
7,041 bytes added ,  15:24, 3 December 2014
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Sugar is written and maintained by volunteers, who range from seasoned professionals to children as young as 12-years of age. Children who have grown up with Sugar have transitioned from Sugar users to Sugar App developers to Sugar maintainers. They hang out on IRC with the global Sugar developer community and are full-fledged members of the Sugar development team. It is this latter group of children we hope will participate in and benefit from Google Code-in. Specifically we want to re-enforce the message that Sugar belongs to its users and that they have both ownership and the responsibility that ownership implies. Just as learning is not something done to you, but something you do, learning with Sugar ultimately means participating in the Sugar development process. At Sugar Labs, we are trying to bring the culture of Free Software into the culture of school. So the Code-in is not just an opportunity for us to get some tasks accomplished, it is quintessential to our overall mission.
Sugar is written and maintained by volunteers, who range from seasoned professionals to children as young as 12-years of age. Children who have grown up with Sugar have transitioned from Sugar users to Sugar App developers to Sugar maintainers. They hang out on IRC with the global Sugar developer community and are full-fledged members of the Sugar development team. It is this latter group of children we hope will participate in and benefit from Google Code-in. Specifically we want to re-enforce the message that Sugar belongs to its users and that they have both ownership and the responsibility that ownership implies. Just as learning is not something done to you, but something you do, learning with Sugar ultimately means participating in the Sugar development process. At Sugar Labs, we are trying to bring the culture of Free Software into the culture of school. So the Code-in is not just an opportunity for us to get some tasks accomplished, it is quintessential to our overall mission.
== Some background from GCI ==
===Open Source Fundamentals ===
You can contribute without being a coder!
You do not have to be a coder to contribute to open source. There are many different skill sets needed to help an open source community thrive:
;Documentation: If you are a good writer and enjoy attention to detail then you might want to contribute by writing or editing documentation. Documentation is a huge part of a successful open source project. Organizations need documentation to help attract new contributors as it helps them see what the codebase looks like and where things are and what the plan is for the project.
;Research: An organization may need help crunching numbers or sorting through pages of documents to better understand what the users want or need.  There are many different types of tasks that students could work on that are very important to the health of the project.
;Outreach: If you have an outgoing personality and like being around and talking to people, take a look at the outreach tasks. Outreach tasks often include hosting meetups in your local community or creating a plan on how people around the globe can host a meetup about the project in their local communities.
;Training: You could create a YouTube video discussing a new feature of the project or maybe some basics on what the project does so people who haven’t heard about it can understand the project and get involved.
;User Interface: User interface can include many types of tasks including designing new aspects of a webpage or creating a new logo for the project. It may also include various accessibility opportunities to help make the project easier for people who are blind.
;Other: If you have an idea that may help an organization, reach out to them and let them know! Sometimes the best task is one that the organization hasn’t even considered yet.
=== Collaboration===
Open source is not just about coding but working with other people to find the best solution. Being a part of the community is an essential part of success in Google Code-in.  Mentors tell us every year that their best students were the ones who worked hard on their projects but also participated on IRC and helped answer questions other students had.
=== Quality over Quantity ===
It’s not about being the student who completes the most tasks, that only gets you to the top 10 to be reviewed, it doesn’t mean you will be a grand prize winner. We have had quite a few students who completed the most tasks for their organization yet were not named as Grand Prize Winners because they did everything solo and didn’t get involved in the community or think about the health of the project as a whole, they just kept completing task after task like a machine. If you actively participate in the community then you not only feel the camaraderie that comes with working as a team but you become committed to making the project better for everyone.
== Some basics about Sugar Labs ==
For some basics about the project, see [ Chapter 4 of Learning to Change the World].
=== Getting started with coding ===
Sugar development is in either Python or Javascript.
* You will need knowledge of Python and GTK (See;
* or Javascript/HTML5;
* and then the basic of Sugar development (See;
* and to have a Sugar development environment running (See
Please note that you must run [ pep8] and pyflakes on your code ''before'' submitting your patches.
=== Getting started with GIT ===
Some knowledge of git is important as your work will be submitted to our git repository ( The basic mechanism is a pull request (PR), which is detailed in [].
GitHub provides a tutorial (See, although there are many others as well.
