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{{ Translated text |Los esfuerzos anteriores a la reforma de educación  han tropezado con  la imposibilidad de volver a escribir todos los libros de texto y volver a entrenar a todos los maestros simultáneamente,con  la incomprensión  de padres, y con la oposición política a estas nuevas ideas.Las XO van más allá de estos obstáculos no confrontándolos. En particular, las XO proporciona el acceso a la diversidad del Internet, sin cambiar los libros de texto o planes de estudios, y sin entrenar nuevamente a los maestros. Nuevos libros de texto entrarán en  curso  y los maestro serán entrenados en el futuro. Con las computadoras e Internet, los niños pueden mostrarles lo que ellos están aprendiendo a los padres. Este genio no regresará a la botella. Los oponentes políticos de los adelantos educativos ya están en la retirada. Nosotros no podemos predecir cómo la lucha política resultará, debido a sus complejidades y porque es una batalla de ideas y organización cuyo trabajo nosotros no entendemos en absoluto . En semejante caso, es prudente organizar el apoyo antes de  que la necesidad sea urgente.  Un gran apoyo se levantará casi automáticamente de aquéllos cuyos niños empiezen a recibir una verdadera educación desde el primer momento. Organizar ese apoyo apropiadamente es todo un desafío, pero algunos se volverán con el deseo y habilidad de formar parte de esto.  
Los esfuerzos anteriores a la reforma de educación  han tropezado con  la imposibilidad de volver a escribir todos los libros de texto y volver a entrenar a todos los maestros simultáneamente,con  la incomprensión  de padres, y con la oposición política a estas nuevas ideas.Las XO van más allá de estos obstáculos no confrontándolos. En particular, las XO proporciona el acceso a la diversidad del Internet, sin cambiar los libros de texto o planes de estudios, y sin entrenar nuevamente a los maestros. Nuevos libros de texto entrarán en  curso  y los maestro serán entrenados en el futuro. Con las computadoras e Internet, los niños pueden mostrarles lo que ellos están aprendiendo a los padres. Este genio no regresará a la botella. Los oponentes políticos de los adelantos educativos ya están en la retirada. Nosotros no podemos predecir cómo la lucha política resultará, debido a sus complejidades y porque es una batalla de ideas y organización cuyo trabajo nosotros no entendemos en absoluto . En semejante caso, es prudente organizar el apoyo antes de  que la necesidad sea urgente.  Un gran apoyo se levantará casi automáticamente de aquéllos cuyos niños empiezen a recibir una verdadera educación desde el primer momento. Organizar ese apoyo apropiadamente es todo un desafío, pero algunos se volverán con el deseo y habilidad de formar parte de esto.  
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Previous attempts at major education reform have foundered on the impossibility of rewriting all textbooks and retraining all teachers simultaneously, on the blank incomprehension of parents, and on political opposition to these new-fangled ideas. The XO gets around these obstacles by not confronting them. In particular, the XO provides access to the diversity of the Internet, without changes to textbooks or curricula, and without major retraining of teachers. New textbooks will come in due course, and teacher training will eventually catch up. With computers and Internet, children can show parents what they are learning. This genie will not go back into the bottle. Political opponents of educational advances are already in retreat to private schools and home schooling to a degree. We cannot predict how the political fight will turn out, because of its complexities and because it is a battle of ideas and organization, whose working we do not understand at all well. In such a case, it is prudent to organize support before the need is urgent. A degree of support will arise almost automatically from those whose children start to get a real education for the first time. Organizing that support appropriately is a daunting challenge, but some will turn up with the desire and ability to do various parts of it.
Previous attempts at major education reform have foundered on the impossibility of rewriting all textbooks and retraining all teachers simultaneously, on the blank incomprehension of parents, and on political opposition to these new-fangled ideas. The XO gets around these obstacles by not confronting them. In particular, the XO provides access to the diversity of the Internet, without changes to textbooks or curricula, and without major retraining of teachers. New textbooks will come in due course, and teacher training will eventually catch up. With computers and Internet, children can show parents what they are learning. This genie will not go back into the bottle. Political opponents of educational advances are already in retreat to private schools and home schooling to a degree. We cannot predict how the political fight will turn out, because of its complexities and because it is a battle of ideas and organization, whose working we do not understand at all well. In such a case, it is prudent to organize support before the need is urgent. A degree of support will arise almost automatically from those whose children start to get a real education for the first time. Organizing that support appropriately is a daunting challenge, but some will turn up with the desire and ability to do various parts of it.
