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==About Nutrition==
Wiki Page Status: <span style="color:#ff0000"> DEPRECATED </span>
A series of three nutrition games: Name That Food; How Many Calories; How Much to Eat
Read at
The source file has been moved to [ GitHub]
== Where to get Nutrition ==
The Nutrition activity is available for download from the [ Sugar activity portal]: [ Nutrition]
The source code is available on [ the Sugar Labs Gitorious server].
== Using Nutrition ==
Did you know:
* If you get the correct answer, a smiley face is shown.
* If you get a wrong answer, the correct answer is shown on a frowny face.
=== The Toolbars ===
:from left to right
;Activity-toolbar Button: (toolbar described below)
;Name-that-food Button: Launches a new ''Name That Food'' game
;How-many-calories Button: Launches a new ''How Many Calories?'' game
;How-much-should-I-eat Button: Launches a new ''How Much to Eat?'' game
;Stop Button: used to exit the activity
'''Acitivity Toolbar'''
;Activity name field: used to change the name of the activity (The name is used by the save-to-PDF Button.)
;Share Button: disabled (Portfolio Activity does not support sharing)
;Reflection Button: used to write descriptions for the Journal entry of this instance of Portfolio
== Learning with Nutrition ==
Each of the nutrition games presents a different learning opportunity.
;Name That Food: This game is about literacy, but also provides some nutritional information about the foods as they are presented.
;How Many Calories?: This game introduces the concept that different foods have different nutrition value. The focus here is on calories.
;How Much to Eat?: This game is based upon the Food Pyramid. It introduces the concept that not all foods should be consumed in equal quantities. E.g., high-sugar-content foods should be eaten in small quantities, while grains and fruits can be eaten in larger quantities.
== Extending Nutrition ==
Have the children take pictures of the foods that they eat at home. Use the Nutrition acitvity to explore caloric intake and the degree to which they are eating a balanced meal.
Also ('''not yet implemented''') have the children find a food item not in the database and add it using the '''gear icon'''. They will need make a picture of the food (using Paint or Record) and look up the nutritional content of their food. ( is a good resource.)
Nutrition is a good introduction to some of the concepts explored further in [[Activities/TurtleArt#Nutrition]].
== Modifying Nutrition ==
Add your own foods by adding images to the images directory and adding to the table in
# Food name; calories; food pyramid level, image file name
GAME_DEFS = [[_('banana'), 105, 2, 'banana.png'],
            [_('apple'), 72, 2, 'apple.png'],
            [_('fish'), 58, 1, 'fish.png'],
            [_('corn'), 96, 2, 'corn.png'],
            [_('broccoli'), 55, 2, 'broccoli.png'],
            [_('chicken'), 262, 1, 'chicken.png'],
            [_('cheese'), 114, 1, 'cheese.png'],
            [_('orange'), 62, 2, 'orange.png'],
            [_('potato'), 159, 2, 'potato.png'],
            [_('water'), 0, 3, 'water.png'],
            [_('tomato'), 150, 2, 'tomato.png'],
            [_('cookie'), 68, 0, 'cookie.png'],
            [_('beef'), 284, 1, 'beef.png'],
            [_('egg'), 77, 1, 'egg.png'],
            [_('sweetpotato'), 169, 2, 'sweetpotato.png'],
            [_('tamale'), 126, 2, 'nacatamal.png'],
            [_('bread'), 69, 2, 'bread.png'],
            [_('rice and beans'), 411, 2, 'rice-and-beans.png'],
            [_('cake'), 387, 0, 'cake.png']]
Your suggestions for enhancements and/or use cases...
== Where to report problems ==
You can report bugs and make feature requests [ on our bug-tracking system] (You need to create an account first). To list all open tickets of Nutrition you can use [ query component=Nutrition]. You are also welcome to leave comments/suggestions on the [[Talk:Activities/Nutrition]] page.
== Credits ==
Nutrition was written and is maintained by [[User:Walter]]. He was assisted by Claudia Urrea and Felix Garrido of Fundación Zamora Terán.