Note that our bug tracker is
== Tasks ==
== Tasks ==
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Tasks must fall within one of these five categories: [[#Documentation/Training]]; [[#Outreach/Research]]; [[#User Interface]]; [[#Quality Assurance]]; and [[#Code]].
Tasks must fall within one of these five categories: [[#Documentation/Training]]; [[#Outreach/Research]]; [[#User Interface]]; [[#Quality Assurance]]; and [[#Code]].
===Beginner Tasks===
We have several tasks that are targeting people new to Sugar and Sugar development. This is a category new to GCI for 2014.
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|-style="background:#787878; color: white;"
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
|Install the Sugar development environment||Following the instruction at [], set up the Sugar development environment. Submit a screen-shot of the development environment running to complete this task. You can get help on our irc channel should you run into any difficulties.|| 48 || all || beginner
|Install Sugar in a virtual machine||If your intention is to focus on documentation and training or outreach, then you may want to install Sugar in a virtual machine. Following the instructions at [][][], set up the Sugar development environment. Submit a screen-shot of the development environment running to complete this task. You can get help on our irc channel should you run into any difficulties.|| 48 || all || beginner
|Create an example program in Turtle Blocks||We distribute examples with the Turtle Blocks programming environment. Create your example -- some art, some geometry, some multimedia, a simple game -- to be included with the package. Deliverable is a Turtle Blocks project file to be reviewed by Sugar Labs designers and educators. || 48 || all || beginner
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|-style="background:#787878; color: white;"
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
|Update the Sugar Labs entry in Wikipedia|| The Sugar Labs entry in Wikipedia is very old. Please bring it up to date. || 48 || Walter || Documentation
|Update the Sugar Labs wiki page on git||The [[Activity Team/Git Tutorial]] is out of date: we have migrated to GitHub. Please update the page to reflect the GitHub workflow. See for more details || 48 || Walter || Documentation
|Help for MusicKeyboard activity|| Create a page in Help activity for the MusicKeyboard activity || 48 || GOdiard || Documentation
|Help for Abacus activity|| Create a page in Help activity for the Abacus activity || 48 || GOdiard || Documentation
|Help for Finance activity|| Create a page in Help activity for the Finance activity || 48 || GOdiard || Documentation
|Help for Dimensions activity|| Create a page in Help activity for the Dimensions activity || 48 || GOdiard || Documentation
|Help for TurtleBlocks3D activity|| Create a page in Help activity for the TurtleBlocks3D activity || 48 || GOdiard || Documentation
For information about how to create help pages for activities
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!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
|Turtle Art Day||Organize a Turtle Art Day in your community. Details at []||96||Walter||Outreach
|Promo Video||Create a 60 second promotional video on Sugar and its community.||96||Mariah||Outreach
|Hangout Q&A||Host a Question and Answer (Q&A)/Information session about Sugar on Google Hangouts. Invite friends, family, peers, as well as academic and community leaders.||96||Mariah||Outreach
|Local Lab Wiki||Create/update a "Local Lab" page for your area/country. Fill in the page with information on the Sugar community in your area. This could include contact information, mailing lists, events and any other information that may be relevant. ||96||Mariah||Research
|How-To Guide||Create a guide for how to host your own DIY Sugar on a Stick party. The guide should include at least two promotional item designs (like a sticker, brochure, flyer). Feel free to change the name to something else. ||96||Mariah||Outreach
|DIY Sugar on a Stick||Organize and host a Sugar on a Stick party where you show people how to make their own Sugar on a Stick. Then, hold a workshop on the basics of using Sugar. Take pictures to document the experience. Post a blog about it.||96||Mariah||Outreach
|Potential Users||Gather information on who could benefit from using or knowing about Sugar. Look at non-profit organizations, academic institutions, the home-school community. Build a database including contact information, website URLS, social media profiles, and any other relevant information.||96||Mariah||Research
