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**My Answer (Gabriel Cemaj)
**My Answer (Gabriel Cemaj)
*** Like i have stated above i dont think we are doing a good enough job of introducing kids that code how to code with people and how to share their code and how to document their code. I believe that when this project is completed it will serve as a learning tool that will enable kids to become better programmers with better code that is shareable. I this this is an huge investment in their future and their abilities, too many people come to university level Computer Science having never used a versioning system and having never shared their code. We are no longer in the 70's and 80's where one programmer could do a project on his own, we live in the era of colaboration and we need to include this as part of the curriculum.  
*** Like i have stated above i dont think we are doing a good enough job of introducing kids that code how to code with people and how to share their code and how to document their code. I believe that when this project is completed it will serve as a learning tool that will enable kids to become better programmers with better code that is shareable. I this this is an huge investment in their future and their abilities, too many people come to university level Computer Science having never used a versioning system and having never shared their code. We are no longer in the 70's and 80's where one programmer could do a project on his own, we live in the era of colaboration and we need to include this as part of the curriculum.  
* What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn't around?
* What will you do if you get stuck on your project and your mentor isn't around?
** Living in the era where Google can provide an answer within seconds, i think that we all have millions of mentors and people that have similar issues all over the world. There are literally thousands of online forums filled with questions and answers concerning a myriad of issue, meaning that if i get stuck on something the likelihood that someone else is/has also been stuck on something similar is quite high. The resources are out there all we need to do is find them, the mentors i think are here for bigger things because for most things the internet is your best friend, if Google doesn't have the answer then Bing does and if they don't then Yahoo! must and so on and so on.   
* How do you propose you will be keeping the community informed of your progress and any problems or questions you might have over the course of the project?
* How do you propose you will be keeping the community informed of your progress and any problems or questions you might have over the course of the project?
**I think communication is a super important thing, especially within the community. Be it to get help to resolve issues or to have people test the code i think its super important to be able to let the community know where you stand. From previous experience i know that programs like PODIO are super useful to communicate within large communities and they seem to work really well with development communities, it would be really useful to implement a podio or podio like system to streamline communication among team members. If podio is not something this community is up to then keeping the wiki up to date , the IRC channel and weekly progress emails will become things of high importance as in this way everyone in the community can know exactly where i stand and how i am progressing.