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OLPC es sobre la teoría de la educación construccionista de Seymour Papert, aunque los anuncios no dicen eso constantemente. Sugar Labs está más claramente comprometido con el construccionismo. Pero, ¿Qué es el construccionismo? ¿Es cierto? ¿Es eficaz? ¿Hemos llegado a una completa y definitiva verdad sobre la educación, a fin de que no se necesite decir más? Bueno, la respuesta a esta última pregunta es, no seamos tontos. Como cualquier buena teoría, el construccionismo es razonablemente preciso en algunos puntos, y necesita más investigación en la gran extensión de cosas desconocidas que rodea a este pequeño parche iluminado. Por lo tanto, no podemos dar una definición glib, o un breve resumen, y afirman que usted sabe lo que necesita saber. Si tomamos en serio el construccionismo, entonces, al igual que en cualquier otra cosa que valga la pena, usted tiene que estudiarla a profundidad y en detalle para obtener todo lo bueno que hay en ella y siempre habrá alguien que es mejor en alguna parte de ella.
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OLPC is about Seymour Papert's Constructionist education theory, although the announcements don't say that consistently. Sugar Labs is more clearly committed to Constructionism. But what is Constructionism? Is it true? Is it effective? Have we arrived at the one complete and final truth about education, so that no more need be said? Well, the answer to that last question is, Don't be silly. Like any good theory, Constructionism is reasonably accurate on some points, and needs further research on the great expanse of the unknown that surrounds that little lighted patch. So we cannot give a glib definition, or a brief summary, and claim that you know what you need to know. If you are serious about Constructionism, then like anything else worthwhile, you have to study at length and in detail to get any good at it, and there will always be somebody who is better at some part of it.
OLPC is about Seymour Papert's Constructionist education theory, although the announcements don't say that consistently. Sugar Labs is more clearly committed to Constructionism. But what is Constructionism? Is it true? Is it effective? Have we arrived at the one complete and final truth about education, so that no more need be said? Well, the answer to that last question is, Don't be silly. Like any good theory, Constructionism is reasonably accurate on some points, and needs further research on the great expanse of the unknown that surrounds that little lighted patch. So we cannot give a glib definition, or a brief summary, and claim that you know what you need to know. If you are serious about Constructionism, then like anything else worthwhile, you have to study at length and in detail to get any good at it, and there will always be somebody who is better at some part of it.
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Seymour Papert astútamente señala que limitarse a dar una definición no sería una manera construccionista de enseñarle. En cambio sugiere formas en que puede experimentar lo que funciona y lo que no funciona en los actuales programas construccionista. Podemos ser un poco más explícitos, pero la necesidad de la experiencia sigue siendo central.
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Seymour Papert slyly points out that simply giving a definition would not be a Constructionist way to teach you. Instead he suggests ways in which you can experience what works and what doesn't in current Constructionist programs. We can be a little more explicit, but the need for experience remains central.
Seymour Papert slyly points out that simply giving a definition would not be a Constructionist way to teach you. Instead he suggests ways in which you can experience what works and what doesn't in current Constructionist programs. We can be a little more explicit, but the need for experience remains central.
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En la teoría constructivista de Piaget del desarrollo del niño y del aprendizaje, basada en décadas de investigación con los niños, la comprensión es algo que un niño construye internamente a partir de la experiencia previa y la comprensión (que en algunos casos, serán malentendidos), cuando el cerebro del niño es lo suficientemente desarrollado para apoyar las ideas en cuestión. Uno de sus ejemplos favoritos es un matemático que cuando niño se había sorprendido al descubrir que no importa cómo se organizan unos guijarros con los que estaba jugando, cuando él los contaba siempre eran diez. No sé de ningún adulto que pueda recordar no saber eso, por lo cual es difícil discutir a partir de experiencias personales. Los niños que no saben aún no tienen idea de lo que uno esta hablando cuando se les pide, por lo que eso no ayuda tampoco. Pero hay muchas cosas que vienen normalmente a los niños a una edad determinada, de modo que usted puede encontrar a los niños más pequeños que no saben, y los niñps mayores que si lo saben, y si son especialmente persistentes y con suerte puede ser capaz de observar el desarrollo de un día para otro, o incluso de un momento a otro.