|Sugar Tools & Resources||Find the resources that people are using throughout the world to learn about or teach Sugar Activities. This can include manuals, teacher guides, YouTube videos, blogs, etc. Document what type of resource it is, the URL for the resource, the target audience of the resource and whether it is up-to-date.||96||Mariah||Research
|Introduce Yourself||Write a blog post about why you are participating in Google Code-In, what you hope to learn from the GCI and how Sugar Labs can help you. Include a picture. Share blog post through social media.||48||Mariah||Outreach
|Interview a GCI Peer||Interview another Sugar Labs GCI participant. Ask them questions about how they are selecting/completing tasks, any successes/struggles they are having, etc. Post on participant blog. Share blog post through social media.||48||Mariah||Outreach
|Interview an Educator||Find an educator who is using open-source educational software to teach. Interview the educator about their experience as an educator and why they are using open-source software to teach. Post about it on the blog, include a picture. Share the blog post through social media and with the educator.||48||Mariah||Outreach|
|Review an Activity||Write a review about an Activity in Sugar. Explain how you use it, what kind of project you could do with it, any bugs it might have, etc. Post your review. The review can be a video review or a written review with screenshots. Share the blog post through social media.||48||Mariah||Outreach
|Women in the Sugar Community||Create a 10-minute presentation celebrating at least three women within the Sugar community and/or the open-source community at large. Write a blog post about what you learned when making this presentation and include a link to the presentation.||48||Mariah||Outreach
|Wrap-Up||Write a blog post about your experience as a GCI participant for Sugar Labs. Share your thoughts on what was successful and what can be improved for next year's participants. Feel free to include pictures, videos, links to work that you are most proud of. Share the post through social media.||48||Mariah||Outreach
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|Classroom management 2|| Sugar provides only a few tools for classroom management, e.g., the Share With Teacher webservice. Which of the results from the Classroom management 1 task would be useful to incorporate into the Sugar ecosystem? Evaluation should include s description of the service and a sketch of how the user interaction would work. || 72 || Walter || UI, pedagogy
|Classroom management 2|| Sugar provides only a few tools for classroom management, e.g., the Share With Teacher webservice. Which of the results from the Classroom management 1 task would be useful to incorporate into the Sugar ecosystem? Evaluation should include s description of the service and a sketch of how the user interaction would work. || 72 || Walter || UI, pedagogy
|Sugar on a small screen|| Sugar was originally designed as a desktop environment for small computers. But these days, many children have access to smart phones rather than computers. This task is to make some sketches as to how Sugar might be redesigned for a smart phone form-factor. A series of annotated sketches should be made as part of completing this task. || 72 || Walter || UI
|Programming on a small screen|| We put an emphasis on programming in Sugar. One popular programming environment is Turtle Blocks. Recently we made a Javascript version that can run in a browser (and hence on a smart phone). How should the UI change to accommodate that form-factor? A series of annotated sketches should be made as part of completing this task. || 72 || Walter || UI
|End-user customization||We try to encourage our users to re-imagine Sugar as they'd like it. Users can change the icon layout, the background screen, and the XO avatar. What else should be made easier to customize with minimal programming? || 72 || Walter || UI
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!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
|Behavior diff for Turtle Blocks JS|| [ Turtle Blocks JS] is a Javascript port from the Python version of the activity. The goal of this task is to document any differences in behavior between the two versions.||72||Walter||QA
|Unit tests for JS activities||We have no unit tests for our Javascript activities. This task is to investigate approaches to unit testing in Javascript||72||Walter||QA
|Test Sugar on a Stick || Help test the latest Sugar on a Stick on Fedora (F21). See [], [] #fedora-qa (freenode IRC). Deliverable is a report of the major Sugar features, e.g., desktop, journal, collaboration, and the core activities, e.g., Write, Browse, Turtle, Chat, Speak, etc. || 48 || Satellit || QA, SoaS
|Interview a teacher|| Ultimately the quality of our work is determined by our end users. Interview a classroom teacher who is using Sugar and solicit feedback about what works, what doesn't. || 72 || Walter || QA
