
→‎Works: From 1:1 Computing
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In no particular order. This can use a lot of cleanup, particularly sorting and adding reference links where available At some point, we should get full bibliographic details.
In no particular order. This can use a lot of cleanup, particularly sorting and adding reference links where available. If anybody wants to supply full bibliographic details, the rest of us will be very grateful.
* Carlos Cárdenas, 2008 [ "Usability Test for Sugar OS into Classmate, OLPC, Laptop"] from Perú.
* Carlos Cárdenas, 2008 [ "Usability Test for Sugar OS into Classmate, OLPC, Laptop"] from Perú.
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* [ Squeak Etoys, Children & Learning] (PDF) Alan Kay, VPRI Research Note RN-2005-001, Viewpoints Research Institute 2005
* [ Squeak Etoys, Children & Learning] (PDF) Alan Kay, VPRI Research Note RN-2005-001, Viewpoints Research Institute 2005
* [ Squeak by Example] online
* [ Squeak by Example] online
* [ 1:1 Technologies/Computing in the Developing World: Challenging the Digital Divide] (.doc file), by [ Mary Hooker] Education Specialist, [ Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative]
* Ainscow, M. 2003. Developing inclusive education systems: what are the levers for change? Manchester: University of Manchester
* Agalianos, A., Noss, R. and Whitty, G. (2001) Logo in Mainstream Schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22 (4), 479 – 500
* Bassi, R. (2008) Guide to Pilot Projects and Large Scale Deployment of ICTs in the Education Sector (Draft). GeSCI: Nairobi
* BECTA. (Homepage) [Online].  Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2008]
* Bonifaz, A. and Zucker, A. 2004. [ Lessons Learned from Providing Laptops to All Students] (PDF), NEIRTEC [Online].
* Burkhardt, G. et al. 2003. enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age. Naperville: NCREL and METIRI
* Cangeloso, Sal: Lessons to learn from the OLPC [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 5 April 2008]
* Center for Digital Education, 2004. One- to- One Laptop Initiatives: Providing Tools for 21st Century Learners. K – 12 Strategy Paper [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 5 April 2008]
* Concord Consortium. [Online]. Available from: Inter-American Development Bank [Accessed 5 April 2008]
* Draxler, A. 2008. New Partnerships for EFA: Building on Experience. Paris: IIEP
* Engestrom, Y. 2001. Expansive Learning at Work: toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work [Online].14 (1), pp 133-156. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Everts, B., Harren, M. and Hollow, D. 2008. Ethiopia Implementation Report, September – December 2007 [Online]. Available from: Eduvision [Accessed 14 April 2008]
* Excell, J. 2007. Flash of Inspiration. Non-profit organization gears up for mass production aimed at bringing schoolchildren in the developing world all the benefits of the IT revolution, The Engineer [Online]. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Farrell, G. and Isaacs, S. 2007. Survey of ICT and Education in Africa [Online]. Available from: infoDev [Accessed 16 April 2008]
* Fullan, M. 2007. The New Meaning of Educational Change. Fourth Edition. New York: Teachers College Press
* Grabinger, S., Aplin, C. and Ponnappa-Brenner, G. 2007. Instructional Design and Sociocultural Learning Environments. e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology [Online]. 10 (1), pp1-15. Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2008]
* Hartel, H. 2008. Low-cost devices in educational systems: The use of the “XO-Laptop” in the Ethiopian Educational System [Online]. Available from: GTZ [Accessed 5 April 2008]
* Hepp, P. et al (2004) Technology in Schools – Education, ICT and the Knowledge Society [Online]. Available from:,,contentMDK:20263851~menuPK:534136~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html [Accessed: 27/07/2007].
