
Adding examples for Write
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==== Example TrutleArt "Save as" tab ====
==== Example TrutleArt "Save as" tab ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_turtle_art-52_save_as.png|thumb|centre|640px|I've just tried to show Walter's existing "Save at" tab here, though I do think import/export is a better text description ;-)]]
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_turtle_art-52_save_as.png|thumb|centre|640px|I've just tried to show Walter's existing "Save at" tab here, though I do think import/export is a better text description ;-)]]
==== Top level Activity toolbar for Write ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_activity.png|thumb|centre|640px|Example showing basic top level Activity toolbar. Note that I am not trying to redesign Writes toolbar user interface, I am trying to swap in the new proposed design without changing any existing tab/tool designs. The top level Activity toolbar is present at all times. It provides access to naming, collaboration, icons for pervious tabs, the keep (version) icon, the stop icon. Write is the current worst case for extensive tab use (has 7 tabs) but you can see all can fit without reorganisation. Note: the Activity title did need to be reduced a small amount for all icons to fit.]]
==== "Share with:" menu for Write ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_share_with.png|thumb|centre|640px|Share with is replaced with an button icon and palette to provide enough space for the tabs to move into the main Activity toolbar as icons.]
==== Default Write toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_default.png|thumb|centre|640px|This is the current default toolbar, Eben's design specs indicate the Activity author can set a toolbar to be exposed by default on launch, if that provided the best usability case.]]
==== Write's Edit toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_edit.png|thumb|centre|640px|Writes edit and search features, as per current design.]]
==== Writes Image toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_image.png|thumb|centre|640px|Plenty of space for new image features here ;-)]]
==== Writes Table toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_table.png|thumb|centre|640px|This icons could do with a rework, but I'm trying to leave things as they are for comparison.]]
==== Writes Format toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_format.png|thumb|centre|640px|Again, plenty of space for features here, Walter has suggested breaking out the drop-down menu into a set of icons. A fine idea!]]
==== Writes View toolbar ====
[[Image:toolbar_mockup_gary_write_view.png|thumb|centre|640px|The Write view icon just fit's in the space available (given a slight reduction in the title length input area).]]
