
New page: <pre> Aug 28 18:02:27 <ChristophD> hey everyone! Aug 28 18:04:28 <marcopg_> hi ChristophD Aug 28 18:04:33 <marcopg_> waiting for tomeu and erikos Aug 28 18:04:40 <marcopg_> they disappeare...
Aug 28 18:02:27 <ChristophD> hey everyone!
Aug 28 18:04:28 <marcopg_> hi ChristophD
Aug 28 18:04:33 <marcopg_> waiting for tomeu and erikos
Aug 28 18:04:40 <marcopg_> they disappeared it seem
Aug 28 18:04:58 <ChristophD> okay
Aug 28 18:06:42 <-- dirakx has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
Aug 28 18:07:38 --> dirakx (n=rafael@ has joined #sugar-meeting
Aug 28 18:09:21 <tomeu> back!
Aug 28 18:09:39 <marcopg_> erikos: ?
Aug 28 18:09:46 <tomeu> who else is missing?
Aug 28 18:09:48 <marcopg_> he must be having 10th breakfast
Aug 28 18:09:54 <tomeu> at least
Aug 28 18:10:21 <ChristophD> greg is still missing, said he'd come
Aug 28 18:13:02 <tomeu> ok, I can wait
Aug 28 18:13:13 <ChristophD> I can wait until dinner ;)
Aug 28 18:13:49 --> HoboPrimate ( has joined #sugar-meeting
Aug 28 18:14:00 <erikos> yup yup
Aug 28 18:14:16 <erikos> sorry had to get a bit of fresh air
Aug 28 18:14:43 <ChristophD> no worries
Aug 28 18:15:02 <ChristophD> let's give greg 5 more minutes and then start, ok?
Aug 28 18:15:51 <erikos> ok with me
Aug 28 18:19:31 <ChristophD> okay, lets get started, shall we?
Aug 28 18:19:44 <erikos> yup
Aug 28 18:20:14 <marcopg_> ChristophD: what was the wiki page?
Aug 28 18:20:20 <ChristophD>
Aug 28 18:20:32 <ChristophD> first of all, anything else we might want to add to the wiki?
Aug 28 18:20:45 <ChristophD> I havent had time to go through all our mails but think we did get the main points
Aug 28 18:21:10 <marcopg_> so friday
Aug 28 18:21:20 <marcopg_> activity startup...
Aug 28 18:21:42 <marcopg_> tomeu: any idea how do we go about this?
Aug 28 18:21:51 <marcopg_> tomeu: you have rl stuff we can work on?
Aug 28 18:22:03 <tomeu> marcopg_: he has been opening tickets
Aug 28 18:22:11 <tomeu> should have the performance keyword
Aug 28 18:22:28 <marcopg_> tomeu: do you think that's something we can hack on at fudcon?
Aug 28 18:22:37 <marcopg_> just wondering if we can involve people in it etc
Aug 28 18:22:38 <tomeu> let me make a query
Aug 28 18:22:49 <marcopg_> we won't have many XO I guess?
Aug 28 18:23:23 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I guess each one of us will have one?
Aug 28 18:23:26 * erikos can bring 3 xo's
Aug 28 18:23:33 <ChristophD> erikos, great!
Aug 28 18:23:37 <tomeu>
Aug 28 18:23:44 <tomeu> I can bring 2
Aug 28 18:23:52 <marcopg_> ChristophD: yeah wondering about the fudcon people
Aug 28 18:24:12 <tomeu> marcopg_: would be cool to find people which know about any of the involved areas better than us
Aug 28 18:24:28 <marcopg_> yeah
Aug 28 18:24:31 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I'm sure some fedora folks also have XOs
Aug 28 18:24:44 <ChristophD> question is how many
Aug 28 18:25:09 <marcopg_> 2+2+3
Aug 28 18:25:19 <marcopg_> those are 7 already
Aug 28 18:25:31 <erikos> bernie must have some as well
Aug 28 18:25:33 <marcopg_> if there are another 7 between all
Aug 28 18:25:34 <marcopg_> we should be good
Aug 28 18:26:06 <ChristophD> plus as mentioned I hope to bring the classmate 2 running sugar
Aug 28 18:26:25 <ChristophD> and I'm going to set up fc9 on a 4GB sd card too
Aug 28 18:26:31 <tomeu> ChristophD: I guess we don't have any performance problems there? ;)
Aug 28 18:26:36 <marcopg_> hehe
Aug 28 18:26:45 <ChristophD> well said!
