Overview of HTML5 media libraries and feedbacks

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Display a Video ?


You should provide both .ogv and .mp4 files

Even if ogv is free, it’s not supported on all majors platforms.

 * http://caniuse.com/#feat=mpeg4
 * http://caniuse.com/#feat=ogv


You can simply use a video tag

 * http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.asp


On Android, >=2.3 is strongly recommended

 * http://www.broken-links.com/2010/07/08/making-html5-video-work-on-android-phones/
Platform MP4 Support OGV Support
XO-1.5 X
Android 4.X X
iOS 8.X X

Play sound ?


You should provide both .ogg and .mp3 files

Even if ogg is free, it’s not supported on all majors platforms.


You can use the audio tag - https://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/audio


 * Volume is read-only on iOS.
 * Chrome on Android does not support autoplay as advised by the specification.

Sound Manager

 * http://createjs.com/SoundJS

Interact with Canvas ?

Scene Manager

 * http://createjs.com