
Created page with "==Sugar Digest== 1. Wow. We've surpassed 10 million downloads from 2. Daniel Narvaez just released Sugar 0.101.4 (unstable). See 0.102/Notes for..."
==Sugar Digest==

1. Wow. We've surpassed 10 million downloads from

2. Daniel Narvaez just released Sugar 0.101.4 (unstable). See [[0.102/Notes]] for detailed notes on changes since Sugar 0.100. We've entered Feature Freeze. Time to chase down bugs.

3. In preparing the release notes, it was really nice to see how many contributors we have. It was also remarkable to see how many commits were made by Gonzalo Odiard. Kudos.

4. Google Summer of Code applications can be submitted beginning Monday, 10 March. Applications close on 21 March. See [[Summer_of_Code#How_to_participate]].

=== In the community ===

5. Sugar Camp #3 - Paris, hosted by Bastien Guerry, will be held from 12-13 April in Carrefour Numérique - Cité des Sciences. For more information, see [].

=== Sugar Labs ===

6. Please visit our planet [].

[[Category:Sugar Digest]]