Development Team/Almanac

Template:Sugar Almanac TOC

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Now, on to the actual almanac ...

Package: sugar

Package: sugar.activity

Package: sugar.datastore




Internationalization in Sugar

Text and Graphics for Sugar Activities


The tasks below are random useful techniques that have come up as I write code and documentation for this reference. They have yet to be categorized, but will be as a sufficient set of related entries are written.

How do I know when my activity is "active" or not?

You can set an event using the VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK constant in order to know when your activity changes visibility. Then in the callback for this event, you simply compare the event's state to gtk-defined variables for activity visibility. See the GDK Visibility State Constants section of gtk.gdk.Constants for more information.

        #Notify when the visibility state changes by calling self._visibleNotifyCb
        self.connect("visibility-notify-event", self._visibleNotifyCb)
    #Callback method for when the activity's visibility changes
    def _visibleNotifyCb(self, widget, event):
        if (event.state == gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCURED):
            print "I am not visible"
        elif (event.state == gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_UNOBSCURED):
            print "I am visible"

How do I get the amount of free space available on disk under the /home directory tree?

The following function uses the statvfs module. The following code demonstrates how to get the total amount of free space under /home.

    #### Method: getFreespaceKb, returns the available freespace in kilobytes. 
    def getFreespaceKb(self):
        stat = os.statvfs("/home")
        freebytes  = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
        freekb = freebytes / 1024
        return freekb

How do I know whether my activity is running on a physical XO?

While your activity is typically going to be run on a real XO, there might be circumstances (such as for development through sugar-jhbuild) that you will not be running on an XO machine. The easiest way to tell if you are on a physical XO is to check whether /sys/power/olpc-pm, an essential power management file for the XO, exists. [1] [2]

import os
      #Print out a boolean value that tells us whether we are on an XO or not. 
      print os.path.exists('/sys/power/olpc-pm')

How do I know the current language setting on my XO?

The system variable 'LANG' tells you which language is currently active on the XO. The following code shows how to look at the value of this variable.

import os
