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Art4Apps is a database of images, audio,and videos files of words created by ET4D under a Creative Common License (CC BY-SA). The primary objective in sharing this database is to promote apps development in the field of literacy in an effort to support and sustain the diversity among world languages. More information is available in the site

Use in activities

To make easier the use in the activities, we have a python library and the resources packaged in rpms.

You can download the last versions here:


from art4apps import Art4Apps
aa = Art4Apps()
print "All words in english"
words = aa.get_words()
print words
print "All categories in english"
categories = aa.get_categories()
print categories
print "Test a translation to all the available languages" 
languages = aa.get_languages()
for language in languages:
    print "Language %s" % language
    word = words[4]
    print "Word %s = %s" % (word, aa.get_translation(word, language))
print "Words on category %s" % categories[2] 
print aa.get_words_by_category(categories[2])
print "All the words in language %s" % languages[1] 
print aa.get_words(languages[1])
print "IMAGE FILE NAME FOR %s" % words[5] 
print aa.get_image_filename(words[5])
print "AUDIO FILE NAME FOR %s" % words[5] 
print aa.get_audio_filename(words[5])
print "AUDIO FILE NAME FOR %s lang %s" % (words[2], 'fr') 
print aa.get_audio_filename(words[2], 'fr')
  • If audio file is not available, get_audio_filename() return None

Improving translations

To update translations or create new languages, you can do:

art4apps-translator lang

where "lang" is your two letters language code.

You will see the screen displayed here, and can select in the list of words at the left the word to translate, the image will be displayed at the right, and you can add your translation in the input at the bottom. The change is accepted pressing Enter or clicking in the small arrow at bottom right.

When you close the utility, a file words_lang.json will be created in the directory where you are placed. If you want your activity use it, need create a directory "data" and put the file inside. We would like get updated files and add them to the rpms to distribute them. Please send them to godiard at sugarlabs dot org.

Activities using Art4Apps