Platform Team/Package Management System/Getting started

Sweets introduction

Iain, Aleksey has prepared a new distribution model for Sugar called Sweets, and asks about introducing it to non developers, #3249.

Could you look at the documentation with the eye toward drafting an introductory posting and page for new non-technical users? If you could outline, or outright draft, an introduction, it would be a great service to us (and we need to exploit your 'newness' before it rapidly expires, if it hasn't already.) and much appreciated! --FGrose 21:23, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Much of the wiki documentation for Sweets is highly technical and aimed at Platform packagers. This page, Platform Team/Infrastructure, with its graphics and short summary helped me grasp the big picture. The problem is now to extract the essential minimum for a new interested learner to try this new technology. It will take some effort and, no doubt, some iterations. --FGrose 21:43, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Also look at: Sweets Installation satellit_ 9:03 2 December 2011 (PST)