Development Team/Almanac/sugar.logger

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  Development Team/Almanac

I am having trouble getting my activity to launch, and nothing is showing up in my logs. What gives?

It is advisable to begin the bulk of your activity's launch process in a call to gobject.idle_add.

import gobject
class MyCoolActivity(activity.Activity):

	def __init__(self, handle):
		activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
		#wait a moment so that our debug console capture mistakes
		gobject.idle_add( self._initme, None )

	def _initme( self, userdata=None ):
		#start writing your cool activity here

How do I retrieve the top level logging directory on my XO?

The following code prints out the standard directory for logging in sugar.

from sugar import logger
    print logger.get_logs_dir()