Tutorials/Chatting with the IRC Activity

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Drag-Drop Fedora-SoaS How to Use Chat

How to use IRC

boot Sugar

You must be connected to the internet for IRC to connect
  • The Home (or f3) Screen appears


Start IRC application

  • click on the top bar icon with horizontal lines "list view'*


* (this screen-shot is from another session of sugar)
find the IRC application  
  • click on it


  • IRC starts
wait while it connects (5-10 sec)
You are connected when there are 2 tabs on the bottom:
type Spanish in #sugar-es read English in #sugar

Join another IRC channel

External link ^
Starts in your browser
  • Here is an example of how to join a new IRC channel:
enter: /join #trisquel in the left bottom grey bar
/join is a command to the IRC application server
# is used to specify that you are naming a channel
  • hit <return>


a third tab ^ appears on the bottom of the IRC screen, labeled "trisquel"
  • Anything you type in the left bottom grey bar will be transmitted; when you hit <return>
This is where you can talk to others on the IRC Channel
Conversations are displayed in the large area above.
Connected Users names are displayed in the right vertical panel.
  • To call someone you know on an IRC channel type the name they are using on the channel.
Look for their name, on the right vertical column of the IRC window, to see if they are connected.
You can scroll the list to see if they are on line.
  • Type their name (followed by a colon) and then your message:
Name: message you want to send
  • Do not sent a message over 4 lines, It is not polite to do so.
Use your browser at the web site: http://fpaste.org
Paste/write you long message or text into that site's screen
hit <return>
copy/paste the address of this paste into your IRC message.
  • To request help without knowing who to ask:
ask your question
stay connected after you ask the question
It may take a while before you get an answer.


  • You can switch channels by clicking on a tab
  • You Can store the current IRC session, by clicking the journal icon with the arrow pointing at it, Located in the top bar.

Close an IRC Channel

  • Hover over an IRC tab and hold down the right mouse button:
A pop up box appears with (X Close)
  • Click on it
This closes the IRC channel

Shut down IRC

  • click on the white octagon icon with a black square in it, in the right top bar
"Stop Ctrl+Q" appears in drop down menu
  • Click on it
  • You return to the Home (or f3) screen
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Drag-Drop Fedora-SoaS How to Use Chat