Talk:SoaS Blueberry Instructions

With the soas-2-blueberry.iso, leave out the options for a separate persistent home:

  • download the script:[1]
  • Use this script in Terminal for soas-v2-Blueberry.iso: (/dev/sd(x)1 is your USB device) use partition manager to determine what it is.
   sudo ./ --overlay-size-mb 400  soas-2-blueberry.iso /dev/sd(x)1

Sample Install to USB/SD Stick

# ./ --overlay-size-mb 400 --delete-home ./soas-2-blueberry.iso /dev/sd(x)1
Verifying image...
./ line 385: checkisomd5: command not found
Are you SURE you want to continue?
Press Enter to continue or ctrl-c to abort
Copying live image to USB stick
Updating boot config file
Initializing persistent overlay file
400+0 records in
400+0 records out
419430400 bytes (419 MB) copied, 48.6429 s, 8.6 MB/s
Installing boot loader
USB stick set up as live image!

Prebuilt Virtualization .vmdk & .vmx files for Virtualbox and VMPlayer


Prebuilt:[2][3] VirualBox Program:[4][5]


Prebuilt: [6]VMPlayer Program:[7]ReadMe: [8]

  • Copy the uncompressed files to a 2 GB or larger USB/SD and run it from the KEY on any computer running VirtualBox or VMPlayer


  • The older version of the script, shown below, will complete successfully, but the new installation startup process will have trouble finding the home folder and fail to complete.

Older versions of SOAS:

\Normally,the livecd-iso-to-disk installation has the advantage over the liveusb-creator installation method by allowing a persistent /home/liveuser folder with the --home-size-mb NNN option. This feature would allow you to update the OS image while keeping the user files (by running the script against your existing installation but leaving out the --home-size-mb NNN option).

  • Run it as root, making sure to pass the correct USB device and to set overlay and home size appropriately, depending on the stick size.
   sudo ./ --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 160 --delete-home --unencrypted-home soas-strawberry.iso /dev/sd(x)1
  • The --delete-home option is used to avoid an error message while requesting both a new home (with --home-size-mb) and a persistent home (indirectly with --unencrypted-home). You wouldn't use the --delete-home option on an upgrade of the operation system only.

Depending on the size of your USB stick, you may have to decrease --overlay-size-mb and --home-size-mb values (for example, for a 1-GB stick, use 200 for each).

  • Watch out for errors in the output of the script, the script seems to ignore them! (and say all is fine on the last line).

copied and revised from:

Using boot helper disk with blueberry usb on intel mac

Question #95622 on Sugar on a Stick changed:

  • edited for clarity (04/08/2010)

lisfolks posted a new comment: So, I didn't have to make any changes to the image on the USB. This is what I do to make it work:

  1. Restart my MacBook Pro with the Blueberry imaged USB and the Boot Helper CD in place.
  1. Hold the 'C' key from the time the screen becomes black on the restart until the CD's boot screen comes up.
  1. At the boot screen, press Tab key to enter into the boot/kernel parameters screen.
  • This screen shows default values as follow:
vmlinuz0 initrd=initrd0.img root=LABEL=FEDORA rootfstype=vfat rw liveimg overlay=LABEL=FEDORA quiet rhgb
  • (note that there are actually two spaces between quiet and rhgb)
  1. Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the end of 'root=LABEL=FEDORA', backspace out the 'FEDORA', and replace it with 'soas-2-blueberry' (without the quotes, of course).
  2. Arrow to the end of 'rootfstype=vfat', then press backspace to remove the 'vfat' portion. Replace it with 'iso9660' (again, without the quotes).
  3. Arrow to the end of the command line (one space after the 'rhgb' parameter). Add 'selinux=0' (that's a zero, and again, leave out the quotes).'
  4. Hit return and (hopefully) boot USB into sugar

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