
Explain why people link is gone
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This is a page to discuss the Sugar Creation Kit.
==Missing "people" link on Blue header bar==
==F15 netinstall Memory Requirements==
* Now talking on #fedora-bugzappers
: I intentionally removed this because it is unstructured and totally confusing to newcomers. If there is content there that is useful, it needs direct linking. [[User:Davelab6|Davelab6]] ([[User talk:Davelab6|talk]]) 07:46, 18 May 2016 (EDT)
Fri Feb 25 10:24:26 2011
*I keep getting a "Missing Plugins" message on my firefox on this page. It is quite anoying. Can it be supressed (None is found to be available) (Using TrimSlice H250 arm Ubuntu 11.04) -- [[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 19:22, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
: This is due to the media widgets from [[Video Using Sugar]] transcluded in [[Tutorials]] transcluded in this page. --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 14:29, 14 July 2012 (EDT)
*I like all of the reorganization you are doing fred! Thanks--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 19:25, 8 July 2012 (EDT)
abadger1999> Anyone here successfully used the netinstall.iso for rc1 alpha?
==Split Sugar Creation Kit page==
<abadger1999> In particular:
This project page has grown to encompass far more than its original scope. Many find this single page overwhelming for such a broad scope. The embedded navigation (outside of the table of contents, such as for the tutorials) adds to the complexity.
<abadger1999> i'm not able to do an install -- I get a kernel oops while booting.
* the extra information is good to have,
<abadger1999> This is in virt-manager -- x86_64 processor, kvm, x86_64
* and it needs to be integrated into the wiki.
* abadger1999 tries x86 arch
<adamw> abadger1999: huh. i think it was tested.
<red_alert> I know of people who were using TC1 and TC2 idea about rc1
<abadger1999> Still bad.
<abadger1999> trying to unpack the rootfs
<abadger1999> IIRC, I got this when I built my rawhide vm too... that's why  I ended up installing F14 and then upgrading.
<red_alert> maybe another 32bit problem? ;)
* abadger1999 goes to find the x86_64 netinstall.
* abadger1999 checks if qemu works where kvm didn't
<wwoods> abadger1999: how much RAM?
It is recommended that the authors spend considerable time breaking out (and refreshing) sections of information into separate wiki pages (usually not under the Sugar Creation Kit hierarchy) so that the main project page serves as an annotated index to the other primary pages.
<abadger1999> wwoods: 512MB
<wwoods> not enough
<wwoods> F15 will need at least 640MB
<wwoods> maybe 768
<abadger1999> wwoods: Okay.
* abadger1999 makes a vm with more ram
<abadger1999> wwoods: Is that something we can have the virt-manager guys change as a default?
<wwoods> I have a fix for that in the works but it's kind of invasive and may not be ready 'til F16
<wwoods> probably!
<wwoods> ISTR they do per-OS defaults, so we could have them default to 640/768MB specifically for Fedora 15 guests
<abadger1999> <nod>
<abadger1999> Sounds good.
* abadger1999 booting netinstall with more memory now
<abadger1999> wwoods: thanks!  that was exactly the issue.
<wwoods> yeah, we're going to be seeing a lot of that one
<wwoods> tell your friends
<adamw> you get all kinds of weirdness trying to run f15 in 512MB
* For example, the tutorial pages should stand on their own (where the special navigation links may be explored as tools for convenient reading).
<adamw> it seems like it's nearly but not quite enough :)
* Others may have more suggestions for sections or topics to split off from this main page, and could offer them by adding to this listing.  --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 16:59, 17 May
<adamw> should probably mention that in commonbugs too
* Quote, FGrose, "usually not under the Sugar Creation Kit hierarchy". Is it unreasonable to increase the heirarchy?
<fenrus02> adamw, 32b or 64b?
