3) Save file as either Pagennn.xls or Pagennn.ods. Both formats are acceptable.
3) Save file as either Pagennn.xls or Pagennn.ods. Both formats are acceptable.
3) Repeat process from step 3 with next 9 Page files in the zip.
4) Visually review (copyedit) each of the PDF file and spreadsheet file pairs. Try to correct any errors introduced by the OCR process (for example a a "b" is sometimes OCR'ed as an "h" and vice-versa. Pay special attention to characters with accents of other diacritical marks.
4) Visually review (copyedit) each of the PDF file and spreadsheet file pairs. Try to correct any errors introduced by the OCR process (for example a a "b" is sometimes OCR'ed as an "h" and vice-versa. Pay special attention to characters with accents of other diacritical marks.
5) Repeat process from step 3 with next 9 Page files in the zip.
6) Submit the spreadsheet files to the task mentor for review/sing-off.