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* Single finger press and drag to create, size, and rotate shape tools (works fine with mouse events but John pointed out it needs work for the new F17 touch events)
* Single finger drag for Selecting an area (only working for mouse events)
* Single finger dragging a selection (only working for mouse events)
* Eraser tool default size should be _much_ larger
* Ability to draw with more than one finger at a time (e.g. multi-touch for Brush, Eraser, Stamp tools), need to confirm how many touches we can support to make this a worth while addition.
* Clicking Select Area should clear the current selection if present
* Brush properties palette, gtk spin button widget for brush size much too fiddly to use, perhaps replace with a slider between 1 and 100?
* Consider changing Brush properties Keep aspect to a [ gtk switch], or remove it (this feature just locks the aspect ratio of the selection tool so it is square, not sure it is really needed)