*: An increase in the hierarchy would be reasonable as long as it is limited to the scope of Sugar Creation Kit.  Sugar Creation Kit is defined as a DVD containing all the resources required to create Sugar on a Stick without requiring Internet access or the online references to those and other resources to make it easy to download and create one's own DVD of resources for offline creation of Sugar.<br><br>
<adamw> fenrus02: 64
*: "Sugar Creation" is the scope of the entire Sugar Labs wiki.  The "Sugar Creation Kit" is a tool to facilitate that for those with Internet connectivity limitations.  Of course, everything that is valuable in an offline setting is valuable in the online setting, as well.  So the principal value of Sugar Creation Kit wiki content comes from its annotated organization of web content.  (The 04 January 2011 date for the DVD suggests that the online version is used primarily as an annotated index and rarely for composing a DVD.)<br><br>
<fenrus02> adamw, limited testing, but i think it works if you do not use lvm
*: The current SCK hierarchy contains original content that should stand independently or elsewhere within the Sugar Labs wiki.  Some examples of this are the Tutorials, Sugar in Virtualization, Sugar on a Stick/Version history, and Raspberry pi pages.<br><br>
*: Other pages within SCK would better serve all readers if they were directly associated with the original topic pages.  This can be accomplished through the use of the wiki subpage and transclusion tools.  Use of these tools also works to reduce redundancy (from copying content), which helps to maintain currency of the wiki as only a single source needs to be updated as information changes.  By following these principles, over time, the wiki becomes more sustainable and accessible, as a topic's history is in one place, and there is less fragmented and conflicting information.
*:: It may take a bit of time and editing history to recognize those topic sections that fit this publishing model.  One immediate benefit is seen by including a ==Subpages index== section to significant pages, which will ''automatically'' update as new subpages are created. (See [[Sugar Network]] or [[Platform Team/Harmonic Distribution]], for example.) --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 22:11, 26 June 2012 (EDT)
* In order for Sugar Creation Kit to remain an accessible source of all types of Sugar image files, we might group these sub pages under [Sugar Creation Kit/Sources].
*: See recent edits to [[Emulator image files]] for an example of how the subpage transclusion model is used to maintain topic organization and potentially annotated summaries with reuse instead of copying sources.  --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 22:11, 26 June 2012 (EDT)
* An aspect of Sugar Creation Kit is the testing function. The classification [Sugar Creation Kit/Testing] might invite contributions, while pages in this section would be more easily recognised as expired as time goes by.
*: Testing of the variety of Sugar Activities and full distribution images seems to fit the subpage transclusion model with /Testing subpages.  Collective testing summaries and work pages are important independent topics (perhaps worthy of a Testing Team page set), which are generally outside of the 'SCK proper' scope.  --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 22:23, 26 June 2012 (EDT)
* Is there a call for (or is there a link-to-similar) [[Sugar Creation Kit/Statement of purpose]]? --[[User:Inkyfingers|Inkyfingers]] 09:31, 10 June 2012 (EDT)
*: YES: --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 09:41, 10 June 2012 (EDT)
*::"Use to Download the elements you need and burn to your own DVD to save Downloading all of the above SCK DVD.iso"
*:: Look below to the References section to see how to then convert your customized DVD to an .iso [[Sugar_Creation_Kit#ON-LINE_VERSION]]
<wwoods>initrd.img is ~350 MB Uncompressed
====Test Sub-Pages to use for splitting this page====
* Comments appreciated; work in progress --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 20:14, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
* Plan is to Link to these pages and remove this content from this page.
:: That's a good start (see the comments on each of the new talk pages).  When these are done, you should have ideas for more splitting. --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 21:03, 9 June 2012 (EDT)
*Look at this preliminary wiki page (not completed) [[Sugar Creation Kit/sck/SCK-2]] --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 12:15, 10 June 2012 (EDT)
Perhaps we could collaborate on producing [[Sugar Creation Kit/Project sitemap]] with the intention of flagging up front of house pages, and exploring the nature of other pages. --[[User:Inkyfingers|Inkyfingers]] 08:10, 21 January 2012 (EST)
====Should we move [[Sugar Creation Kit/sck/SCK-2]] to the left Projects Panel?====
:What is the procedure to move the split page to the left Projects Panel? --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 10:14, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
:Will it be renamed to existing link?
:Will the old page be archived ?
: I may have to do a lot of adjusting of links once this is done.
:Tom Gilliard
:: When you are ready, just copy the full page contents of SCK-2 over the contents of [[Sugar Creation Kit]]. The history of both pages are maintained, although you may want to delete the SCK-2 working page when it has finished serving its purpose.  You should also adjust the links before or during the copy to provide a cleaner transition. --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 11:57, 15 June 2012 (EDT)
=====Move Completed=====
06/25/2012--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 15:40, 25 June 2012 (EDT)
Old SCK page is archived here [[Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/SCK-2]]
: Several pages still link to this copy, [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/SCK-2]]. The old SCK page is already archived at  --[[User:FGrose|FGrose]] 23:33, 26 June 2012 (EDT)
===Community distributions===
Please don't create yet another listing of community distributions.
