
2,787 bytes added ,  06:48, 18 May 2012
no edit summary
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This menu is only visible to staff members. This is the English course menu. There are three courses: sje421, sje521, and sje621. While not required, it is convenient to use a code in naming courses. In this case, sj is the Saint Jacobs school in Kigali, Rwanda. The e is English. The 4 is fourth grade (p4). The 2 represents school year 2012. The 1 represents the first term.
This menu is only visible to staff members. This is the English course menu. There are three courses: sje421, sje521, and sje621. While not required, it is convenient to use a code in naming courses. In this case, sj is the Saint Jacobs school in Kigali, Rwanda. The e is English. The 4 is fourth grade (p4). The 2 represents school year 2012. The 1 represents the first term.
The buttons (edit and up arrow) on the right of the header are used in creating lessons which will be explained below.
In student mode, the students go directly from the main screen to the next screen - the milestone ladder. Within KLS, Learn downloads milestones automatically so that the student has on his laptop enough work for about three weeks before a connection to the school server is required. Staff may need to access any milestone in any course and so need this screen.
In student mode, the students go directly from the main screen to the next screen - the milestone ladder. Within KLS, Learn downloads milestones automatically so that the student has on his laptop enough work for about three weeks before a connection to the school server is required. Staff may need to access any milestone in any course and so need this screen.
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for the student. This version of the Learn.activity contains the first two milestones in each subject and course.
for the student. This version of the Learn.activity contains the first two milestones in each subject and course.
These milestones were created by the teachers at the Saint Jacobs school in Kigali.  
These milestones were created by the teachers at the Saint Jacobs school in Kigali.  
The buttons (edit and up arrow) on the right of the header are used in creating lessons which will be explained below.
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When the student presses the Start button, he is given the questions one at a time in the order they appear in the lesson (not randomized).
When the student presses the Start button, he is given the questions one at a time in the order they appear in the lesson (not randomized).
===Using Sugar Activities===
A lesson may launch a Sugar activity. This is accomplished by entering a special comment as follows:
The comment must be on a single line (word wrap to more than one line is ok). It must start with /*B: and finish with */. Spaces are not allowed. There are three parameters separated by commas. The first is the name of the activity: ShowNTell. Do not include the word activity. Use Turtleart but not Turtle Art or Turtleart.activity.
The second parameter is tha name of a bundle to be associated with the activity at launch. The third parameter is the mime-type of the bundle.
A comment such as /*B:Write*/ would result in a launching the Write activity as a new start.
The specified bundles must be in the activity folder. At present there is no automated procedure to create bundles (normally done using the activity itself), nor to copy the bundle to the activity folder. This can be done using the Terminal activity (command line).
In learn-51, this capability will be extended to 'templates'. A template is a Sugar activity or Karma library animation which can be included in an activity with special content entered as a comment. For example, an activity could launch the Wordsearch activity with a specific wordlist. This might appear as follows:
Notice that the entry is the same as that for launching a Sugar activity except that word list is entered between the /* and the */ which are now on separate lines. The first line must have the parameters. The wordlist starts on the next line. The '*/' must be on a line by itself.
In learn-51 it will therefore be possible to use Sugar activities or templates without the need for using the Terminal activity (command-line).
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In the first group of the third row, the first tool inserts a horizontal rule. This is used in Learn to identify a screen boundary. In the second group, the first tool selects a superscript mode. The second sets a subscript mode. The tool in the third group allows the insertion of a special character from a table of special characters.
In the first group of the third row, the first tool inserts a horizontal rule. This is used in Learn to identify a screen boundary. In the second group, the first tool selects a superscript mode. The second sets a subscript mode. The tool in the third group allows the insertion of a special character from a table of special characters.
===Special Formats===
Sometimes lessons need special formatting. This is provided in edit mode by the + icon. In learn-50 there are three special formats: normal (table), Placetable, and Problems.
The user obtains HTML formatting for a table by entering the number of columns and rows. The user can also specify a row of headers and provide the header titles.
The Placetable is a special form of table used in Mathematics lessons. In this case the columns headers give the column place value. The Placetable can be for whole numbers or up to three decimal places (0 decimal places for whole numbers).
The third option is to format arithmetic problems in column form. The user specifies the number of problems in that row (1-10). The problem is filled with the digit 9 so that the user can edit it to the needed values. Learn generates the problem with a monospace font so that the digits are aligned by place value.
