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Revision as of 19:03, 21 February 2010
Walter Bender
I was at OLPC for several years and now I am a volunteer on the project. My home page can be found here: [1]
Email: walter AT sugarlabs DOT org
Regarding the Sugar Labs Oversight Board
While it has been my goal to help get Sugar Labs to a point of self-sustainability, I don't think we are yet at that point. My goals for 2010 are to focus on fund-raising and further refining the organizational and governance models.
A bit about me and my role in Sugar Labs: I was part of the Sugar team at One Laptop per Child that left to found Sugar Labs in March of 2008. I have worn a few different hats within the organization: activity developer, occasional contributor to Sugar core, member of the deployment team, the marketing team, and the activity team. I was a lead author of the FLOSS Manual on Sugar. I am presently the executive director of Sugar Labs. I also represent Sugar on the GNOME technical advisory board and the Squeakland board. I have been a GSOC mentor and am participating in several pilot deployment projects of Sugar on a Stick.
To do
get Frame test set up in Peru/Uruguay/Paraguay</srike>New Activity templates
Much of the information that is consistent across activities can be held in activities.s.o. (dfarning 22:28, 16 June 2008 (UTC))
- Follow-up with Linux Foundation
Draft membership agreement for Sugar Labsrebase Turtle Art on SVGask SFC for pointers to lawyers in SAstart writing NSF/USAID proposallocal-labs proposals- NSF Creativity grant
- Babson brief
- Watertown follow-up
- Curriculum guides from GPA programs
- New Getting Started Guide (See The Sugar FLOSS Manual)
- Add ParserFunctions to Sugar Labs mediawiki
- Draft rules of governance for Sugar Labs
- Start Community-News Sugar Weekly Digest list
- CoSN proposal
- rebase Gmail on new Browse
- Finalize arrangements with SFC
- Incorporate Sugar Labs
Recent writing about Sugar and learning
(I also blog the weekly Sugar Digest.)
The slides from a talk I gave about Sugar at the Women2Woman conference are here and here.
Floss Manual
<img src=""/>
@import url("http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.css");
<script src="http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> FM.init({"paging":true,"preferred":["OLPC LAPTOP USERS GUIDE","SUGAR USERS GUIDE"]}); </script>
I am making a "TurtleArt: inspired portfolio tool. See TAPortfolio for more details.
Turtle Art → Logo
I added a "view source" for Turtle Art that exports Logo.
Some procedures for setting up the palette and the shade functionality:
to tasetpalette :i :r :g :b :myshade make "s ((:myshade - 50) / 50) ifelse lessp :s 0 [ make "s (1 + (:s *0.8)) make "r (:r * :s) make "g (:g * :s) make "b (:b * :s) ] [ make "s (:s * 0.9) make "r (:r + ((100-:r) * :s)) make "g (:g + ((100-:g) * :s)) make "b (:b + ((100-:b) * :s)) ] setpalette :i (list :r :g :b) end
to rgb :myi :mycolors :myshade make "myr first :mycolors make "mycolors butfirst :mycolors make "myg first :mycolors make "mycolors butfirst :mycolors make "myb first :mycolors make "mycolors butfirst :mycolors tasetpalette :myi :myr :myg :myb :myshade output :mycolors end
to processcolor :mycolors :myshade if emptyp :mycolors [stop] make "i :i + 1 processcolor (rgb :i :mycolors :myshade) :myshade end
to tasetshade :shade make "myshade modulo :shade 200 if greaterp :myshade 99 [make "myshade (199-:myshade)] make "i 7 make "mycolors :colors processcolor :mycolors :myshade end
to tasetpencolor :c make "color modulo round :c 100 setpencolor :color + 8 end
make "colors [ 100 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 0 100 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 0 100 100 0 90 100 0 80 100 0 70 100 0 60 100 0 50 100 0 40 100 0 30 100 0 20 100 0 10 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 0 100 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 0 100 100 0 95 100 0 90 100 0 85 100 0 80 100 0 75 100 0 70 100 0 65 100 0 60 100 0 55 100 0 50 100 0 45 100 0 40 100 0 35 100 0 30 100 0 25 100 0 20 100 0 15 100 0 10 100 0 5 100 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 0 100 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 0 100 100 0 100 100 0 90 100 0 80 100 0 70 100 0 60 100 0 50 100 0 40 100 0 30 100 0 20 100 0 10] make "shade 50 tasetshade :shade
to tasetbackground :color :shade tasetshade :shade setbackground :color + 8 end
The project:
to ta clearscreen tasetbackground 21 100 setpensize 25.0 make "box1 0.0 repeat 300.0 [ tasetpencolor xcor / 6.0 tasetshade heading forward :box1 right 91.0 make "box1 :box1 + 1.0 ] end
Turtle Art variables
Following the lead of Luis Michelena, I've added named blocks and stacks. I plan to add push and pop next, which should greatly expand the range of possible constructions.
Turtle Art push and pop
While it is not the intent that Turtle Art be a full implementation of Logo, but there has been some discussion on teh Sur list about adding some capability for passing arguments to stacks. (and to support recursion). I have added a FILO and push and pop blocks to enable this functionality. I am looking for feedback. regarding this choice.
HBS-style analysis
- our points of difference
- our points of parity
- their points of difference