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== Dual-Booting F17 and F14 ==
== Dual-Booting F17 and F14 ==
=== Install F17, using a LiveUSB. This would erase all the previous existing OSes (if any). ===
* Start "Install to Hard Drive".
* Choose "Use the entire space", with "Use LVM" UNCHECKED. Note that this is important, since using the LVM option prevents the drive to be partitioned later for the two Fedoras.
* When asked for bootloader-installation position, choose "MBR in /dev/sda".
* Installation should complete successfully.
=== Re-install F17, using a LiveUSB (but this time on a dedicated partition) ===
* Start "Install to Hard Drive".
* Choose "Create Custom Layout".
* Delete "dev/sda4" (extended-partition-root). This should also automatially delete "/dev/sda5" (extended-partition-leaf).
* Now, select on the "Free" chunk (mine was 500 GB).
** Click "Edit".
** Select "/" as the mount-point.
** Choose an appropriate space (I chose 300 GB).
** Click "OK".
** This sould create "/dev/sda4" as the extended-partition-root, and "/dev/sda5" (worth 300 GB of space) as extended-partition-leaf.
* Click "Next".
* When asked for bootloader-installation position, choose "MBR in /dev/sda".
* Installation should complete successfully.
=== Install F14, using a LiveUSB (on a dedicated partition) ===
* Start "Install to Hard Drive".
* Choose "Create Custom Layout".
* Now, select on the "Free" chunk (mine was about 175 GB).
** Click "Edit".
** Select "/" as the mount-point.
** Choose an appropriate space (I chose 175 GB).
** Click "OK".
** This sould create "/dev/sda6" as the extended-partition-leaf.
* Click "Next".
* When asked for bootloader-installation position, choose "First sector of /dev/sda6".
* Installation should complete successfully.
== Enabling dual-boot ==
* At the moment, with all LiveUSBs removed, I was able to boot into F17 only. I could not see any option to boot into F14.
* Boot into F17.
