
new contributor day
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* to make XO-4s—the machine we aspired to build at OLPC in 2006 is available as the XO-4 laptop—available from us pre-installed with the 2016 release of Sugar individually or in batches of 20+ with 1+ school server units, so any developer can get one conveniently and any classroom-sized group anywhere can become a Local Lab with almost "1 click" like convenience if they have $X to put down;
* to make XO-4s—the machine we aspired to build at OLPC in 2006 is available as the XO-4 laptop—available from us pre-installed with the 2016 release of Sugar individually or in batches of 20+ with 1+ school server units, so any developer can get one conveniently and any classroom-sized group anywhere can become a Local Lab with almost "1 click" like convenience if they have $X to put down;
* to make a release event for the 0.110 release;
* to make a release event for the 0.110 release;
** to track the event with
** to track the event with;
** Hold a "new contributor day" event, at which the experienced contributors meet with the newcomers and, together, work through the new-contributor documentation that the experienced folks themselves have written. That lets the two communities work together, and it lets the experienced coders see firsthand what struggles the new contributors encounter—including, notably, where the new-contributor documentation is falling short. Having "onboarding" documentation was important, and equally important is to encourage bug reports and patches to that documentation from new contributors as they work through it (edited from [ lwn]);
* to find and develop as a reference a new laptop for kids with;
* to find and develop as a reference a new laptop for kids with;
** required attributes
** required attributes