The Oversight Board is currently responsible for the finances of Sugar Labs. This responsibility may be delegated to an individual at some later point.

Current finances

All figures are in USD. All figures for a month refer to transactions that occurred within that month (i.e. a month is only calculated at the end.

April 2011

Not known.

March 2011

Not known.

February 2011

Not known.

January 2011

End-of-month balance: $19,591.09 Net change since last month: -$1,679.08


Item From/To Income Expenses Notes
? ? x -$1,680.00 This is listed as "Expenses:Sugar:Gould:Students:2010" in the ledger - I'm not sure where the money was paid to, or what item this was for exactly. Mchua
Interest ? $0.92 I'm not sure where this interest came from, but we saved it. Mchua
Total $0.92 -$1,680.00

Requesting budget