Aug 28 18:26:47 <ChristophD> :)
Aug 28 18:27:22 <erikos> Sugar on Fedora will be important i guess
Aug 28 18:27:28 <ChristophD> erikos, yep
Aug 28 18:27:39 <erikos> would be nice to have this the leading distribution after the weekend
Aug 28 18:27:46 <erikos> i mean best integrated one
Aug 28 18:27:48 <marcopg_> discussions about fedora/sugar sounds good...
Aug 28 18:27:57 <marcopg_> I wonder if we can get any actual work done there
Aug 28 18:28:03 <marcopg_> i.e. start pusing packages etc
Aug 28 18:28:19 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I think it's mostly going to be talking to people
Aug 28 18:28:47 <ChristophD> we'll just have to play it like it 1783 and we're spanish missionaries in south america ;)
Aug 28 18:29:06 <marcopg_> hehehe
Aug 28 18:29:47 <marcopg_> first day looks good to me
Aug 28 18:29:50 <marcopg_> tomeu: erikos?
Aug 28 18:29:59 <erikos> marcopg_, what?
Aug 28 18:30:11 <marcopg_> does it sound good?;)
Aug 28 18:30:32 <marcopg_> or what can we improve
Aug 28 18:30:35 <tomeu> sounds good, yeah
Aug 28 18:30:39 <ChristophD> good
Aug 28 18:30:41 <ChristophD> moving right along
Aug 28 18:30:42 <erikos> Sugar on Fedora
Aug 28 18:30:50 <erikos> that should be more in the focus i guess
Aug 28 18:30:52 <tomeu> perhaps we can add more details about the most interesting tickets and the requried knowledge for each of them
Aug 28 18:30:59 <ChristophD> saturday: who wants to prepare part #2 of the presentation?
Aug 28 18:31:39 <tomeu> I guess we should prepare between the three of us
Aug 28 18:31:48 <tomeu> marcopg_: I guess you already have some items, right?
Aug 28 18:31:50 <ChristophD> erikos, what do you suggest to do to get more focus on sugar on fc?
Aug 28 18:32:28 <erikos> ChristophD, just add this to the hacking point as well maybe
Aug 28 18:32:35 <marcopg_> tomeu: for fedora/sugar?
Aug 28 18:32:47 <erikos> ChristophD, at the moment it is in discussion 'only'
Aug 28 18:32:55 <tomeu> marcopg_: things in sugar of interest to general fedora
Aug 28 18:33:10 <ChristophD> erikos, ACK, will do
Aug 28 18:33:21 <tomeu> marcopg_: # [15~20 min] Technical part with a focus on "issues that make sense for the Fedora community" => volunteers welcome!
Aug 28 18:33:29 <ChristophD> what about Fedora/Sugar Live-CD & Live-USB? walter thinks its quite important
Aug 28 18:33:51 <marcopg_> ChristophD: for the talk?
Aug 28 18:33:53 <-- dirakx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Aug 28 18:34:31 <ChristophD> marcopg_, nope, for the discussions/hacking
Aug 28 18:34:34 <marcopg_> I'm not sure what to do the talk about
Aug 28 18:35:02 <marcopg_> ChristophD: yeah that's good, though the first step is getting good packages
Aug 28 18:35:07 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I think the talk might be a good chance to list some of the technical challenges. plus q/a should be good!
Aug 28 18:35:31 <marcopg_> technical challenges for sugar or stuff related to packaging only?
Aug 28 18:35:36 <ChristophD> marcopg_, okay, then let's "talk" about live-stuff but focus on sugar on fedora. is that what you're suggesting?
Aug 28 18:35:42 <tomeu> why sugar would be important for the fedora education group, as well
Aug 28 18:35:50 <marcopg_> ChristophD: make sense
Aug 28 18:35:55 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I'd say anything where the fedora folks can help us
Aug 28 18:35:55 <marcopg_> oh yeah
Aug 28 18:36:06 <marcopg_> we really need to talk with the education people if they are there
Aug 28 18:36:11 <ChristophD> tomeu, very good point! will put that on the wiki too
Aug 28 18:36:13 <tomeu> perhaps mentioning federico's talk about the journal
Aug 28 18:36:49 <marcopg_> I'm just not sure if the people there are mostly packagers
Aug 28 18:37:04 <marcopg_> in which case they won't care a lot about that stuff
Aug 28 18:37:14 <ChristophD> marcopg_, good question. anyone been at fudcon, what's the general audience like?
Aug 28 18:37:21 <marcopg_> I have not :/
Aug 28 18:37:34 <marcopg_> I can look at the names
Aug 28 18:37:38 <marcopg_> know some of them prolly
Aug 28 18:37:49 <ChristophD> another important question for friday: "acitivity writing tutorial"? how's that going to work?
