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=== Proposal for a client-initiated journal transfer (1-to-N feature) ===
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== Basic Usage ==
* This feature helps share Journal/Documents/Mounted-Drives' entries across XOs, via the following two mechanisms ::
''' Note that the initial "Browse" based solution (of which comments have been struck out) cannot fill the purpose, because of the following reasons '''
* (Thanks Anish) "Browse" based solution only allows files to be downloaded. But Sugar's entries are more than just a file - they are a combination of metadata, and data (files). Eg. - Turtle Art Journal entry.
**Peer-to-Peer mode
* (Thanks Anish and Daniel) Mounting the server's shares' entries locally, also conforms to the Sugar look-and-feel.
*** Sharing in this mode is possible, only when the server and client XO(s) are on the same networks. Thus, peer-to-peer sharing would work on
**** XOs connected to the same Access Point.
**** Adhoc-Network connections.
== Workflow ==
* The server XO would make its shares available via WebDAV, running in the context of "httpd" service.
**Via-School-Server mode
* <del>The client XO would connect to the server XO via its browser.</del>
*** In this mode, an XO uploads an entry to the central School Server; from where the client XO(s) may download the entry.
* <del>Therafter, "Browse" would take over.</del>
*** This mode of sharing works as long as the School-Server is HTTP-pingable between the server and client XOs. Thus, this mode of sharing would work when
* The client would mount the server's share locally.
**** XOs are connected to the same Access Point (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).
* Thereafter, the server's share's contents can be "copied" from, just as if it was just another local filesystem.
**** XOs are connected to the different Access Points (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).
**** XOs are conencted to Adhoc-Network (as long as school-server is pingable throughout).
== Details ==
* '''Setting up WebDAV on a server XO.'''
** Install package "httpd".
** <del>Generate openssl "server.crt" and "server.key".
        <code>cd /etc/ssl/certs/</code>
        <code>sudo openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout ssl.key -out ssl.crt</code></del>
** Configure <del>"/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf"</del> "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" to setup the WebDAV share. Sample file : [[media:httpd.conf]]
*** <del>Firstly, this sets up the paths "SSLCertificateFile" and "SSLCertificateKeyFile", which are required for HTTPS over SSL.</del>
*** <del>Secondly</del>This sets up "/var/www/web1/web" as the "webdav" folder. In other words, whetever entries are present in this folder, will be made available for the client XOs.
** <del>Generate authentication file for the webdav folder. These user-password credentials will be asked whenever a client tries to access the webdav folder. For example, the following list of commands sets "test" as the user, and "olpc" as the password.
        <code>sudo htpasswd -c /var/www/web1/passwd.dav test
        New password:  <olpc>
        Re-type new password:  <olpc>
        Adding password for user test</code></del>
** Start service "httd".
== Credits ==
* '''Plan Ceibal'''
** For supporting this feature development.
* '''[Code-Requirements] Setting up WebDAV on a server XO.'''
** "httpd" will have to be patched, so that PROPFIND also returns Sugar's metadata as properties (in obvious addition to the standard WebDAV properties [])
* '''Sascha Silbe''' ''''
** Initial Proposal for the solution based on WebDAV.
* '''Anish Mangal''' ''''
** Showed why simply accessing the webdav shares via "Browse" activity won't work.
** The reason is that accessing Sugar-WebDAV shares via "Browse" (or in any browser), would show only the availability of files. But a Sugar-entry is more than just the (data) file; it is a combination of
*** Metadata-file
*** Data-file
*** Preview-file (optional)
** Also, the current workflow conforms to the sugar look-and-feel too. (Thanks again Anish).
* '''[User-Workflow] Exporting Data to WebDav, on a server XO.'''
** Sascha's JournalToWebDAV workflow.
*** step 1
*** step 2
*** step 3
*** step 4
** Alternatively,
*** Add "Share" listview in the bottom panel-tray; that would make a total of 4 types of listview - Journal, Documents, Mounted-Drives, Share.
*** "Share" would follow all the schematics of "Documents" type. After all, "Share" is just a folder in the filesystem (like "Documents").
*** The corresponding folder is "/var/www/web1/web" (as configured in "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf").
*** All entries in the "Share" folder would be available to client XOs.
* '''Ruben Rodriguez''' ''''
** Feedback on the "peer-to-peer" mechanism; now when the user clicks "Access Share", the user is directly taken to the newly mounted remote-share view.
* '''[Code-Requirements] Exporting Data to WebDav, on a server XO.'''
** Sascha has already coded the first alternative.
** For the second alternative, "Share" listview needs to be added on the lines of "Documents" listview. Code-reuse should be done as much as possible. Ideally, there should just be a difference of the "folder-path".
* '''Nitika Mangal''' ''''
** Testing
* '''David Rodriguez''' ''''
** Testing
== Example Workflow for Peer-To-Peer Mode ==
== NOTES ==
** An entry present in "Local Shares", is available to other peers, when the peer(s) mount this XO's shares.
** Note that the entries present in "Local Shares", have nothing to do with the entries present in "School Server Shares".
** In the following screenshots' example, "PEER 2" mounts the shares of "PEER 1"; and uses that to copy entries onto its own XO. Thus, the entry is copied from XO-of-PEER-1 to XO-of-PEER-2.