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In Piaget's Constructivist theory of child development and learning, based on decades of research with children, understanding is something a child constructs internally out of experience and previous understanding (which in some cases will be misunderstanding), when the child's brain is sufficiently developed to support the ideas involved. One of his favorite examples is a mathematician who as a child had been astonished to discover that no matter how he arranged some pebbles he was playing with, when he counted them there were always ten. I don't know any adults who can remember not knowing that, so it is hard to discuss from personal experience. Children who don't know that yet would have no idea what you were talking about if you asked them, so that doesn't help either. But there are many things that come to children typically at a particular age, so that you can find younger children who don't know, and older children who do, and if you are particularly persistent and lucky you may be able to observe the developmental changeover from one day to the next, or even from one moment to another.
In Piaget's Constructivist theory of child development and learning, based on decades of research with children, understanding is something a child constructs internally out of experience and previous understanding (which in some cases will be misunderstanding), when the child's brain is sufficiently developed to support the ideas involved. One of his favorite examples is a mathematician who as a child had been astonished to discover that no matter how he arranged some pebbles he was playing with, when he counted them there were always ten. I don't know any adults who can remember not knowing that, so it is hard to discuss from personal experience. Children who don't know that yet would have no idea what you were talking about if you asked them, so that doesn't help either. But there are many things that come to children typically at a particular age, so that you can find younger children who don't know, and older children who do, and if you are particularly persistent and lucky you may be able to observe the developmental changeover from one day to the next, or even from one moment to another.
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Mucho más comunes son los momentos Aha!, en que un niño (o un adulto) que ha estado trabajando en un problema sin visión de repente la consigue. En la educación construccionista  basada en computadores, esto es fomentado deliberadamente. Alan Kay da ejemplos de niños de diez años de edad, con una orientación apropiada sobre dónde y cómo buscar, y el software computacional adecuado para prestarles asistencia, que descubren conceptos fundamentales de cálculo, tales como las leyes de aceleración constante con su interpretación geométrica y su aplicación a la física. El manipulación simbólica y las pruebas formales tienen que ser retrasados hasta lograr un grado de desarrollo  más adecuado, por supuesto.
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Much more common are Aha! moments, in which a child (or adult) who has been working on a problem without insight suddenly gets it. In Constructionist education on computers, this is deliberately fostered. Alan Kay gives examples of ten-year-olds, with appropriate guidance on where and how to look, and appropriate computer software to assist them, discover essential concepts of calculus, such as the laws of constant acceleration with their geometric realization and their application to physics. The symbol manipulation and formal proofs have to be delayed to a more appropriate developmental stage, of course.
Much more common are Aha! moments, in which a child (or adult) who has been working on a problem without insight suddenly gets it. In Constructionist education on computers, this is deliberately fostered. Alan Kay gives examples of ten-year-olds, with appropriate guidance on where and how to look, and appropriate computer software to assist them, discover essential concepts of calculus, such as the laws of constant acceleration with their geometric realization and their application to physics. The symbol manipulation and formal proofs have to be delayed to a more appropriate developmental stage, of course.
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Mucho más común todavía son las oportunidades para trabajar en la construcción de algo de forma colaborativa con las capacidades de colaboración y la creación de redes de la red en malla que tienen las XO y Sugar, explorar todo lo que es conocido y desconocido y compartir los resultados. Esto es lo que Ivan Krstić nos contaba capturaba a los profesores en América Latina, que han dejado de ser obligados a usar libros de texto inadecuados y material didáctico proporcionado por el gobierno. Y después de que estos profesores lo logran, los padres los siguen rápidamente.
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Much more common still are opportunities to work together with the collaboration and mesh networking capabilities of the XO and Sugar to construct something, and to explore all that is known and unknown and share the results. This is what Ivan Krstić told us captured the teachers in Latin America, who were no longer bound to the inadequate textbooks and teaching materials provided by the government. And after the teachers got it, the parents soon got it.
Much more common still are opportunities to work together with the collaboration and mesh networking capabilities of the XO and Sugar to construct something, and to explore all that is known and unknown and share the results. This is what Ivan Krstić told us captured the teachers in Latin America, who were no longer bound to the inadequate textbooks and teaching materials provided by the government. And after the teachers got it, the parents soon got it.
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