|Interview a student|| Ultimately the quality of our work is determined by our end users. Interview a student who is using Sugar in school and solicit feedback about what works, what doesn't. || 72 || Walter || QA
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!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
!Title !! Description !! Hours !! Mentor !! Tag
| Munsell colors || The [ Munsell color system] is a visually uniform color system. There is a decent [ Perl module for Munsell], but no Python module as far as I know. Would be great to have a Python version so we can use Munsell in Sugar activities. || 72 || Sugar || Code, UI, Python
| PO -> INI conversion || We use gettext and PO files for internationalization in our Python programs. In Javascript, we are looking at [ webL10n]. This task is to write a Python script to convert PO files into the INI format used by webL10n. || 72 || Walter || Code, i18n, Python
| Sharing Palette Highlight Bug || GTK3 Sharing Palette does not highlight the current selected option. The palette should highlight the icon of the selected option. This worked fine in GTK2.  You can test with Chat (gtk2) and Browse (gtk3).  Ticket:  Relevant code: gtk3 themes at || 48 || Bug, Sugar, GTK, Theme || UI, Code
| Beagle Board plugin for Turtle Blocks || The [ Beagle Board] is a low-power, open-hardware computer that facilitates experimentation with a large family of sensors. The task is to get [[Activities/TurtleBlocks|Turtle Blocks]] running on a Beagle Board and then write an example [[Activities/TurtleBlocks#Plugins|plugin]].|| 72 || Gary || Code, UI, Python
| Magic Tool For Paint || The kids want the magic tools from TuxPaint in the sugar Paint activity.  The teachers in Uruguay say the kids like the magic tools from TuxPaint.  Ticket:  Relevant code:  || 72 || Feature, Magic, Paint, Activity || Code
| Munsell colors || The [ Munsell color system] is a visually uniform color system. There is a decent [ Perl module for Munsell], but no Python module as far as I know. Would be great to have a Python version so we can use Munsell in Sugar activities. || 72 || Walter || Code, UI, Python
|| Clear Browse Cache on Crash ||  Browse cache can bloat up with time consuming valuable space on the laptop. On one laptop me and tch checked, there were 400MB of unaccessible files (mostly multimedia) in the Browse instance folder.  We need a procedure to clean instance/ when starting browse (needs to check it is the only instance to avoid corner case of more than one browse instance). Another option is to check the date of partial files...  Ticket: Relevant code: || 48 || Browse, Activity, Bug, Cache || Code
| Sharing Palette Highlight Bug ||  GTK3 Sharing Palette does not highlight the current selected option. The palette should highlight the icon of the selected option. This worked fine in GTK2.  You can test with Chat (gtk2) and Browse (gtk3).  Ticket: Relevant code: gtk3 themes at || 48 || devel team || UI, Code, Python
|| On Screen keyboard Covers Terminal ||  On terminal activity, the OSK is covering the text entry area. This means that they cannot be used in tablet (full-touch) mode, meaning that they cannot meet Objective #2487.  Ticket: Relevant code: || 48 || Terminal, Bug, OSK, Touch, XO-Required, Activity || Code, UI
| Magic Tool For Paint ||  The kids want the magic tools from TuxPaint in the sugar Paint activity.   The teachers in Uruguay say the kids like the magic tools from TuxPaint.  Ticket: Relevant code: || 72 || GOdiard || Code, Python
|| Pippy does not load example if no tabs present || Steps: open pippy, close all tabs, open an example (any), nothing will happen and is confusing, the log shows an ugly error. Ticket:  Relevant code: || 48 || Pippy, Bug, Activity || Code
|| Clear Browse Cache on Crash ||  Browse cache can bloat up with time consuming valuable space on the laptop.  On one laptop me and tch checked, there were 400MB of unaccessible files (mostly multimedia) in the Browse instance folder.  We need a procedure to clean instance/ when starting browse (needs to check it is the only instance to avoid corner case of more than one browse instance). Another option is to check the date of partial files...  Ticket:  Relevant code: || 48 || GOdiard || Code Python
|| On Screen keyboard Covers Terminal ||  On terminal activity, the OSK is covering the text entry area. This means that they cannot be used in tablet (full-touch) mode, meaning that they cannot meet Objective #2487.  Ticket:  Relevant code: || 48 || devel team || Code, UI, Python
|| Pippy does not load example if no tabs present || Steps: open pippy, close all tabs, open an example (any), nothing will happen and is confusing, the log shows an ugly error. Ticket:  Relevant code: || 48 || walter || Code, Python
