
Created page with "In attendance: SLOB members: walterbender, Claudia Urrea, Gonzalo Odiard, Daniel Francis, Jose Miguel, Chris Leonard Community members: Martin Abente, Ignaci..."
In attendance:

SLOB members: [[User:Walter|walterbender]], Claudia Urrea, Gonzalo Odiard, Daniel Francis, Jose Miguel, Chris Leonard

Community members: Martin Abente, Ignacio Rodriguez, Sebastian , Laura Vargas, John Tierney

== Agenda ==

# Youth Summit
# Trip Advisor grant
# Google Code In
# Upcoming Election

=== Youth Summit ===
We did a post mortem on the .UY Youth Summit 20-23 September 2014. Kudos to Daniel Francis and Jose Miguel for a great event.

=== Trip Advisor ===
The Trip Advisor grant has been renewed, so we can solicit more translation/localization work (please contact cjl if you have a language you'd like to support) and more Turtle Art Days (please contact walter if you'd like a Turtle Art Day in your venue).

=== Google Code In ===
We agreed to once again apply for a position in Google Code In. Please contact walter regarding mentoring and tasks.

=== Upcoming Election ===
Four SLOB seats are opening up: Gonzalo, Daniel, Claudia, and Adam. Please see [[Oversight_Board/2014-2015-candidates]] if you are interested in running for one of the open seats. Also, please see [[Sugar_Labs/Members]] to ensure you are a member of Sugar Labs and hence eligible to vote.

== Log ==