Summer of Code/2014/bulletinboard

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Sugar Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board is a project under Google Summer Of Code which aims at building an interface to promote interaction among users on an activity.

For detailed information refer the link -

Chat Channel

It is overlaid on any activity. It is spatially contextual chatting interface comprising of chat bubbles thoughout the screen.

For detailed information about the project refer to Bulletin Board Proposal [[1]]

Instructions to setup on any Sugar Activity

  • Also in the sugar-artwork, include the icon hand1.svg and add it in the corresponding Makefile.
  • In the activity code base, search for the Activity class i.e, Class which inherits activity.Activity of sugar3. - OficinaActivity in case of Paint Activity
  • Import BulletinBoard class from sugar toolkit - from sugar3.activity.widgets import BulletinBoard
  • Initialize an object of the class say self.board - self.board = BulletinBoard(self).
  • Insert self.board in the activity container (depends on activity) - refer to Paint Activity.
  • Also insert all the buttons - self.board.box_button, self.board.share_button and self.board.button in order to end of the activity toolbar box.

That's it ! Bulletin chat channel is ready for use with the activity !.

Hand Icon to be included - Hand1.svg

Screenshots and Demo
