
Move Testing TrimSlice Here
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  205 upgraded
  205 upgraded
====TrimSlice H250: Ubuntu on a SDXC Card====
*'''This is a workaround as the Trimslice OS installers do NOT make a bootable HD on the TrimSlice H 250 (even though it appears to have done so)'''
:I used a 160 GB HD- Worked on 320 GB HD (see above)--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 18:36, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
*'''This is based on the fact that The installer-ubuntu-natty- is a working Ubuntu install'''
:Note: Running from the SanDisk (30MB/s) Ultra 64 GB SDXC seems faster than either the Internal HD in the TrimSlice H250 or the ssd in the TrimSlicePro
*In the TrimSlice H250 Ubuntu Desktop:
*Unzip file
*write to 64 GB SDXC Card
dd if=installer-ubuntu-natty- of=/dev/mmcblk0
*Open with gparted in another Ubuntu PC
: Resize Partition (Max seems to be 30GB)
:Create a fat partition from remaining 30GB on Card.-Labeled MyFiles
*Boot Card in Trimslice H250
*Create USER in System Settings
:(NEW USER) password is 111111
:Change to Administrator with password
*Reboot Card and log in as (NEW USER) with password
*Have fun
*MyFiles 30 GB partition appears on Desktop
:HINT  Move the installer icon from the desktop to Downloads for safety
=====Updates on SDXC Card=====
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
211 upgraded ....2 not upgraded [y/N]
  Install these packages without verification [y/N]?
=====Install sugar 0.90=====
apt-get install sugar-emulator-0.90
*Long install
*Download surf-115 to a USB
*[[Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/Drag-Drop|Drag-Drop]] surf-115.xo from USB to Journal
*Start surf and download activities you want for this sugar from ASLO
=====Install KDE=====
*Ubuntu Software Center - search for: KDE desktop
[x] kde-standard
[x] KOffice  127 MB
*Log out/log in select "KDE Plasma Workspace" on bottom bar (gdm)
:Beautiful Display on Samsung SyncMaster S20B350 HDMI 1600x900 @60Hz PP
*"Sugar in a window" (sugar-emulator) works
*TrimSlicePro Setup Booted from 64 GB SDXC Card in front slot
:(SDXC files are expanded to 30 GB plus 30 GB 2nd Partition MyFiles-see text for details)
*TrimSlicePro Running KDE-Desktop -plus sugar-emulator (0.90.1)