Aug 28 18:38:01 <tomeu> yeah, I have trouble imagining how are those kind of events
Aug 28 18:38:22 <marcopg_> mmm don't know many of them
Aug 28 18:38:40 <tomeu> perhaps greg can appear later and we can ask him
Aug 28 18:38:59 <ChristophD> okay, anyone logging this so we can send it to the others?
Aug 28 18:39:17 <ChristophD> btw, we should really write a mail to IAEP right after this meeting!
Aug 28 18:39:17 <marcopg_> about activity writing...
Aug 28 18:39:33 <marcopg_> we can probably explain how to write a simple activity?
Aug 28 18:39:37 <marcopg_> and we package it up for Fedora?
Aug 28 18:39:46 <marcopg_> we don't have good system packages on Fedora atm :(
Aug 28 18:39:54 <marcopg_> maybe we should try to get them in time
Aug 28 18:40:09 <erikos> +1
Aug 28 18:40:24 <tomeu> on the ambitious side, doing a gobby clone mixing Write and XOIrc?
Aug 28 18:40:24 <erikos> i think getting the activity packaging going would be a big win
Aug 28 18:40:54 <marcopg_> heh tomeu is ambitious :(
Aug 28 18:40:56 <marcopg_> :)
Aug 28 18:41:02 <marcopg_> we can try to kick off the idea
Aug 28 18:41:07 <tomeu> put a toolbar, put abiwidget and urk inside a vbox, and voila!
Aug 28 18:41:09 <marcopg_> and see if there is interest/skills
Aug 28 18:41:25 <marcopg_> ok
Aug 28 18:41:26 <marcopg_> so
Aug 28 18:41:30 <marcopg_> we need to get package working
Aug 28 18:41:33 <marcopg_> at least the system ones
Aug 28 18:41:42 <marcopg_> or it will be *hard* to do any hacking
Aug 28 18:41:45 <ChristophD> tomeu doesn't like sleep and beer apparently (the two things that will keep us from all night hacking!)
Aug 28 18:41:58 <marcopg_> I guess I and erikos can work on that
Aug 28 18:42:02 <erikos> marcopg_, yes
Aug 28 18:42:18 <tomeu> oh, that should be a very simple example
Aug 28 18:42:22 <erikos> marcopg_, a nice friday task
Aug 28 18:42:29 <tomeu> half an hour hacks
Aug 28 18:42:32 <tomeu> :P
Aug 28 18:42:46 <marcopg_> erikos: probably we should try to have them before the meeting
Aug 28 18:42:55 <marcopg_> erikos: because it takes time to push packages etc
Aug 28 18:42:56 <ChristophD> marcopg_, +1
Aug 28 18:43:02 <erikos> marcopg_, with friday i meant tomorrow ;p
Aug 28 18:43:06 <marcopg_> oh heh
Aug 28 18:43:13 <marcopg_> ok
Aug 28 18:43:18 <marcopg_> so the technical talk
Aug 28 18:43:29 <marcopg_> we need a plan for that one :)
Aug 28 18:44:07 <ChristophD> marcopg_, I think a rough list of the 8 most important tasks at hand is enough. talk 2min about each of them. and then have a q&a. thats my idea at least
Aug 28 18:44:42 <marcopg_> ok sounds like a good plan
Aug 28 18:44:45 <marcopg_> can you add to the wiki?
Aug 28 18:45:00 <marcopg_> we can work on writing those down in the next couple of days
Aug 28 18:45:05 <tomeu> it's a shame sugar doesn't appear in
Aug 28 18:45:14 <ChristophD> tomeu, let's change that!
Aug 28 18:45:15 <marcopg_> tomeu: yeah we should get that fixed :)
Aug 28 18:45:17 <ChristophD> marcopg_, will do
Aug 28 18:45:24 <marcopg_> we should also let them know..
Aug 28 18:45:28 <marcopg_> that Fedora and now Suse
Aug 28 18:45:31 <marcopg_> has good packages :)
Aug 28 18:45:37 <marcopg_> heh
Aug 28 18:45:38 <marcopg_> I mean
Aug 28 18:45:39 <marcopg_> Ubuntu
Aug 28 18:45:42 <marcopg_> not Fedora obviously
Aug 28 18:45:50 <erikos> yeah!
Aug 28 18:45:51 <erikos> 50min session for presenting OLPC and Sugar Labs
Aug 28 18:45:57 <erikos> what is about this one
Aug 28 18:46:02 <erikos> do we have content for that?
