Mission proposal 2016

Revision as of 14:45, 3 June 2016 by Davelab6 (talk | contribs) (Add mission as from Sugar_Labs)

This page has various proposals for new mission statements. Your edits or proposals are welcome!

You may also like to see the current official Vision

To be a welcoming global community where anyone can learn how to develop high-quality libre software that facilitates learning through self-discovery and collaboration among young children of all continents, and to make that software easily available to learners and teachers.

The mission of Sugar Labs is to produce, distribute, and support the use of the Sugar learning platform; it is a support base and gathering place for the community of educators and developers to create, extend, teach, and learn with the Sugar learning platform.

Sugar is based on the following principles:

  • everyone is a teacher and a learner;
  • humans by their nature are social beings;
  • humans by their nature are expressive;
  • you learn through doing; and
  • love is a better master than duty.

See this Community news post from 10-Mar-2009, on our “Big Overarching Vision Goals for 2009”...