|| XO sleeps while Spirolaterals is drawing ||  The Spirolaterals activity should ask XO builds not to suspend while its drawing routine is active.  Since it takes more than 15 seconds to complete a drawing cycle based on many user-entered patterns, and drawing is done in a step/pause/step manner which doesn't use much CPU, a XO laptop can decide to suspend before the completed image is drawn.  Use the inhibit suspend routines in the toolkit to fix this bug.  Ticket:  Relevant code: || 48 || walter || Code, Python
| Warn users before installing bundles for newer Sugar || Currently, Sugar will happily install a bundle marked as not being compatible with that version (the activities minimum sugar version is too high).  You should add a prompt to warn users about installing that bundle.  Ticket:  Relevant code: and || 48  || || Code, Python, UI
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!Ticket !! Description !! Type !! Component
!Ticket !! Description !! Type !! Component
| [ 362] || can't register with multiple school servers || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 381] || Neighbourhood view icons should be placed in a spatially repeatable way || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 806] || Activities list view is very similar to Journal view and users delete activities instead of journal entries || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1442] || Reject activity bundles which require a newer version of Sugar || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1646] || No way to force-close (kill) an activity || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1646] || No way to force-close (kill) an activity || enhancement || Sugar
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| [ 4016] || Touch: change brightness and mode || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4016] || Touch: change brightness and mode || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4387] || Style text handles context palette || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4581] || Shift key on OSK looks the same in all modes || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4581] || Shift key on OSK looks the same in all modes || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4623] || improve packaging of activities that rely on system level libraries|| enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4628] || Sugar: need ui to connect to hidden networks || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4671] || Add voice recognition || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4671] || Add voice recognition || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4729] || convert to new style gobject signal format || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4768] || We should drop Palettes with Gtk.Menu implementation || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1843] || Journal accesses USB devices on scrolling || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1843] || Journal accesses USB devices on scrolling || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1471] || Send a file to more than one person at a time || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 1471] || Send a file to more than one person at a time || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2105] || add a screensaver to Sugar || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2264] || Network, forget, or remove as favourite || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2264] || Network, forget, or remove as favourite || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2416] || provide framework code for releasing resources while hidden || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2433] || class Activity should setlocale || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2433] || class Activity should setlocale || enhancement || Sugar
Line 140: Line 249:  
| [ 2869] || Radio/wireless control should interact with rfkill || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 2869] || Radio/wireless control should interact with rfkill || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3026] || Time filter only cuts off the end of the list instead of offering disjunct time spans || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3028] || Add modifier to take screenshot only with the canvas || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3028] || Add modifier to take screenshot only with the canvas || enhancement || Sugar
Line 154: Line 261:  
