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== What's new ==
== What's new ==
This page is updated each week (usually on Monday morning) with notes from the Sugar Labs community. (The digest is also sent to the community-news at list, blogged at [], and [[Archive/Current Events|archived here]].) If you would like to contribute, please send email to [[User:walter|walter]] at by the weekend. (Also visit <span class="plainlinks">[].</span>)
This page is updated every few weeks with notes from the Sugar Labs community. (The digest is also sent to the community-news at list, blogged at [], and [[Archive/Current Events|archived here]].) If you would like to contribute, please send email to [[User:walter|walter]] at by the weekend. (Also visit <span class="plainlinks">[].</span>)
== Sugar Digest ==
== Sugar Digest ==
It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies. They are not here to worship what is known, but to question it. --Jacob Bronowski
1. Sugar Labs will be participating in Google Code-in again this year. Ignacio
Rodriguez and I are the program administrators and are gathering
suggestions for bite-sized tasks in coding, documentation, research, design,
and outreach. We'll also be scouring the open issues in the various
Sugar-related repos for tasks. Please pass your suggestions our way. Also, if
you are interested in mentoring, please contact me. Finally, it would great if
you could help spread the word about the contest among educators so that we can
reach out to as many potential participants as possible (the contest is open to
13-17 year olds). GCI is a great opportunity to recruit new talent into the
community. Details of the contest are available at []. The Sugar Labs page
describing our participation is at [[Google Code In 2017]].
1. It has been a long while since my last post. Too much travel. I started writing this post sitting at the gate in Tel Aviv, waiting for my flight to New York to depart. (My second overnight flight in three days.) Since then, I have also been to Sydney and back (for the second time in two months).
2. There is a new release of Music Blocks available [ 3]. Features include a
marked improvement in performance and lots of bug fixes. Tip of the hat to
Two things brought me to Tel Aviv: the Shaping the Future conference on educational technology and the possibility of a Sugar deployment in the Negev.
Devin Ulibarri, Edgar Quispe, and Euan Ong for their contributions to this
The conference, sponsored by CET [] was very stimulating. I hung out in the policy track to try to get an insight into the government decision-making process. Not sure I came away with any new ideas, but I did make some new friends, including former governor Bob Wise from West Virginia. The governor knows Idit Harel, whose MamaMedia group contributed some early apps [] to Sugar. He is presently President, Alliance for Excellent Education []. I was impressed by his pragmatism.
CET itself is quite impressive in the degree to which they mix deep thinking about pedagogy with practical development of learning materials. Many thanks to my hosts, Gila, Avi, and Cecelia. They will be involved in whatever ends up happening in the Negev. It is looking as if it will be an Android tablet deployment, so they are hoping to pull together a team to help the Sugar community to accelerate its efforts to get Sugar (or a Sugar-like experience) running on Android. Stay tuned.
I met up with Claudia Urrea and Gonzalo Odiard in Sydney. We spend five days with Rangan Srikhanta and the OLPC AU team. The first day we visited a school in the outskirts of Sydney that is using Sugar. I was thrilled to see the children engaged in problem solving, using the computer as a tool, working in small groups in the classroom, each group self-directed. No babysitting with rote-learning games.
At the OLPC AU office, we spent several days brainstorming about ways to add value to the overall program in Australia, which goes beyond distributing hardware and software to providing training, support, and sharing of resources. It is a program with great potential.
One highlight was meeting Ian Mackie, who is deeply invested in the prosperity of the indigenous peoples of Australia. He is excited about the prospects of getting local language support into Sugar. I have connected him with Chris Leonard.
I also got to spend some time with a former student, Vadim Gerasimov, who is working for Google in Sydney. Vadim is helping me with a GDrive webservice for Sugar. We have a command-line version working and I hope to have it integrated into Sugar in short order.
2. During my blogging hiatus, Google Summer of Code began. Our Google Summer of Code students are Kalpa, Marion, Rahul, Suraj, Akshit, Anna, Casey, and Erik. We have a group meeting every Friday at 13:00 EST on #sugar-meeting. Please join us.
3. I neglected to mention that Sugar Labs has received about 200 USB keys from the Recycle USB program [] run by Nexcopy []. My plan is to distribute these keys (with Sugar installed) on Turtle Art Day, which is scheduled for 12 October.
=== In the community ===
4. The RIT Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction & Creativity (MAGIC) is pleased to announce that a student-led project entitled “Sky Time” has been selected for inclusion in the White House Champions of Change event on July 23rd in Washington, D.C. [].
=== Tech Talk ===
5. A few months back, George Hunt announced the release of XSCE 0.3 []:
* XSCE now runs on the XO-1.5,XO-1.75 and  XO-4.
* Modular Architecture: cleanly integrate extendable services.
* XSCE runs on the XOs' current OS 13.1.0 (we discovered some wrinkles with 13.2.0 which push its use off to the next release)
* Moodle is Back!
