
Created page with "== In attendance == ;SLOB members: Walter, Tony, Sameer; ;Community members: davelab6; icarito; samsongoddy; Ibiam; kaametza We did not have a quorum, but several discussions..."
== In attendance ==
;SLOB members: Walter, Tony, Sameer;
;Community members: davelab6; icarito; samsongoddy; Ibiam; kaametza

We did not have a quorum, but several discussions ensued.

== Discussion Topics ==

;Turtle Art Day: We are planning Turtle Art Days in Abuja (November) and Asuncion and Montevideo (October). Walter will send details by email.

;Elections: We discussed getting a head start on elections (davelab6 volunteered to get the ball rolling)

;Finances: We discussed the need to get moving on finding candidates for the finance manager position.

== Log ==