| [ 3826] || Get supported audio and video mime types from gstreamer || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3826] || Get supported audio and video mime types from gstreamer || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3829] || Allow Sugar users to adjust clock time and date || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3856] || Add other folders to Journal || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3876] || Sugar needs method to force wifi network rescan || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 3877] || Sugar needs method to force Buddy/Shared Activities Network view update || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4257] || Toolbar overflow button: add a better looking arrow || enhancement || Sugar
| [ 4257] || Toolbar overflow button: add a better looking arrow || enhancement || Sugar
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| [ 3833] || Palettes on the bottom of screen don't appear after rotation to portrait mode || defect || Sugar
| [ 3833] || Palettes on the bottom of screen don't appear after rotation to portrait mode || defect || Sugar
| [ 3921] || Journal palette is not updated when I stay in the same column || defect || Sugar
| [ 4166] || Long press timeout 'feels' longer than 0.5 seconds || defect || Sugar
| [ 4330] || Journal: start editing unwanted entry || defect || Sugar
| [ 4330] || Journal: start editing unwanted entry || defect || Sugar
| [ 4343] || Journal:Timeout to get the palette 'feels' really long || defect || Sugar
| [ 4461] || "Volume busy" dialog appear in Sugar || defect || Sugar
| [ 4461] || "Volume busy" dialog appear in Sugar || defect || Sugar
Line 225: Line 318:  
| [ 1490] || home screen: "start new" behaviour not reset if non-<alt> modifier active while releasing <alt> || defect || Sugar
| [ 1490] || home screen: "start new" behaviour not reset if non-<alt> modifier active while releasing <alt> || defect || Sugar
| [ 1561] || Most activities and Sugar itself chokes if the type of metadata returned is different from the expected one || defect || Sugar
| [ 1936] || sugar.datastore.datastore.find() breaks for large data stores || defect || Sugar
| [ 1936] || sugar.datastore.datastore.find() breaks for large data stores || defect || Sugar
Line 235: Line 326:  
| [ 2503] || View-source does not close when activity closes || defect || Sugar
| [ 2503] || View-source does not close when activity closes || defect || Sugar
| [ 2525] || Wrong query specification for datastore.find() || defect || Sugar
| [ 2570] || gdk window obscured events don't always happen || defect || Sugar
| [ 2702] || "Invite to <activity>" shown even for activities that don't support sharing || defect || Sugar
| [ 2702] || "Invite to <activity>" shown even for activities that don't support sharing || defect || Sugar
Line 245: Line 332:  
| [ 2822] || Software Update selects new activities by default|| defect || Sugar
| [ 2822] || Software Update selects new activities by default|| defect || Sugar
| [ 2957] || handle lack of ALIASING and SIMPLE_PRESENCE || defect || Sugar
| [ 2962] || Rerigister on jabber server || defect || Sugar
| [ 2962] || Rerigister on jabber server || defect || Sugar
| [ 2963] || Sugar telepathy code does not take into account presence status of buddies || defect || Sugar
| [ 2967] || Disable telepathy plugins on sugar shell level || defect || Sugar
| [ 2978] || Remove hierachy-changed signal handlers when not needed || defect || Sugar
| [ 2978] || Remove hierachy-changed signal handlers when not needed || defect || Sugar
Line 261: Line 342:  
| [ 3006] || Ad-hoc network icon mixup || defect || Sugar
| [ 3006] || Ad-hoc network icon mixup || defect || Sugar
| [ 3118] || presence: shell is not notified when we quit Sugar || defect || Sugar
| [ 3119] || traceback after Sugar startup || defect || Sugar
| [ 3119] || traceback after Sugar startup || defect || Sugar
Line 283: Line 362:  
| [ 3708] || Sugar doesn't DHCP connecting to ad-hoc wifi point || defect || Sugar
| [ 3708] || Sugar doesn't DHCP connecting to ad-hoc wifi point || defect || Sugar
| [ 3748] || Presence not updated, when client disconencts from telepathy-salut || defect || Sugar
| [ 3796] || sugar-toolkit-gtk3: Drag and drop in color button || defect || Sugar
| [ 3796] || sugar-toolkit-gtk3: Drag and drop in color button || defect || Sugar
| [ 3831] || Frame: animation has regressed || defect || Sugar
| [ 3930] || Sidebar clipboard content tooltip should render Unicode/HTML escapes safely (with no active links, etc.) || defect || Sugar
| [ 3930] || Sidebar clipboard content tooltip should render Unicode/HTML escapes safely (with no active links, etc.) || defect || Sugar
| [ 3953] || Sugar hover menus take a long time to appear on XO-1 || defect || Sugar
| [ 3953] || Sugar hover menus take a long time to appear on XO-1 || defect || Sugar