{{Transclude|Talk:Supported distributions}}
This may be related to the fact that anaconda no longer has a stage 2 (from nirik fedora-qa)02/26/2011
==Scratch files==
*] ASLOxo-6-2 Contents Listing of Activities on DVD
==Meego + Sugar==
*Notes #sugar 06/23/2011
* mschuessler ( has joined #sugar
<mschuessler> i'm trying to use sugar on the wetab
<mschuessler> wich is a handheld - would virtual box drain the battery pretty fast?
<kevix> there are deb and rpm pacakges for sugar but dont know how it would install on 'meego'
<mschuessler> which
<mschuessler> i am actually quiete close
<satellit_afk> no it will be slower. Otherwise I have no suggestions...
<mschuessler> meego has a yum as package manager
<kevix> if you do try it, add your results to the sugarlabs wiki, if you can :)
<mschuessler> i already did
<mschuessler> it compiled succesfuly
<mschuessler> however - the project im working on aims at running suagr on top of meego
<mschuessler> runing sugar on the weetab stanbdalone wont be a big problem
<mschuessler> i would just install fedora and put the sugar-emulator on it
<mschuessler> if you dont midn i would like to post the error message here when i try start the suagr-emulator on meego - maybe its just a missing depencie or something the like
<mschuessler> it runs an 1.66 GHz Intel Atom N450
<satellit_afk> yes I have a ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 here and it works great....
<mschuessler> what operating system?
<satellit_afk> runs fedora fine
<mschuessler> yeah fedora would run on the wetab too
<mschuessler> but as i said - the project im working on aims at running thesugar interface on top of meego - so you could easly switch betwenn the two
<mschuessler> well and to the current state i managed to compile sugar and install all dpeencies i am aware of but i get the following error
<mschuessler> i have the feeling im really close to get it running
<mschuessler> The error is "no module named decorator" btw
<alsroot> mschuessler: you need to install python-decorator package (or how it is named in your distro)
<mschuessler> hey thx
<mschuessler> funny thing is - i just did
<satellit_afk> keep trying....people with knowledge are here at different times . also use mailing
<mschuessler> and it fixed the error - yay!
<mschuessler> now i get a dbus exception
<mschuessler> is that a familiar problem to you guys?
<alsroot> mschuessler: could you pastebin it
<kevix> mschuessler: could you say what kind of educational environment this is for?
<mschuessler> a school
<mschuessler> kids are aged 14 and up
<kevix> interesting.
<mschuessler> its an experiement - if kids would get along with a handheld in school
<kevix> there is the scratch and etoys environment which might be good be computational thinking/programming
<kevix> 'getting along' in an educational setting = ?
<mschuessler> well my project manager defintly wants etoys
<kevix> OLPC/Sugar is working on the XO-1.75, which is the precursor for the xo-3 (marvell ARM tablet). so they are working on how they will transition to a tablet paradigm
<mschuessler> yup i know
<mschuessler> put xo-3 is not here yet - an we get a couple of handheld devices for free
<mschuessler> so why not use sugar on those
<mschuessler> its a much better interface than the meego one (if use for education)
<kevix> hopefuly you can publish your result for olpc/sugar to see
<mschuessler> yup we will
<mschuessler> we document everything we try and what has worked and what not
<mschuessler> here is the current error btw:
<satellit_afk> do you have a wiki ? with these results?
<kevix> mschuessler: have you seen the videos from the recent edujam 2011 in Uraguy?
<mschuessler> no i havent seen them
<mschuessler> sry its
<mschuessler> were about wld i find those (videos)
<mschuessler> we do not currently run a wiki
<mschuessler> is guess publishing our results in the sugarlabs wiki would be a better aproch anyway
<satellit_afk> You may want to link it here:
<alsroot> mschuessler: Re: -- do you have sugar-datastore installed? does "datastore-service" command start well?
<kevix> mschuessler:
<mschuessler> no it doenst - apparantly cjson seems not to be installed proberly
<mschuessler> i will fix this and tell you guys if i made a any process
<mschuessler> i have forwarded your sugestion to publish our apraoch under Community Distributions in the suagr wiki to my project manager
<mschuessler> it works! awesome!