Platform Team/sugar-stats

< Platform Team
Revision as of 16:44, 28 January 2012 by FGrose (talk | contribs)


Library to gather Sugar usage statistics. The gathering method is based on sniffing DBus and X11 events.

Supported Sugars

  • 0.94

More (0.86+) Sugar versions might be added on demand.

Stats server

This project also contains a server, which is based on active-document and restful-document, and is designed to be a part of the Sugar Network and sugar-server implementations.

A standalone server might be launched using the sugar-stats-server command from project sources. The easiest way is using the binary package sugar-stats-server. The package contains these components:

  • sugar-stats-server command,
  • /etc/sugar-stats.conf default configuration,
  • /etc/init.d/sugar-stats daemon.

For stats transferring from clients, it is useful to use secure, SSL connections. The server configuration needs to be tweaked (and the client should use the same certificate):

  • stats-keyfile, path to server's private key,
  • stats-certificate, path to server's certificate file.

Server will authenticate clients using SSH keys generated on the client side by Sugar Shell. To let the server check client signatures, OpenSSH-5.6+ should be installed on the server side. For versions lower than 5.6, authentication needs to be disabled using the trust-users parameter.


Read the /etc/sugar-stats.conf for explanation, or run the following command to get the current configuration with comments:

sugar-stats-server config

These important parameters need to be set before using the server. (When sugar-stats-server is installed from packages, they are initialized to meaningful values.):

  • stats/stats-root = /var/lib/sugar-stats/rrd
    Path to the root directory for placing stats;
  • active-document/data-root = /var/lib/sugar-stats/users
    Path to the root directory for placing documents' data and indexes;

Getting the code

Library requirements

In use, the library does not require any building routines, just provide the full path to the active_document/ subdirectory via the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

See the examples/ subdirectory in the sources tree for usage examples.

See also

Getting involved

  • Report on bugs.
  • Read the HACKING file to know how to contribute with code.