| [ 3974] || Buttons: theme 'active' state correctly || defect || Sugar
| [ 3996] || Show frame or OSK, never both || defect || Sugar
| [ 4000] || Views: when Palette is up you can not switch views || defect || Sugar
| [ 4000] || Views: when Palette is up you can not switch views || defect || Sugar
| [ 4023] || Touch: Copy/paste palette for touch text selection || defect || Sugar
| [ 4027] || Sugar does not autoconfigure USB Ethernet network adapter || defect || Sugar
| [ 4047] || Journal should display specific icons for .xo and .xol bundles || defect || Sugar
| [ 4047] || Journal should display specific icons for .xo and .xol bundles || defect || Sugar
| [ 4058] || GtkPaned can't be adjusted in touchscreen || defect || Sugar
| [ 4058] || GtkPaned can't be adjusted in touchscreen || defect || Sugar
| [ 4060] || Bad behaviour of gestures inside a ScrolledWindow || defect || Sugar
| [ 4069] || Browse: OSK not displayed in password entries || defect || Sugar
| [ 4090] || Style arrows || defect || Sugar
| [ 4133] || Gtk: some widgets do receive a GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB leave event when tapped || defect || Sugar
| [ 4134] || Canvas auto panning based on input focus || defect || Sugar
| [ 4150] || Applications need to detect/adapt to OSK height when OSK height can vary || defect || Sugar
| [ 4181] || Research how should we use get_preferred_size || defect || Sugar
| [ 4181] || Research how should we use get_preferred_size || defect || Sugar
| [ 4227] || Touch long-press on a menu entry in a palette dismisses the palette with no action || defect || Sugar
| [ 4238] || Sliders hard to handle with touch || defect || Sugar
| [ 4238] || Sliders hard to handle with touch || defect || Sugar
| [ 4247] || OSK over 'clear search' button || defect || Sugar
| [ 4301] || Frame: revisit buttons || defect || Sugar
| [ 4301] || Frame: revisit buttons || defect || Sugar
Line 361: Line 412:  
| [ 4497] || Html activity segfault on exit || defect || Sugar
| [ 4497] || Html activity segfault on exit || defect || Sugar
| [ 4547] || OSK doesn't appeares when switched to tablet mode from laptop mode || defect || Sugar
| [ 4646] || Browse sometimes does not display text if scrolled by touchscreen || defect || Sugar
| [ 4690] || Journal: Palettes at the bottom of the list should reveal upwards || defect || Sugar
| [ 4690] || Journal: Palettes at the bottom of the list should reveal upwards || defect || Sugar
Line 397: Line 444:  
| [ 1151] || connect to gabble immediately after registration || defect || Sugar
| [ 1151] || connect to gabble immediately after registration || defect || Sugar
| [ 1305] || gtk.Image().set_from_icon_name() provides incorrectly scaled icon image || defect || Sugar
| [ 1393] || journal entry without a file is offered for transfer || defect || Sugar
| [ 1393] || journal entry without a file is offered for transfer || defect || Sugar
Line 411: Line 456:  
| [ 1833] || Journal: Preserve object title while copying ds object to clipboard || defect || Sugar
| [ 1833] || Journal: Preserve object title while copying ds object to clipboard || defect || Sugar
| [ 1882] || cannot connect to wireless network after restarting NetworkManager || defect || Sugar
| [ 1976] || School server registration works differently on XO|| defect || Sugar
| [ 2016] || My Settings on top lost focus with popup || defect || Sugar
| [ 2016] || My Settings on top lost focus with popup || defect || Sugar
| [ 2116] || Keeping a text clipping, the copying to USB, ends up with a .doc extension || defect || Sugar
| [ 2169] || creating a DS entry is being done synchronously || defect || Sugar
| [ 2267] || Do we get the right file extension with mime.get_primary_extension(mime_type) ? || defect || Sugar
| [ 2267] || Do we get the right file extension with mime.get_primary_extension(mime_type) ? || defect || Sugar
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=== Enhancements from ===
=== Activity enhancements from ===
Each of these open tickets is potential task-worthy.
Each of these open tickets is potential task-worthy.
{| border=1 cellpadding=3 style="border: 1px solid white; border-collapse: collapse; background: #e3e4e5;"
{| border=1 cellpadding=3 style="border: 1px solid white; border-collapse: collapse; background: #e3e4e5;"
Line 528: Line 565:  
| [ 971] || Global bookmarks in Browse || Browse
| [ 971] || Global bookmarks in Browse || Browse
| [ 1796] || Proposed activity for best English-language learn-to-read website || ActivityTeam
| [ 2373] || add support for Object Chooser || Restore
| [ 2373] || add support for Object Chooser || Restore
| [ 3132] || Memorize should have latest speak update || Memorize
| [ 3596] || Browse: can not copy from inline pdf view or url entry || Browse