* Information for Development Programme (infoDev). Quick Guide: Low cost computing devices for the developing world.  [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 13 April 2008]
* Keefe, D. and Zucker, A. 2003. Ubiquitous Computing Projects: A Brief History [Online]. Available from: Ubiquitous Computer Evaluation Consortium. Available from: [Accessed 7 April 2008]
* Kanehira, N. 2007. Innovation in Learning and Beyond: Intorducing a $100 Laptop through Public-Private Partnerships. The Kennedy School Review [Online]. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Kestenbaum, D. 2005. The Challenges of IDC: What have we learned from our past? A conversation with Seymour Papert, Marvin Minsky and Alan Kay. Communications of the ACM [Online]. 48 (1) 35 – 38. Available from Academic Premier [Accessed 12 April 2008]
* Kumar, S. ( 14 May, 2008. Re: 1:1. Email to Mary Hooker Cc: Patti.Swarts; Alex.Twinomugisha; Roxana Bassi 
* Menchik, D. 2004. Placing cybereducation in the UK classroom. British Journal of Sociology of Education [Online]. 25 (2), pp 193-213. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2004. Curriculum Assessment and ICT in the Irish Context: A Discussion Paper [Online]. Available from NCCA [Accessed 14 May 2008]
* Narvarro, J.C. 2006. The One Laptop Per Child Initiative: A Framework for Latin America and the IDB [Online]. Available from: Inter-American Development Bank [Accessed 13 April 2008]
* Noss, Richard and Pachler, Norbert (1999) The challenge of new technologies: doing old things in a new way, or doing new things? IN: Mortimore, P. (eds.) Understanding pedagogy and its impact on learning. London: Paul Chapman Publishing
* Ogawa, R.T., Crain, R., Loomis, M. and Ball, T. 2008. CHAT-IT: Toward Conceptualizing Learning in the Context of Formal Organizations. Educational Researcher [Online]. 37 (2), pp 83-95. Available from: Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Papert, S. 1980. Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas. New York. Basic Books
* Papert, S. and Harel, I. 1991 Situating Constructionism.  Available from: [Accessed 13 April 2008]
* Papert, S. 1993. The Children’s Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer. New York: Basic Books
* Papert, S. 2004. Keynote Address.  i3 1 to 1 Computing Conference, 31 May, Sydney Australia [Online]. Available from:
* Rapoza, J. 2007. Will this Laptop Change the World? eWeek [Online]. Insight, pp44 – 50, 13 August 2007. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Robertson, I. 2007 E-Learning Practice and Activity Theory. You Tube [Online]  Available from:
[Accessed 5 April 2008]
* Scanlon, E. and Issroff, K. 2005. Activity Theory and Higher Education: evaluating learning technologies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning [Online]. 21, pp430-439. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Senge, P. M. 1990, 2006. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organisation. London: Random House
* Shawki, T.G. (2007). On ICT Utilization Toward Building Global Knowledge Societies. IN: Handheld Learning Conference and Exhibition. October 2007. [Online]. Available from: Handheld learning  [Accessed 0 April 2008]
* Surowlecki, J. 2006. Philanthropy’s New Prototype: Can Nicholas Negroponte get Governments to buy Cheap Laptops? Technology Review [Online]. 109 (5), pp48-56. Available from:  Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Swarts, P. 2008. ICT as Core and Elective Subject: Issues to Consider. Accra: GeSCI
* Thomas, M. (2007) Review: Laptops in literacy: Learning in the wireless classroom. British Educational Communicatiosn and Technology Agency [Online]. 38 (6) pp1145 -1146. Available from: Academic Search Premier [Accessed 01 April 2008]
* Tinker, R., Galvis, A and Zucker, A. 2007. 1:1 Computing In Support of Science and Mathematics Education: Recommendations for Large Scale Implementations. The Twinomugisha, A. (2006). The price of good policy: Calculating the Ttoal Cost of ICT4E Ownership. Digital Learning. 11 (9), pp28 – 31
* User-Centric Enterprise Architecture [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 May 2008]
* UNESCO. ICT Competency Standards for Teachers [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 15 May 2008]
* Vygotsky, L.S. 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridgw: Harvard University Press
* Zucker, A. 2005. One-to-One Computing Evaluation Consortium: Policy Brief. The Concord Consortium [Online]. Available from:
 + [Accessed 16 April 2008]
==See Also==
==See Also==