* Content filtering via
* Script for formatting of SD cards, and integration into system for content sto
rage and memory extending swap file (does not work on XO4's)
Since then, there has been another School Server code sprint (hosted by Jerry Vonau) documented here [].
6. We are making much progress on the road to the Sugar 0.100 (1.0) release. Daniel Narveaz and Manuel Quiñones continue pushing forward on the HTML5/Javascript support []. Suraj has been blogging about his efforts []. I spent the weekend  writing my first JS Sugar activity []. Lots to learn.
=== Sugar Labs ===
7. Please visit (and contribute to) our planet [].
3. Congratulations to Lionel, Sameer, and Adam for being re-elected to the Sugar
Labs oversight board. (And thanks to everyone who voted for my return to the
board as well.) Our next meeting is on 3 November at 19UTC in the #sugar-meeting channel of
== Community News archive ==
== Community News archive ==
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==Sugar in the news==
==Sugar in the news==
|align=right valign=top|29 Apr 2019||'''EdTechzine''' &ndash; [ Learn programming with an approach from music and mathematics! Model class of "Music Blocks"] (in Japanese)
|align=right valign=top|29 Apr 2019||'''EdTechzine''' &ndash; [ What is the relationship between music, mathematics and computer science? Interview with the developer of the programming learning tool "Music Blocks"] (in Japanese)
|align=right valign=top|11 Apr 2019||'''Linux Journal''' &ndash; [ Linux... Do It Children]
|align=right valign=top|14 Dec 2018||'''PR Times JA''' &ndash; [ 2020年必修化のためのプログラミング学習ソフト「Music Blocks」教員向け研究会 参加者募集中 ~経済産業省『「未来の教室」実証事業』] Programming learning software for 2020 compulsory "Music Blocks" Recruiting participants for faculty members ~ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Future classroom" demonstration project
|align=right valign=top|14 Dec 2018||'''PR Times JA''' &ndash; [ 話題のプログラミング教育を体験しよう!] Programming education with Music Blocks
|align=right valign=top|31 Aug 2018||'''GMO''' &ndash; [ Fusion of programming and art, mathematics. Gakken × "Music Blocks" プログラミングとアート、数学の融合。学研×「Music Blocks」]
|align=right valign=top|23 May 2018||'''Vida Actual''' &ndash; [ El adolescente uruguayo al que Google le pidió que deje de hackearlo]
|align=right valign=top|16 April 2018||'''The Verge''' &ndash; [ OLPC's 100 Laptop was Going to change the world &ndash; then it all went wrong]
|align=right valign=top|8 Mar 2018||'''Oxford News''' &ndash; [ Schoolboy wins trip to Google HQ after coding contest victory]
|align=right valign=top|9 Nov 2017||'''Open Source''' &ndash; [ What's the current state of Linux distros for kids?]
|align=right valign=top|17 Aug 2017||'''ABC News''' &ndash; [ Google awards Uruguay high school student $10K for finding security bug]
|align=right valogn=top|02 Nov 2016||'''BBVA''' &ndash; [ Sociedad de la Creatividad - desafíos de hoy para el futuro] (video)
|align=right valign=top|23 Oct 2016||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ La computación es una herramienta para promover agentes de cambio]
|align=right valign=top|23 Jul 2016||'''La Tercera''' &ndash; [ Cuando todos están de acuerdo con todos es bastante peligroso]
|align=right valign=top|02 May 2016||'''Fedora Insider''' &ndash; [ Fedora-based Sugar on a Stick is one sweet desktop]
|align=right valign=top|09 Feb 2016||'''''' &ndash; [ DOS URUGUAYOS ENTRE GANADORES DEL CONCURSO GOOGLE CODE-IN]
|align=right valign=top|28 Aug 2015||'''Musson Foundation''' &ndash; [ Jamaica Girls Code] (video)
|align=right valign=top|28 Aug 2015||'''Google Open Source''' &ndash; [ My sweet adventures with Sugar Labs and Google Code-in]
|align=right valign=top|09 May 2015||'''La Prensa''' &ndash; [ De alumnos a creadores de su aprendizaje]
|align=right valign=top|30 Apr 2015||'''Diario La República''' &ndash; [ Swedish researcher visited Uruguay to meet the project Butiá]
|align=right valign=top|24 Apr 2015||'''Jamaica Observer''' &ndash; [ Future Coders]
|align=right valign=top|24 Apr 2015||'''Jamaica Information Service''' &ndash; [ State minister urges young women to enter ICT sector]
|align=right valign=top|6 Feb 2015||'''Cromo''' &ndash; [ El chico Google]
|align=right valign=top|5 Feb 2015||'''Capital Noticias Canelones''' &ndash; [ El joven de Canelones, Ignacio Rodríguez, ganó nuevamente la competencia de programación de Google.] (video)
|align=right valign=top|3 Feb 2015||'''''' &ndash; [ Código joven]
|align=right valign=top|1 Dec 2014||'''Google Open Source Blog''' &ndash; [ 3, 2, 1 Code-in: Inviting teens to contribute to open source]
|align=right valign=top|7 Oct 2014||'''Kauffman Report''' &ndash; [ Paraguay Thirsty for 21st-Century Education]
|align=right valign=top|25 Sep 2014||'''ANEP''' &ndash; [ Fecundo intercambio de jovenes de todo el mundo en encuentro de programadores]
|align=right valign=top|12 Jun 2014||'''Producción Nacional''' &ndash; [ Innovando con XO] (video)
|align=right valign=top|28 Apr 2014||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ Paraguay Educa realiza talleres de programación y de robótica]
|align=right valign=top|21 Apr 2014||'''El Tiempo''' &ndash; [ 'Cada niño podría ser un maestro del 'software': Walter Bender]
|align=right valign=top|2 Apr 2014||'''''' &ndash; [ Antel vuelta a clases] (video)
|align=right valign=top|4 Feb 2014||'''La Diaria''' &ndash; [ En código]
|align=right valign=top|24 Jan 2014||'''Espectador''' &ndash; [ Entre los ganadores del concurso anual de programación de Google Code-in hay nuevamente un joven uruguayo]
|align=right valign=top|23 Jan 2014||'''El Pais''' &ndash; [ Le enseña a sus profesores y ahora lo premia Google]
|align=right valign=top|20 Jan 2014||'''Google Open Source Blog''' &ndash; [ Google Code-in 2013 - drumroll please!]