Aug 28 18:46:26 <marcopg_> that's the one I was talking about
Aug 28 18:46:38 <tomeu> how OLPC is using Fedora
Aug 28 18:46:45 <tomeu> how Fedora could profit from Sugar
Aug 28 18:47:08 <ChristophD> erikos, yep, the current discussion is about part #2
Aug 28 18:47:18 <erikos> sorry..;p
Aug 28 18:47:25 <ChristophD> I will come up with something for part #1
Aug 28 18:47:33 <ChristophD> general overview of current state of things
Aug 28 18:47:35 <ChristophD> basically
Aug 28 18:47:41 <ChristophD> but I'm open to other ideas
Aug 28 18:47:48 * erikos totally misread
Aug 28 18:48:00 <ChristophD> and we can also discuss the details on friday evening
Aug 28 18:48:18 <ChristophD> let's also see how the sugarlab board vote turns out, thats def. something worth mentioning
Aug 28 18:48:28 <marcopg_> oh yeah
Aug 28 18:48:34 <marcopg_> when is that over?
Aug 28 18:49:33 <ChristophD> end of month I assume?
Aug 28 18:49:37 <erikos> yup
Aug 28 18:50:20 <marcopg_> ok we should mention it
Aug 28 18:50:24 <marcopg_> anyway
Aug 28 18:50:26 <marcopg_> we seem in good shape
Aug 28 18:50:29 <ChristophD> yes
Aug 28 18:50:32 <marcopg_> TODO?
Aug 28 18:50:36 <marcopg_> we should announce it clearly
Aug 28 18:50:42 <marcopg_> with logs of the meeting perhaps? ;)
Aug 28 18:51:01 <ChristophD> announcing clearly at FUDCon or in general you mean?
Aug 28 18:51:17 <marcopg_> no I mean
Aug 28 18:51:21 <marcopg_> announcing this fudcon thing
Aug 28 18:51:24 <marcopg_> on iaep/sugar
Aug 28 18:51:37 <ChristophD> marcopg_, yes, definitely
Aug 28 18:51:45 <ChristophD> we should include the log, wiki page
Aug 28 18:52:05 <ChristophD> can anyone take care of that tonight?
Aug 28 18:52:39 <ChristophD> okay, apart from the presentations which we seem to have nailed down, we shall use saturday for hacking I'd say
Aug 28 18:52:53 <tomeu> ok
Aug 28 18:53:00 <tomeu> I can do the minutes thing
Aug 28 18:53:01 <marcopg_> I can try to write a quick mail
Aug 28 18:53:04 <marcopg_> ChristophD: yeah
Aug 28 18:53:08 <ChristophD> perfect, thanks
Aug 28 18:53:25 <tomeu> greg is coming
Aug 28 18:53:26 <ChristophD> by the way, who can I write down in the wiki as being responsible for part #2 of the talk?
Aug 28 18:53:36 --> gregdek (n=gdk@nat/redhat/x-06c27374dde74f6f) has joined #sugar-meeting
Aug 28 18:53:37 <tomeu> marco, of course
Aug 28 18:53:41 <marcopg_> heh
Aug 28 18:53:43 <gregdek> Sorry, gentlemen. I am a chimp.
Aug 28 18:53:43 <tomeu> he's our speech deliverer
Aug 28 18:53:44 <ChristophD> hey greg!
Aug 28 18:53:51 <ChristophD> okay, marco it is
Aug 28 18:53:58 <tomeu> nice ;)
Aug 28 18:54:07 <erikos> hey gregdek
Aug 28 18:54:13 <tomeu> gregdek: so we were closing the meeting
Aug 28 18:54:18 <gregdek> Heh.
Aug 28 18:54:21 <gregdek> Great timing. :)
Aug 28 18:54:23 <gregdek> Sigh.
Aug 28 18:54:27 <ChristophD> hehe
Aug 28 18:54:28 <tomeu> gregdek: we have some doubts about the format of the conf
Aug 28 18:54:36 <tomeu> gregdek: as any of us have been yet on a fudcon
Aug 28 18:54:40 <gregdek> The barcamp on Saturday?
Aug 28 18:54:41 <tomeu> s/any/none
Aug 28 18:54:45 <gregdek> So it's pretty simple.
Aug 28 18:54:59 <tomeu> and the audience we are going to find
Aug 28 18:55:08 <gregdek> Basically, everyone gets in a big lineup in the beginning of the day.
Aug 28 18:55:10 <ChristophD> audience is what we're most interested in!
