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== Summary of bug-fixes/enhancements ==
== Summary of bug-fixes/enhancements ==
Keyword: dx2
[dx2] Server side tool required for interpreting feedback reports
[dx2] Maze messes up the mouse pointer scheme
[dx2] Write-72 does not save properly as RTF
[dx2] Spanish translation for 'feedback' could be better
[dx2] Scratch-13 and 20100321 cannot record a picture on XO-1
[dx2] Scratch version 20100321 should be corrected as it will always remain the latest version
OO4kids failling to start on an XO-1.0
[dx2] Speak-21: translation issues for some strings
[dx2] Include tux-paint like stamping feature in Paint
TurtleBlocks-106 fails to launch on latest jhbuild | reports missing camera module
[dx2] Flakey issue with mouse pointer theme
Keyword: dx3
Neighborhood view is sometimes greyed out or owner buddy is missing
[dx3] Control panel -> Accessibility -> "Cancel" button doesn't work
[dx3] Build dx3ng010 for xo-1 tries to install q3a62 firmware (which is actually meant for xo-1.5)
[dx3] dx3ng010-xo1.5: boot animation has too many hydrogen atoms
python-beautiful soup dependency lacking on dextrose (was:Read-89 does not start on Sugar 0.88)
Speak Detection of australian-english
[dx3] Include resource indicator icon in dx3-dev builds (<=dx3ng027)
Check if flash in dx3 is click to enable
Inconsistent subtitle appears on "home view" for browse activity.
English AU lacking on My Settings - Language.
Keyword: dextrose
{| class="wikitable"
! Ticket
Erasure of downloaded Activity entries in Journal permanently removes the code bundle
! Summary
failed registration breaks registration for the session
|Keyword: dx2
Copying files multiple times results in bogus names
|[dx2] Server side tool required for interpreting feedback reports
Activity data directory should be deleted when an activity is deleted
Pulsing icon delayed by 5 seconds or so
|[dx2] Maze messes up the mouse pointer scheme
[Enhancement] Protected Activities
|[dx2] Write-72 does not save properly as RTF
Datastore index corruption
Registration fails if user name contains ":"
|[dx2] Spanish translation for 'feedback' could be better
Generate olpc-bootanim with Dextrose logo
|[dx2] Scratch-13 and 20100321 cannot record a picture on XO-1
Buddy icon not re-centered on screen rotation
Speak 16 speaks too fast on os300py on XO-1
|[dx2] Scratch version 20100321 should be corrected as it will always remain the latest version
Speak's robot is missing a lot of nouns in os300py on XO-1
|OO4kids failling to start on an XO-1.0
dead.letter ~root on os300py on XO-1
~bernie directory on os300py on XO-1
|[dx2] Speak-21: translation issues for some strings
read pixel pushes an int to stack
|[dx2] Include tux-paint like stamping feature in Paint
rotation on xo-1 results in poor layout and graphics corruption
time data ... does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
|TurtleBlocks-106 fails to launch on latest jhbuild | reports missing camera module
os373pyg on XO-1 shows linux startup messages rather than sugar splashscreen
|[dx2] Flakey issue with mouse pointer theme
metadata-only update sets filesize property to 0
|Keyword: dx3
Fototoon 3 does not show controls when speech bubble first selected
physics on os373pyg on XO-1.5 missing the stop button
|Neighborhood view is sometimes greyed out or owner buddy is missing
Cannot connect to adhoc network with name less than 8 characters
|[dx3] Control panel -> Accessibility -> "Cancel" button doesn't work
Speak's robot is missing a some nouns in os439dg on XO-1.5
Image Viewer consumes large amounts of memory and CPU, does not view images
|[dx3] Build dx3ng010 for xo-1 tries to install q3a62 firmware (which is actually meant for xo-1.5)
Virtual Keyboard not-closing
|[dx3] dx3ng010-xo1.5: boot animation has too many hydrogen atoms
Dextrose, browse115 fails on dialog box, os439dg
Read keyboard scroll doesn't work on startup or after a click in the toolbar
|python-beautiful soup dependency lacking on dextrose (was:Read-89 does not start on Sugar 0.88)
Screencast Activity needs another Icon
|Speak Detection of australian-english
|[dx3] Include resource indicator icon in dx3-dev builds (<=dx3ng027)
|Check if flash in dx3 is click to enable
|Inconsistent subtitle appears on "home view" for browse activity.
|English AU lacking on My Settings - Language.
|Keyword: dextrose
|Erasure of downloaded Activity entries in Journal permanently removes the code bundle
|failed registration breaks registration for the session
|Copying files multiple times results in bogus names
|Activity data directory should be deleted when an activity is deleted
|Pulsing icon delayed by 5 seconds or so
|[Enhancement] Protected Activities
|Datastore index corruption
|Registration fails if user name contains ":"
|Generate olpc-bootanim with Dextrose logo
|Buddy icon not re-centered on screen rotation
|Speak 16 speaks too fast on os300py on XO-1
|Speak's robot is missing a lot of nouns in os300py on XO-1
|dead.letter ~root on os300py on XO-1
|~bernie directory on os300py on XO-1
|read pixel pushes an int to stack
|rotation on xo-1 results in poor layout and graphics corruption
|time data ... does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
|os373pyg on XO-1 shows linux startup messages rather than sugar splashscreen
|metadata-only update sets filesize property to 0
|Fototoon 3 does not show controls when speech bubble first selected
|physics on os373pyg on XO-1.5 missing the stop button
|Cannot connect to adhoc network with name less than 8 characters
|Speak's robot is missing a some nouns in os439dg on XO-1.5
|Image Viewer consumes large amounts of memory and CPU, does not view images
|Virtual Keyboard not-closing
|Dextrose, browse115 fails on dialog box, os439dg
|Read keyboard scroll doesn't work on startup or after a click in the toolbar
|Screencast Activity needs another Icon
