0.98/Feature List

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< 0.98
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Accepted Features for 0.98

These features have been accepted by the Release Manager for the Sugar 0.98 Release.

Owner Complete Name Summary Updated
Simon Schampijer 30% Touch support Add touch support to Sugar 21-Aug-2012
Manuel Quiñones, Simon Schampijer 60% Shell port GTK+ 3 Port the Sugar shell to Pygobject3 and GTK+ 3 21-Aug-2012
Simon Schampijer 80% Display Device A frame device to control the display. The idea is to add their an option to change the brightness and to take a screenshot. Both actions are only available via the keyboard as of today.
Ajay Garg (plus credits to many; please see the feature page) 90% (pending code-review) Multi-Select A mechanism to copy/erase multiple journal entries at once, instead of having to choose one by one and doing the operation. 28-Aug-2012
Sascha Silbe, Anish Mangal, Aleksey Lim x% Proxy Settings To add a section in the Control Panel that allows the user to configure network proxy settings.
Ajay Garg (on behalf of Andrés Ambrois) 90% (pending code-review) 3G Database Support To add the capability to choose 3G plans, from the 3G Database. 28-Aug-2012

Deferred Features from 0.96 (but no active work)

These features have been proposed for the Sugar 0.96 Release cycle and await approval.

Owner Name Summary
Simon Schampijer Transfer to many This Feature will allow to transfer a Journal item to more than one person at the same time.
Simon Schampijer Can share This feature will make it clearer if an activity can collaborate or not.
Walter Bender Activity specific metadata in Journal The idea is to record metadata related to the use of an activity and display it in the detail view of the Journal. (reasoning for deferring)