|align=right valign=top|28 Nov 2013||'''BBVA Paraguay''' &ndash; [ Turtle Art Day in Caacupé] (video)
|align=right valign=top|17 Oct 2013||'''ANTEL Integra''' &ndash; [ Turtle Art: la plataforma del Butiá]
|align=right valign=top|14 Oct 2013||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ Software libre es tema de paneles en la cumbre]
|align=right valign=top|14 Oct 2013||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ Programar ayuda a los niños a pensar]
|align=right valign=top|14 Oct 2013||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ Hoy es el Día de TortugArte, en Caacupé]
|align=right valign=top|14 Oct 2013||'''ABC Color''' &ndash; [ Las TIC en la educación son clave para el desarrollo del país, aseguran]
|align=right valign=top|12 Oct 2013||'''Cromo''' &ndash; [ M’hijo el programador]
|align=right valign=top|08 Aug 2013||'''News1''' &ndash; [ Interview with former MIT Media Lab director] (in Korean)
|align=right valign=top|12 Jul 2013||'''RIT''' &ndash; [ ‘Sky Time’ video game selected for White House Champions of Change event July 23]
|align=right valign=top|12 Jul 2013||'''RIT''' &ndash; [ ‘Sky Time’ video game selected for White House Champions of Change event July 23]
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|align=right valign=top|06 Feb 2013||'''el Observador''' &ndash; [ Joven uruguayo gana la competencia Google Code] (Also see [ GCI press interviews])
|align=right valign=top|06 Feb 2013||'''el Observador''' &ndash; [ Joven uruguayo gana la competencia Google Code] (Also see [ GCI press interviews])
|align=right valign=top|Jan 2013||'''Raspberry Pi Geek''' &ndash; [ Pi with Sugar and turtles as a learning tool]
|align=right valign=top|07 Sep 2012||'''NDTV''' &ndash; [ One Laptop Per Child initiative a hit in rural India]
|align=right valign=top|07 Sep 2012||'''NDTV''' &ndash; [ One Laptop Per Child initiative a hit in rural India]
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|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2010||'''National Science Foundation''' &ndash; [ XO Laptops Inspire Learning In Birmingham, Alabama] ([ video])
|align=right valign=top|14&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2010||'''National Science Foundation''' &ndash; [ XO Laptops Inspire Learning In Birmingham, Alabama] ([ video])
|align=right valign=top|02&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2010||<div class="NavFrame collapsed"><div class="NavHead">'''Dailymotion''' &ndash; [ Un jour... à Paris... ensembles pour OLPC et Sugar...] (video) </div><div class="NavContent">{{#widget:Daily Motion
|align=right valign=top|02&nbsp;Apr&nbsp;2010||<div class="NavFrame collapsed"><div class="NavHead">'''Dailymotion''' &ndash; [ Un jour... à Paris... ensembles pour OLPC et Sugar...] (video </div></div>
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2010||'''''' &ndash; [ Birmingham City students opt to spend spring break in class, XO computer camps] (video)
|align=right valign=top|15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2010||'''''' &ndash; [ Birmingham City students opt to spend spring break in class, XO computer camps] (video)
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|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Twenty-three Questions on Technology and Education]
|align=right valign=top|06&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''OLPC News''' &ndash; [ Twenty-three Questions on Technology and Education]
|align=right valign=top|03&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2008||'''Wired''' &ndash; [ Inventing a new paradigm: Sugar Labs and Sugar]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ evaluating Sugar in the developed world]
|align=right valign=top|18&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2008||'''Bill Kerr''' &ndash; [ evaluating Sugar in the developed world]
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==Press releases==
==Press releases==
[ See our Press Page]
[[Category:General public]]
[[Category:General public]]