Ubuntu on rpi3

Ubuntu-MATE-sugar-desktop on raspberry pi2-3

updated 5/15/2016


https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/ go to https://ubuntu-mate.org/download/#xenial
choose rpi2-3 and d/l image then do a extract and write it to your class 10 miniSD
I used a 32 GB
Boot rpi

Software Boutique/other software

Symantec software installer
search sugar
got 0.112 sugar as second DE selected at login to Ubuntu-MATE


  • Initial screen


  • f3 sugar desktop


  • About in CP


  • activities list (top half)



no jabber or irc that work but browse works
wireless works fine in rpi3


CanaKit Rasberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit; 32 GB edition;Black Case
  • need a HDMI monitor to enjoy it plus usb mouse and keyboard....

Helpfull Tutorials on how to use the Sugar Desktop