| [ 3596] || Browse: can not copy from inline pdf view or url entry || Browse
| [ 4373] || Memorize: save game state || Memorize
| [ 4392] || Chart should let the user to modify the chart font. || Chart
| [ 4392] || Chart should let the user to modify the chart font. || Chart
Line 562: Line 593:  
| [ 4241] || Read: support cbz and cbr files || Read
| [ 4241] || Read: support cbz and cbr files || Read
| [ 4291] || Add Theorie to Pootle || localization
| [ 4359] || Add Level Tool to pootle || localization
| [ 4484] || Jukebox: add reorder c apability to playlist || Jukebox
| [ 4584] || Slider_puzzle activity to GTK+3 || SliderPuzzle
| [ 4584] || Slider_puzzle activity to GTK+3 || SliderPuzzle
Line 586: Line 611:  
| [ 722] || Better notification for in activity events || design
| [ 722] || Better notification for in activity events || design
| [ 773] || Add redirect from /wiki/ to /go/ ||
| [ 966] || Add SL navigation bar to ASLO main page ||
| [ 966] || Add SL navigation bar to ASLO main page ||
Line 600: Line 623:  
| [ 1459] || Cartoon Characters should not scale image to fill the screen || CartoonBuilder
| [ 1459] || Cartoon Characters should not scale image to fill the screen || CartoonBuilder
| [ 1538] || Socialcalc.po is not available in Pootle || SEETA
| [ 1559] || ASLO spanish redirection ||
| [ 1559] || ASLO spanish redirection ||
Line 623: Line 644:  
| [ 2084] || Pre-existing photos/videos not shared when making Record activity shared || Record
| [ 2084] || Pre-existing photos/videos not shared when making Record activity shared || Record
| [ 2110] || Create Library Activity || Read
| [ 2110] || Add collaboration to GetBooks actvity || Read
| [ 2118] || DnD a link from Browse to the clipboard area of the Frame, should copy it || design
| [ 2118] || DnD a link from Browse to the clipboard area of the Frame, should copy it || design
| [ 2122] || Measure sensor schematics || Measure
| [ 2122] || Measure sensor schematics || Measure
| [ 2211] || Words can only translate from english || Words
| [ 2282] || Don't require the user to experiment to find out what the color-selector icons are for || design
| [ 2386] || Calculate error point reporting || Calculate
| [ 2386] || Calculate error point reporting || Calculate
Line 644: Line 661:  
| [ 2557] || Record UI Improvement || Record
| [ 2557] || Record UI Improvement || Record
| [ 2572] || sharing logic is broken || Turtleart
| [ 2594] || Start a translation team for the Amazighe Language || localization
| [ 2634] || Tux Paint cursor is not sugarized || TuxPaint
| [ 2637] || browse to save .ta files to Journal ||
| [ 2679] || Paste blocks fail gracefully on error || Turtleart
| [ 2679] || Paste blocks fail gracefully on error || Turtleart
Line 660: Line 669:  
| [ 2701] || Calculate should let you export plotted graphs to the clipboard || Calculate
| [ 2701] || Calculate should let you export plotted graphs to the clipboard || Calculate
| [ 2705] || Chat should note when a continuous string of characters extends beyond the end of the screen || Chat
| [ 2750] || Ability to move pins/motors once placed || Physics
| [ 2750] || Ability to move pins/motors once placed || Physics
Line 688: Line 695:  
| [ 2939] || Drumbeats / TamTam || TamTam
| [ 2939] || Drumbeats / TamTam || TamTam
| [ 2988] || When closing an unnammed activity, have option to erase it || design
| [ 3110] || Removable storage devices and in general entities with their own identities should have unique colors || design
| [ 3111] || Browse should have the option of allowing the user to only load text. || design
| [ 3111] || Browse should have the option of allowing the user to only load text. || design
Line 714: Line 717:  
| [ 3506] || Chat should provide notification of new activity if scrollbar is not in the bottom position || Chat
| [ 3506] || Chat should provide notification of new activity if scrollbar is not in the bottom position || Chat
| [ 3523] || Read use a prettier font for Epub || Read
| [ 3615] || Add record or export to ogg buton to TamTamMini and TamTamJam || TamTam
| [ 3615] || Add record or export to ogg buton to TamTamMini and TamTamJam || TamTam
Line 770: Line 771:  
| [ 4738] || Copy paste dosen't work in calculate, also Ctrl+a(for entire selection) dosen't work. || Calculate
| [ 4738] || Copy paste dosen't work in calculate, also Ctrl+a(for entire selection) dosen't work. || Calculate
| [ 4748] || Develop should make bundle with Activity icon || Develop
| [ 4774] || Feature Request: Jump to action definition || Turtleart
| [ 4774] || Feature Request: Jump to action definition || Turtleart
Line 787: Line 786:     
* Walter Bender - also org admin for GCI
* Walter Bender - also org admin for GCI
* Gonzalo Odiard
* Martin Abente
* Mariah Noelle Villarreal
* Gary Servin Cardozo
* Rajul Srivastava