
New page: == Enabling debug logs for Telepathy == When there are certain kinds of problems with collaboration, it is useful to developers to have log files for debugging purposes. Here is how to en...
== Enabling debug logs for Telepathy ==

When there are certain kinds of problems with collaboration, it is useful to developers to have log files for debugging purposes. Here is how to enable these log files. If you haven't already seen [[BugSquad/GetLog]], see that page first.

* [ Enable your <tt>/home/olpc/.xsession</tt> file]
cp /home/olpc/.xsession-example /home/olpc/.xsession
* Edit .xsession and uncomment the lines about GABBLE_DEBUG, GABBLE_LOGFILE, SALUT_DEBUG, SALUT_LOGFILE and PRESENCESERVICE_DEBUG by removing the initial '#' character
* For debugging lower level problems in the Telepathy connection managers, enable LM_DEBUG (for [[telepathy-gabble]]) or GIBBER_DEBUG (for [[telepathy-salut]]). Note that these will produce much bigger log files.
* Reboot

Telepathy log files are now available at <tt>/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/telepathy-gabble.log</tt> and <tt>/home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/telepathy-salut.log</tt> .
Be sure to attach these files if you submit a ticket about a Telepathy issue.

== Capturing core files ==

Core files are produced when a program crashes and contain useful debugging information. By default, core files are disabled on the XO. Here is how to enable them.

* As root:

echo /tmp/core-%p-%e > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

: This tells the kernel to put core files into the /tmp directory. This will only be effective until the laptop is rebooted. To make it persistent across reboots, add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:

kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core-%p-%e

* Add the following line to <tt>/home/olpc/.xsession</tt>:

ulimit -c unlimited

This turns off any limit on core file size.

[[category:developers]] [[category:software]]

== Debugging scenarios ==


* no presence seen on (or of) other machines/laptops
* activity was shared but doesn't appear on other laptops
* invitation was sent but not received
* other sharing problems