== [PEER 1] "Journal" - View. ==
== [PEER 1] Detail view of the journal-entry. Note the preview presence. ==
== [PEER 1] Initial "Local Shares" View ==
== [PEER 1] Copy the journal entry to "Local Shares", to make it available for sharing to other peers. ==
== [PEER 1] "Local Shares" view, after copying the entry. ==
== [PEER 1] The detail view in "Local Shares". NOTE that the preview MUST be present, and it must be same as that of "Journal". ==
== [PEER 2] Initial "Journal" - View. ==
== [PEER 2] Neighborhood View. ==
== [PEER 2] Click on "Access Share" of the peer, whose shares need to be accessed. ==
== [PEER 2] The peer's shares are mounted. ==
== [PEER 2] Copy the entry to the journal. ==
== [PEER 2] Final "Journal" View. ==
== [PEER 2] Detail-view of the entry. Note that the preview is the same as was on the remote peer. ==
== Example Workflow for Via-School-Server Mode ==
== NOTES ==
** An entry present in "School Server Shares", is available to all the XOs. There isn't any mounting or anything required as such.
** Note that the entries present in "School Server Shares", have nothing to do with the entries present in "Local Shares".
** In the following screenshots' example, an XO uploads an entry to the school-server, and then downloads the same. HOWEVER, NOTE THAT ANY XO WOULD BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD THE ENTRY PRESENT ON THE SCHOOL-SERVER, AND NOT ONLY NECESSARILY THE UPLOADER.
* '''[User-Workflow] Client XO wishes to access the share of Server XO.'''
** Navigates to the "Neighborhood" view.
** Hovers over the "Server" buddy.
** The popup appears, which has a new entry "Access Share" (in addition to "Make Friend").
** Clicks on "Access Share".
** <del>The "Browser" activity opens, with the url pointing to the "Server" buddy's webdav share.</del>
** <del>Thereafter, client may navigate the webdav directory hierarchy, or download files (all of which is already built in the "Browse" activity). Most importantly, there is the "Keep Link" feature in "Browse", which nicely downloads the webdav-entry, and promptly saves it in the "Journal" - something that happens in the "Send To" feature as well.</del>
** The server's share is mounted. A color-specific buddy-icon in the bottom tray signifies it. Clicking this icon displays the server's share's entries, on the lines of Journal/Documents/Shares/Mounted-Drives.
** Now, the entries can be copied from the mounted folder, to Journal/Documents/Shares/Mounted-Drives.
* '''[Code-Requirements] Client XO wishes to access the share of Server XO.'''
** Mapping a neighborhood-buddy to its IP Address
*** Luckily, in the method "def __buddy_updated_cb(self, account, contact_id, properties):" in "jarabe/model/", there is the "properties['ip4-address']", which contains the IP address of the buddy. All that is needed is to persist it in the "BaseBuddyModel" in "jarabe/model/".
*** When the client clicks on "Access Share" on the buddy, this IP Address can be easily retreived, and the URI formed "https://<IP Address>/webdav"
** <del>Opening up the server's webdav</del>
*** <del>The generated URI would be passed to the "Browse" activity; and thereafter, "Browse" would take over.</del>
** <del>A minor query, regarding the last point, has been posted at (For resolving this, some additional code may have to be written, but that is something perfectly doable. However, currently awaiting a reply, to see if the code for this already exists :-) ).</del>
== [UPLOAD] Initially, no entries are present on the school-server. ==
== [UPLOAD] Choose an entry to upload to the school-server. ==
== [UPLOAD] Enter the pasphrase when prompted. ==
== [UPLOAD] After uploading, ensure that the entry has in fact been uploaded to the school-server. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Initial "Documents" view. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Choose to copy the entry from school-server, to "Documents". ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Enter (incorrect) password. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] 'Passphrase not match' error occurs. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Try copying again. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Enter (correct) password. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Confirm that the entry has been successfully downloaded. ==
== [DOWNLOAD] Ensure that in the detail view, the uploader-details are present. ==
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== [ARCHIVE] Possible options ==
In a server-initiated operation, the server is responsible for adequate delivery to all the clients, whatever the number may be.
In a client-initiated operation, each client is responsible for herself only.
* Inter-copying an entry between Journal/Documents/Mounted-Drives/Local-Shares/School-Server-Shares should behave in the same way. For eg, in the peer-to-peer mode, it was shown that the source-entry (on PEER-1) had a preview; the same was true when the entry finally arrived on PEER-2. In particular, the preview should "go along" as and when the entry goes, '''intra-XO''' or '''inter-XO'''.
{| class="wikitable"
* Things should work fine, irrespective of the fact that whether the sharing is done via single-mode, or batch-mode.
! Option
! Server-Initiated / Client-Initiated
! Secure Data Transfer
! Proxy Support
! Peer to Peer Support (Gabble/Salut)
| Looping over "Send To"
| Server-Initiated
| Yes/Yes
| Sascha's JournalToWebDAV
| Client-Initiated
| Each XO acts as an independent WebDAV server; client uses browser
| Client-Initiated
| Yes (HTTPS over SSL)
| /Yes
