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{{ Translated text |
{{ Translated text |Los esfuerzos anteriores a la reforma de educación  han tropezado con  la imposibilidad de volver a escribir todos los libros de texto y volver a entrenar a todos los maestros simultáneamente,con  la incomprensión  de padres, y con la oposición política a estas nuevas ideas.Las XO van más allá de estos obstáculos no confrontándolos. En particular, las XO proporciona el acceso a la diversidad del Internet, sin cambiar los libros de texto o planes de estudios, y sin entrenar nuevamente a los maestros. Nuevos libros de texto entrarán en  curso  y los maestro serán entrenados en el futuro. Con las computadoras e Internet, los niños pueden mostrarles lo que ellos están aprendiendo a los padres. Este genio no regresará a la botella. Los oponentes políticos de los adelantos educativos ya están en la retirada. Nosotros no podemos predecir cómo la lucha política resultará, debido a sus complejidades y porque es una batalla de ideas y organización cuyo trabajo nosotros no entendemos en absoluto . En semejante caso, es prudente organizar el apoyo antes de  que la necesidad sea urgente.  Un gran apoyo se levantará casi automáticamente de aquéllos cuyos niños empiezen a recibir una verdadera educación desde el primer momento. Organizar ese apoyo apropiadamente es todo un desafío, pero algunos se volverán con el deseo y habilidad de formar parte de esto.
Previous attempts at major education reform have foundered on the impossibility of rewriting all textbooks and retraining all teachers simultaneously, on the blank incomprehension of parents, and on political opposition to these new-fangled ideas. The XO gets around these obstacles by not confronting them. In particular, the XO provides access to the diversity of the Internet, without changes to textbooks or curricula, and without major retraining of teachers. New textbooks will come in due course, and teacher training will eventually catch up. With computers and Internet, children can show parents what they are learning. This genie will not go back into the bottle. Political opponents of educational advances are already in retreat to private schools and home schooling to a degree. We cannot predict how the political fight will turn out, because of its complexities and because it is a battle of ideas and organization, whose working we do not understand at all well. In such a case, it is prudent to organize support before the need is urgent. A degree of support will arise almost automatically from those whose children start to get a real education for the first time. Organizing that support appropriately is a daunting challenge, but some will turn up with the desire and ability to do various parts of it.
Previous attempts at major education reform have foundered on the impossibility of rewriting all textbooks and retraining all teachers simultaneously, on the blank incomprehension of parents, and on political opposition to these new-fangled ideas. The XO gets around these obstacles by not confronting them. In particular, the XO provides access to the diversity of the Internet, without changes to textbooks or curricula, and without major retraining of teachers. New textbooks will come in due course, and teacher training will eventually catch up. With computers and Internet, children can show parents what they are learning. This genie will not go back into the bottle. Political opponents of educational advances are already in retreat to private schools and home schooling to a degree. We cannot predict how the political fight will turn out, because of its complexities and because it is a battle of ideas and organization, whose working we do not understand at all well. In such a case, it is prudent to organize support before the need is urgent. A degree of support will arise almost automatically from those whose children start to get a real education for the first time. Organizing that support appropriately is a daunting challenge, but some will turn up with the desire and ability to do various parts of it.
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