
Created page with "= Create our own yum repository = This will allow us to download just once the package needed to develop on our XO platform. = Steps on the server = sudo yum install nginx..."
= Create our own yum repository =

This will allow us to download just once the package needed to develop on our XO platform.

= Steps on the server =

sudo yum install nginx createrepo
mkdir -P /srv/repo/i686 /srv/repo/armv7hl /srv/repo/noarch
ln -s /srv/repo /usr/share/nginx/html
sudo service nginx start

= Download packages for all the architectures we want =

I did this by going to each XO (1.5 -i686- and 1.75 -ARM- in my case) and running:

sudo yum install --assumeyes --nogpg yumdownloader

Download all the packages that you consider necessary here:

## Common utils that I use
sudo yumdownloader --resolve vim git htop emacs-nox multitail screen

## Those used to compile sugar / artwork / toolkit
sudo yumdownloader --resolve git make alsa-lib-devel gettext-devel \
gobject-introspection-devel gtk3-devel intltool libSM-devel \
librsvg2-devel pygobject2-devel pygtk2-codegen python-devel \
gtk2-devel icon-naming-utils icon-slicer python-empy \
xorg-x11-apps gnome-common GConf2-devel gtksourceview3-devel \

Copy all of the packages downloaded to the server:

scp *noarch* humitos@
scp *armv7hl* humitos@
scp *i686* humitos@

= Create a yum configuration file =

Copy this into a file called: ''/etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo''

name=Sugar Repository

= Last step on the server =

createrepo /srv/repo

= References =

