
2,114 bytes added ,  09:11, 25 July 2013
Created page with "==About ClipArt== File:ClipArt-icon.svg ClipArt is a tool for moving artwork found in other Sugar activities into the Sugar Journal. 300px == Wher..."
==About ClipArt==


ClipArt is a tool for moving artwork found in other Sugar activities into the Sugar Journal.


== Where to get ClipArt ==
The ClipArt activity is available for download from the [ Sugar Activity Library]: [ ClipArt]

The source code is available on [ the Sugar Labs Gitorious server].

== Using ClipArt ==

ClipArt scans Sugar activities for artwork (png, svg, jpg, and gif). It presents these artworks in a viewer, allowing the user to select images that are then copied to the Sugar Journal. Once the artwork is in the Sugar Journal, it is available for use in other Sugar activities.

For example, bundled with the Turtle Flags activity are images of national flags. Individual flags can be transferred to the Sugar Journal and used with Write, Fototoons, et al.

=== The Toolbars ===


:from left to right
;Activity-toolbar Button: opens standard Sugar activity toolbar
;Save-image Button: saves the selected image to the Journal
;Stop Button: used to exit the activity

== Learning with ClipArt ==

ClipArt is a utility for expanding the set of graphics resources available to other Sugar activities.

== Modifying Story ==

* Add new images to ClipArt by putting them in the images folder of the activity.


Your suggestions for enhancements and/or use cases...

== Where to report problems ==
You can ''soon'' report bugs and make feature requests [ on our bug-tracking system] (You need to create an account first). To list all open tickets of Story you can use [ query component=Story]. You are also welcome to leave comments/suggestions on the [[Talk:Activities/ClipArt]] page.

== Credits ==
ClipArt was written and is maintained by [[User:Walter]]. He was inspired in part by Laura Ewing.
