Just some schmoe
Me: Just a shmoe who's occasionally invested in this thang.
By day, I am a programmer for the Gallaudet Research Institute at Gallaudet University. By night (and weekends) I don my costume--which looks remarkably like the jeans and T-shirts I wear to work every day--and do battle with the forces of proprietary closed-source software as the nominal and often semi-reluctant "team contact" for the Ubuntu DC LoCo in Washington, DC. I am also one of three hosts for the monthly meetings of the soon-to-be-renamed OLPC Learning Club DC.
We're now a Local Lab, and several people are working on the TimeLapse Activity. There has also been recent discussion regarding involvement in a Video Chat Activity.
Connections wanted
Note: Should you happen to wander into this page, I am trying to establish connections between cow-orkers at Gallaudet who have a vested interest in develoment of deaf communities overseas, and affordable, open-source technologies. My colleagues are more the deaf education / foreign languages / social work sorts, and claim ignorance of technology but want to add a tech component to their work. They are developing General Studies Requirements (GSR) cross-disciplinary classes that will send students to Costa Rica, and possibly to the Buea School for the Deaf in Cameroun. Right now, I'm trying to connect the them with both OLPCorps Africa and the local Linux community in nearby Limbe, Cameroun.