Fedora/Sugar test cases

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For annotated screenshots of Sugar Features mentioned here
This page is linked to the Fedora Project wiki QA test template.

Sugar on a Stick (SoaS-spin)

1 - SoaS boots to the (name) selection screen.

Live version should boot directly to this screen with no login to liveuser first.
Some versions will boot to the (Click to change color) screen first and require using the (<=) arrow to get to the name screen.
  • f21 Soas will add 2 fields: Select gender; Select age then proceed to the F3 Screen.
Some School deployments can inquire the gender and age response information.
It is unnecessary to enter information here.

2 - SoaS installed to hard disk with liveinst from root terminal,

boots to (lightdm or gdm) using the name and password for the user as setup in anaconda.

3 - Jabber.sugarlabs.org should connect and display XO "Buddies"

Network Neighborhood screen (F1).
If connected to a wireless network:
Wireless access points will be shown as colored circles on the Network Neighborhood screen (F1).
Collaboration:While connected to an access point, it should be able to connect to another XO via a shared activity (Icons for activity on f1 if present). Click on the icon and drop down menu will show Join Activity should start showing what the other XO User is sharing.

4 - When a USB storage device is inserted, it should show up in the Frame.

One can successfully drag-drop items in the Journal to a mounted USB .
One can successfully install an Activity bundle (xxx.xo file) when dragged from a mounted USB to the Journal.
One can successfully unmount the USB device with a right click on the USB device icon in the Frame.

5 -Functions in My Settings (Sugar control panel).

All functions should work correctly
except for Web Sevices which does not work as installed

6 - Applications in the Home Screen

(F3) circular favourites screen
All applications should start, work, and stop


7 -Sugar-desktop installed in another Desktop

With dnf install @sugar-desktop sugar-runner in root terminal
Start from menu item in DE - Education - sugar
log out/log in to (lightdm or gdm) session "Sugar" should run sugar-desktop full screen.
(You may have to shutdown/reboot to see sugar listed in gdm or lightdm)
sugar-desktop installed from netinstall or DVD should work.
Note the sugar entity in Education/Sugar (sugar-runner) is different than found when you logout/login to sugar in gdm (different name; color and ssh key for jabber)
Tests 3 thru 6 should be run on this test case.