Aug 28 18:55:21 <gregdek> And everyone has 30 seconds to pitch their session.
Aug 28 18:55:43 <gregdek> After each person pitches a session, they tape it up to a big grid.
Aug 28 18:55:52 <gregdek> On one axis: rooms. On the other: timeslots.
Aug 28 18:56:09 <gregdek> And then the audience votes by putting check marks on the sessions they'd like to see.
Aug 28 18:56:25 <gregdek> Then people move the popular sessions to the biggest rooms.
Aug 28 18:56:28 --> dirakx (n=rafael@ has joined #sugar-meeting
Aug 28 18:56:32 <gregdek> And then people give their presentations.
Aug 28 18:56:45 <gregdek> If past experience is any guide, you guys will likely be one of the most popular.
Aug 28 18:56:48 <tomeu> oh, very different from what I thought
Aug 28 18:56:53 <ChristophD> okay, I'd suggest in case people dont vote for us we head to the nearest brewery and give the talk with the hard core fans there!
Aug 28 18:57:05 <gregdek> Alcohol is always an option. ;)
Aug 28 18:57:06 <erikos> haha
Aug 28 18:57:14 <tomeu> need to ask for good places in brno
Aug 28 18:57:24 <tomeu> their local brand is pretty good
Aug 28 18:57:24 <gregdek> I'm sure our hosts will be very forthcoming.
Aug 28 18:57:29 <ChristophD> yep
Aug 28 18:58:03 <ChristophD> okay, so do we all have a basic understanding of what we have to do in the next 7 days? anything else we need to discuss
Aug 28 18:58:03 <tomeu> so we have many good ideas, we should make sure they are in the wiki
Aug 28 18:58:13 * ChristophD is hungry ;)
Aug 28 18:58:29 <erikos> ok looks good to me
Aug 28 18:58:30 <ChristophD> tomeu, I tried to copy the most important points from the discussion into the wiki, please review!
Aug 28 18:58:36 <erikos> marcopg_, and i do packaging work
Aug 28 18:58:44 <tomeu> marcopg_: when you announce the fudcon, you could put something about people not coming being able to help
Aug 28 18:58:52 <tomeu> marcopg_: for example for the activity tutorial
Aug 28 18:58:58 <marcopg_> tomeu: what do you mean?
Aug 28 18:59:01 <erikos> tomeu, +1
Aug 28 18:59:06 <tomeu> there are lots of things that can be reused across confs
Aug 28 18:59:14 <erikos> marcopg_, helping putting it together
Aug 28 18:59:28 <erikos> marcopg_, or providing their notes
Aug 28 18:59:39 <erikos> marcopg_, i am sure walter has a lot of slights etc
Aug 28 18:59:54 <tomeu> marcopg_: there is some preparation work that can be done by people that aren't going to attend this conference
Aug 28 19:00:04 <tomeu> marcopg_: and some of that work can also be used in other future conferences
Aug 28 19:00:12 <marcopg_> tomeu: I won't be able to write new stuff tonight :(
Aug 28 19:00:25 <marcopg_> I was thinking to just write a quick mail referincing the wiki page
Aug 28 19:00:29 <marcopg_> want to do it?
Aug 28 19:00:34 * marcopg_ swamped :/
Aug 28 19:00:48 <tomeu> marcopg_: ok will do it
Aug 28 19:00:55 <marcopg_> awesome, thanks
Aug 28 19:00:55 <tomeu> will be a very short email, though
Aug 28 19:01:21 <tomeu> gregdek: what about the fedora education sig? are they well aware of sugar?
Aug 28 19:02:02 <gregdek> The Fedora Education SIG is Sebastian Dziallas, mostly. :)
Aug 28 19:02:21 <gregdek> And yes, he knows all about it.
Aug 28 19:02:48 <tomeu> oh, I see
Aug 28 19:03:12 <ChristophD> gregdek, will he be at fudcon?
Aug 28 19:04:52 <gregdek> Unclear.
Aug 28 19:04:54 <gregdek> Let me ask.
Aug 28 19:04:57 <ChristophD> thx
Aug 28 19:04:59 <tomeu> would be cool
Aug 28 19:05:12 <marcopg_> gregdek: he is also leading Fedora on XO=
Aug 28 19:05:13 <marcopg_> ?
Aug 28 19:05:20 <ChristophD> okay, unfortunately I have to go now, I'll follow up with the log later and we'll be in touch anyway... bye
Aug 28 19:05:32 <marcopg_> ChristophD: thanks!
Aug 28 19:05:34 <marcopg_> see you
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