]--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 15:42, 21 December 2011 (EST). Thanks, added in next paragraph.</s>
: These lines aim to draw attention a perceived difficulty in nomenclature. Improved wording welcome.
<s>Both Sugars can be used in the same way. This guide uses {{Code|dextrose/sugar}} ... and may use {{Code|sdk/sugar}}</s>
== Launch ==
To launch recent stable Sugar in emulator mode, type in Terminal activity or in any other terminal:
sweets dextrose/sugar:emulator
To explain:
: sweets - the command to run sweets
:: dextrose/sugar - the sweet you want
::: :emulator - a command for an emulator.
To make it possible to have additional dependencies involved, e.g., to run Browse activity, use {{Code|-S}} command-line argument:
sweets -S dextrose/sugar:emulator
To explain,
we add an option, -S ( = --force-suggested) to force, using suggested dependencies
Hopefully one of those commands opened Sugar for you.
If not, try
sweets sdk/sugar:emulator
sweets -S sdk/sugar:emulator
we can also add an option to the emulator, for example,
sweets sdk/sugar:emulator -f
will ask the emulator to open, full screen.
'''If you have Sugar running - Explore'''
=== If you have a negative response to all four commands above ===
So this is the point of this effort!
'''What can we conclude?'''
Go back, review #Upgrade above, If {{Code|sweets upgrade}} and {{Code|sweets -h}} were positive - sweets is installed, no?
What further commands or tools are available at this point?
One possibility, not all required packages are installed?
Referring to my own experience - [[Talk:Platform Team/Guide/Sugar via Sweets#Installation 2]] (which is considerably abbreviated!)
the command {{Code|sweets -R sdk/sugar:emulator}} invoked a massive download of packages -  @alsroot what changed?
: Snip from IRC #sugar-newbies, [21:25] <alsroot> the sweet "base/x11-libs" had a bug that was found in mint
'''What would an experienced user do next?'''
I think it is worth discussing, and I am not sure about this, some investigatory commands gave misleading answers, I feel because the whole toolbox was not present.
Have I drawn the wrong conclusion?
A question regarding -R option. Would the -R option eg:
sweets -R sdk/sugar:emulator
be superfluous straight after {{code|sweets upgrade}}?
I am currently in the above described situation with Sweets on Debian Wheezy. What is suggested here, I will test there.
'''Alternatively''', {{Code|sweets}} might be run from the [[Platform_Team/Guide/Sweets_Packaging#Run_Sweets_from_sources|sources]]. This I have tried - I am not sure it adds content if one is stuck at this point?
''' The material below this point has not been edited.'''
''' Please move this marker if you edit, thanks.'''
* Back to original "Usage" page content.
== Usage ==
Read the [[Platform_Team/Sweets/Glossary|Sweets Glossary]] to understand the basic concept (and [[Platform_Team/Infrastructure|overview]] of the bigger picture). The rest of the text will operate with the following terms:
* {{Code|''SWEET''}}, the full ''interface'' URL, like {{Code|}}, or the short one, like {{Code|sdk/sugar}};
* {{Code|''COMMAND''}}, ''sweet'''s command that indicates how to run a particular ''sweet''; by default, ''sweet''s have only the {{Code|run}} command, but it is possible to have several commands;
* {{Code|''VERSION''}}, ''sweet'''s version
See the [[Platform_Team/Guide/Sugar_via_Sweets|Sugar via Sweets]] guide for real examples of how to use ''Sweets'' to run Sugar Shell.
=== Launch ===
To launch a ''sweet'' with verbatim passing of optional {{Code|ARGUMENTS}}:
sweets ''<SWEET>'' [''<ARGUMENTS>'']
Sometimes ''sweet''s support several launching commands; it is possible to specify one during the launch:
sweets ''<SWEET>'':''<COMMAND>''
To run a particular, but not the latest, version:
sweets ''<SWEET>'' ''=''|''>=''|''<='' ''<VERSION>''
To get the full list of available versions:
sweets status ''<SWEET>'' -v
To get information, e.g., a list of supported commands, about a ''sweet'':
sweets show ''<SWEET>''
=== Troubleshooting ===
After getting any unpredictable Sweets behaviour, read the following notes.
'''Keep feeds up-to-date'''
''Feeds'' are being updated from time to time. After experiencing any problems, and for refreshing the local ''feeds'' cache, it will be useful to re-download ''feeds''. Use, once, the {{Code|-R}} command line argument for the launch command (make sure that {{Code|-R}} goes before the {{Code|SWEET}}, because using it afterwards will cause passing it as a {{Code|SWEET}}'s argument):
  sweets -R ''<SWEET>''
'''Analyze dependencies tree'''
If {{Code|sweets}} can't find a proper ''implementation'', see the {{Code|e}} lines in the output of:
sweets status ''<SWEET>'' -vdd
'''Keep the system in consistent state'''
Asking Sweets to launch a sweets might mean installing new packages via PackageKit. In most cases, PackageKit can handle possible issues with native packages and, at worst, will fail as well, in order to stop any further Sweets operations. Nevertheless, it can be useful to keep unbroken native packages.
=== Search ===
It is possible to search ''sweet''s among locally known ones and those registered on (not yet implemented). The search is based on the [ Xapian] search engine. Thus, it is possible to use Xapian's [ query language].
For command format is:
sweets search ''<QUERY>''
Notice that [ partial] search is enabled. So, the query {{Code|tele}} will be treated as {{Code|tele*}} to search all words that start from {{Code|tele}}.
{{Code|sweets}} supports the following search [ prefixes] based on [[Platform_Team/Recipe_Specification|recipe options]]:
* '''interface''' the first interface from the implementations list, e.g., {{Code|}};
* '''sweet''' the first interface from the implementations list in short Sweets notations, e.g., {{Code|sdk/sugar}};
* '''implement''' the list of implemented interfaces;
* '''associate''' the list of associated interfaces;
* '''name''' the short name of a sweet;
* '''summary''' sweet's summary;
* '''description''' long sweet's description;
* '''category''' list of category names;
* '''license''' list of licenses;
* '''type''' sweet's type, which might be {{Code|library}}, {{Code|application}} or {{Code|activity}};
* '''keep''' if activity, that a sweet is representing, is favorited;
* '''tags''' the list of sweet's tags;
* '''mime_types''' the list of activity MIME types, that a sweet is representing or supports.
So, it is possible to search only among particular sweet attributes, like {{Code|name:telepathy}} to search only among particular sweet names.
{{Code|sweets}} support additional notation for exact searching in the form of {{Code|''prefix''<nowiki>:=</nowiki>''string''}}. For example the query {{Code|name<nowiki>:=</nowiki>sugar}} will find ''sweet''s only with exactly {{Code|sugar}} as a name and omit names like {{Code|sugar-base}}. If the search string contains spaces, wrap it within double quotes, {{Code|name<nowiki>:=</nowiki>"Sugar Commander"}}. Note, wildcards do not work in the exact search case where asterisks will be treated literally.
== Current limitations ==
* For now, {{Code|sweets}} knows only enough about the glucose dependencies to install them from native packages in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE.
* Activities can't reuse sweets benefits.
== Feedback ==
