
Sugar: using the GNOME platform to build a learning platform Sugar “is a learning environment designed for children” - it is a graphical user interface, that provides tools for learning like a web-browser, a text editor and tools for expression. Su
Sugar: using the GNOME platform to build a learning platform

Sugar “is a learning environment designed for children” - it is a graphical user interface, that provides tools for learning like a web-browser, a text editor and tools for expression. Sugar is developed using the GNOME platform, the libraries that are used in the GNOME desktop like GTK+, Metacity or Evince.

Recently we had to adopt to major upstream changes, the switch from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3 and from static Python bindings to dynamic bindings using gobject-introspection is a major transition for us, in this talk we will also highlight the challenges with this.
