Talk:Tutorials/Introduction to the Sugar Interface

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OLPC:Sugar Control Panel

Some thought should go into maintaining this reference, Sugar Control Panel and not diverging resources. --FGrose 15:15, 8 December 2011 (EST)

I wonder if this is an entry level presentation? Perhaps there is a bit too much "expansion of ideas" if that were the case. Secondly, the navigation bar may work better once we have more pages "at a certain level" or "belonging to a group". I originally pinched the nav-bar from Human Interface Guidelines. In that case the "map" aids navigation. As a sort of map of work in progress I have contributed Tutorials, Work in progress. Possibly some of the material here would fit a "Tips and Tricks" page? --Inkyfingers 07:35, 12 December 2011 (EST) We already have one with most of them. The Undiscoverable --Satellit 09:08, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Language and Keyboard Settings

Fedora 16 SoaS Pineapple defaults to English (USA) keyboard and English language.

You can set other Keyboards and languages in the "My Settings" section
See details below

Trisquel 5.0-Sugar - (TOAST) allows these to be set up at the boot splash screen before starting Sugar.

How To clear Sugar of these keys and the name and color entries

  • To clear Sugar of these keys and the name and color entries, enter the command rm ~ rf /.sugar in the Terminal activity. Then shutdown sugar su shutdown -h now . This will clear all Learner information and let you start with a fresh install. Skipping this will result in collisions in the Neighborhood view of the Jabber network. Verify the presence of the .sugar directory by entering ls -a in Terminal.
  • To reset only the ssh keys, in order to keep the Journal and installed .xo Activities, use rm ~/.sugar/default/owner.key* in the Sugar Terminal, and then shutdown sugar su shutdown -h now. This leaves the Journal entries and removes only the previous Learner's identity key files.
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