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The soul ambition of this project is to implement such games which can help children learn mathematical concepts and increase their reasoning capabilities using some well known techniques like vedic maths, abacus and various other game activities.
The soul ambition of this project is to implement such games which can help children learn mathematical concepts and increase their reasoning capabilities using some well known techniques like vedic maths, abacus and various other game activities.
I will be implementing 10 different games under this activity. These games are divided further into subcategories like Mental Maths, Reasoning, Quick Science and Memory. Descriptions of these games are given below.
I will be implementing 11 different games under this activity. These games are divided further into subcategories like Mental Maths, Reasoning, Quick Science and Memory. Descriptions of these games are given below.
'''1.Mental Maths -'''
#'''Mental Maths -'''<br />This section includes games based on mathematical operations like counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, divisibility tests etc. I am going to add 3 games in this section.
#*Polygon Shower - <br />In this game polygons will be falling from the sky and player has to identify their names in order to collect points. This game helps children to learn about different types of polygons in a fun way.
#*Compare to Conquer - <br />In this game the user is shown two expressions and an equality option. The player has to click on the expression which has greater value or the equals sign if the numbers are equal. Also player gets three lives and with each wrong answer one life is deducted.
#*Math Operations - <br />In this game the player is given two mathematical operations simultaneously and a space racer is shown on the screen moving in space. To dodge the meteors one has to answer either the expression given on the left which makes the spaceship move left or the expression on the right which makes the spaceship move to the right. Also a simple vedic maths trick for multiplication of a two digit number with 11 can be included in this game by showing tutorial in the beginning and using expressions based on this trick in the game.
#'''Reasoning and Understanding -'''
#*Grammar Game-<br />A game which tests the grammatical reasoning of the player by showing a set of statement and a corresponding image. The player has to check the validity of the statement from the image and answer by clicking on true or false.
#*Odd One Out - <br />This is a game in which the player has to select the odd one out from the images shown on the screen. The participant must work out which of the three is the odd one out, solving as many problems as possible within given time.
#*Seesaw Time - <br />In this game two seesaw orientations are given showing a certain relationship between three different items. The player has to identify which of the three items is the heaviest.
#*Motion Capture -<br />Leaves of a particular color will be shown flying in a particular direction on the screen. For the green leaves the player has to answer the direction of motion while for the brown leaves player will have to answer the direction in which they are pointing. Each round shows one type of leaves flying in a random direction (up, down, left or right) and pointing in a random direction (up, down, left or right). Player has to reply according to the color of the leaves. This game helps enhance the presence and flexibility of mind.
#'''Quick Science -'''
#*Quick Time -<br />This game teaches a nice and simple way to add hours and minutes together using simple vedic maths trick. It can help children to learn to tell time faster and in a fun way.<br />For Example-<br />To add 1 hour and 40 minutes to 3 hrs and 35 minutes. We write 1 Hour 40 minutes as 140 and 3 Hours 35 minutes as 335 and then add these two numbers.<br />140 + 335 = 475<br />Now just add time constant of 40 to the subtotal and reconvert the time to hours and minutes. The obtained time will be the answer. In our example if we add 40<br />40 + 475 = 515<br />we get 515 which is equivalent to 5 hours and 15 minutes (Correct Answer!!).
#*Quick Temp - <br />This game teaches fast but approximate temperature conversion trick to children. To convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius just subtract 30 and divide the answer by 2. And to convert from celsius to Fahrenheit we just have to do the reverse of the trick. Multiply the value by 2 and add 30 to it.Remember, the answer is not exact but it gives you a rough idea.
#'''Memory -'''
#*Flashing Numbers  - <br />Random digits will be flashed on the screen one by one and after all the digits are shown the player will have to enter the digits in the same order as flashed earlier to win the round. The number of digits flashed increases with each round.
#*MindMath -<br />Random digits will be shown on the screen in random places. The player has to click the digits in ascending order and also add them as he/she goes. Finally clicking the correct sum will earn you points.
This section includes games based on mathematical operations like counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, divisibility tests etc. I am going to add 3 games in this section.
Polygon Shower-
'''What is the timeline for development of your project? The Summer of Code work period is from mid-May to mid-August; tell us what you will be working on each week. (As the summer goes on, you and your mentor will adjust your schedule, but it's good to have a plan at the beginning so you have an idea of where you're headed.) Note that you should probably plan to have something "working and 90% done" by the midterm evaluation (end of June); the last steps always take longer than you think, and we will consider cancelling projects which are not mostly working by then.'''
'''What is the timeline for development of your project? The Summer of Code work period is from mid-May to mid-August; tell us what you will be working on each week. (As the summer goes on, you and your mentor will adjust your schedule, but it's good to have a plan at the beginning so you have an idea of where you're headed.) Note that you should probably plan to have something "working and 90% done" by the midterm evaluation (end of June); the last steps always take longer than you think, and we will consider cancelling projects which are not mostly working by then.'''
