Features/Touchpad control panel section/Testing

I'm not sure how to make this easier.


  1. download Module-touchpad.svg, Capacitive.svg, Resistive.svg, __init__.py, view.py, model.py onto a USB key
  2. sudo chmod o+w /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/ptmode
  3. sudo cp /media/YOURUSB/module-touchpad.svg /usr/share/sugar/data/icons/
  4. sudo cp /media/YOURUSB/capacitive.svg /usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/devices/
  5. sudo cp /media/YOURUSB/resistive.svg /usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/devices/
  6. sudo mkdir /usr/share/sugar/extensions/cpsection/touchpad
  7. sudo cp /media/YOURUSB/*.py /usr/share/sugar/extensions/cpsection/touchpad/
  8. sudo rm /usr/share/icons/sugar/*.cache


  • You'll have to do Step 2 every time the you reboot the system.
  • Substitute the name of your USB key for YOURUSB in the above instructions


  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Click on the Touchpad icon
  3. Click on the icons and observe that the touchpad switches modes