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This page is for planning the summit to be taken in Uruguay on May 5th to 7th 2011.
'''All subject to modifications'''.
'''Thanks to all participants of eduJAM! 2011 (5-7 May 2011) // Gracias a todos los participantes del eduJAM! 2011 (5-7 Mayo 2011)'''
== Summit page // Página del evento ==
* '''Home page of the summit: http://edujam2011.ceibaljam.org // Página principal del evento: http://edujam2011.ceibaljam.org'''
* Code Sprint Wiki: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/EduJAM_Code_Sprint
* Conozco Uruguay Blog: http://olpcuruguay2011.wordpress.com/ Note: You are invited to add your comments and articles to this group blog. There are 4 admins, so one of them will approve it for you.
== Photos of the summit / Fotos del encuentro ==
* http://picasaweb.google.com/pflores2/EduJAM2011#
* http://www.flickr.com/photos/madprime/
* http://codewiz.org/wiki/pictures/conf/EduJAM-2011
* http://www.flickr.com/x/t/0090009/photos/luzanone/sets/72157626656559110/
* http://picasaweb.google.com/ebordon/EduJam?authkey=Gv1sRgCLK9jtmCy7qH9QE#
* https://picasaweb.google.com/wernerio/EduJamSugarOLPCMontenvideo08052011#
* http://www.flickr.com/photos/62554468@N03/sets/72157626586497313/with/5716105406/
* http://www.flickr.com/photos/christophd/sets/72157626514302097/with/5685214622/
* https://picasaweb.google.com/110361379457702390492/May132011?authkey=Gv1sRgCKbs2a_N-6SElwE#  (captions to be added)
== Presentations ==
* [http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Contribute_to_sugar_as_a_programmer.pdf How to contribute to Sugar/Activities as a programmer? (Gonzalo Odiard, Simon Schampijer)]
* [http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:How_to_become_a_maintainer.pdf How to become a maintainer? (Gonzalo Odiard, Simon Schampijer)]
* http://www.slideshare.net/eduJam2011/presentations
* http://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?type=presentations&q=edujam
* [https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B75C3dIWmSkFNmU1ZjQ1ZTktZDU4Ni00ZGUyLTg4Y2ItOTZmOGFlZTFmNzUy&hl=es Presentación de SugarLabs Chile]
== Videos ==
* http://www.dailymotion.com/sugarlabs
* http://blog.printf.net/articles/2011/05/14/edujam-2011
== Press/blogosphere // Prensa/blogósfera ==
After event // Luego del evento:
* Chris Ball blog http://blog.printf.net/articles/2011/05/14/edujam-2011
* Walter Bender's Sugar Digest 2011-05-13: http://walterbender.org/?p=449
During eduJAM! 2011, Conozco Uruguay Tour & Sugar Code Sprint
* Article about Lapix http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/uruguay/lapix_an_electronic_pen_accessory.html
* Conozco Uruguay Tour blog http://olpcuruguay2011.wordpress.com/ Note: You are invited to add your comments and articles to this group blog.  There are 4 admins, so one of them will approve it for you.
* Proyecto Aurora blog http://proyecto-aurora.blogspot.com/
* David Farning's notes in IAEP during Conozco Uruguay Tour: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013103.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013108.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013112.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013119.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013121.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013130.html
* David Farning's notes in IAEP during eduJAM! summit: http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013143.html http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2011-May/013147.html
Before event // Antes del evento:
* Puesta a punto de un encuentro vibrante con varias ofertas http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=node/1173
== Misc ==
* Etherpad: http://etherpad.tugraz.at/NpJPnsS68L
* Projects shown in the opening // Proyectos expuestos en la apertura: http://ceibaljam.org/node/1333
* List public archive: http://box541.bluehost.com/pipermail/all-edujam2011_ceibaljam.org/
* Look for #edujam in twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/search/edujam
* Related files // Archivos relacionados: http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=node/1323
* Minutes of the first Sugar Labs Oversight Board "in person" meeting, held during the code sprint: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2011-05-08T19:25:35, http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2011-05-08T19:25:35.html
== Attendees - Please add info & link adresses // Asistentes - Por favor agreguen info & link ==
* María Abramovich
* Cynthia Casal
* Martin Langhoff, Argentina/Miami
* Alvar Maciel
* Laura Manolakis
* Gonzalo Odiard
* Manuel Quiñones
* Lucía Zanone
* Christoph Derndorfer, Vienna/Madrid
* Vladimir Castro Salas, Bolivia/Perú
* Patricio Acevedo http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs_Chile
* Werner Westermann
* Rafael Ortiz, Colombia
* Bianca Suárez
El Salvador:
* Douglas Cerna, El Salvador
* Bastien Guerry
Germany // Alemania
* Bert Freudenberg, Germany
* Simon Schampijer, Germany
* Martín Abente http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/User:Tch
* Rodolfo Arce
* Sebastián Silva, Perú/Colombia
* Anish Mangal, India/Paraguay
* Bernie Innocenti, Italy/USA
* Micaela Acosta, ceibalJAM!
* Alan Aguiar, Butiá
* Andrés Aguirre, Butiá
* Andrés Ambrois, ceibalJAM!/Hackspace Montevideo http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php?title=User:Aa
* Federico Andrade, Butiá
* Barbanegra, Hackspace Montevideo
* Esteban Arias, Plan Ceibal
* Paolo Benini, RAP
* Esteban Bordón, Plan Ceibal
* Inés Bouvier, Flor de Ceibo http://www.flordeceibo.edu.uy + Taller de Arte y Programación http://iie.fing.edu.uy/ense/asign/progarte
* Roxana Castellano, Creática
* Daniel Castelo, Plan Ceibal
* Gabriel Eirea, ceibalJAM!
* Ignacio Escudero, RAP
* Luciano Ferrari, Plan Ceibal
* Pablo Flores, ceibalJAM!
* Bernabé García, Hackspace Montevideo
* Sandra González, Plan Ceibal
* Ruben Ingver
* Karen López, Plan Ceibal
* Rocío Medina, RAP
* Luis Michelena, ceibalJAM!
* Oscar Nieto, RAP
* Evelyn Pelufo, Plan Ceibal
* Jesusa Pereira
* Eugenia Pinilla, Plan Ceibal
* Carlos Rabassa, RAP
* Nenny Rabassa, RAP
* Rosamel Ramirez
* Alejandro Rodríguez, ceibalJAM!
* Christofer Roibal, ceibalJAM!
* Leticia Romero, RAP/ceibalJAM!
* Fernando Sansberro
* Gonzalo Tejera, Butiá
* Victoria Torena, Plan Ceibal
* Guzmán Trindad
* Tony Anderson Texas/Nepal/Rwanda
* Chris Ball, OLPC, Boston
* Walter Bender, Sugar Labs
* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Roadshow_in_a_Box/ Caryl Bigenho] caryl@laptop.org
* Ed Bigenho
* Aaron Borden, San Francisco
* Nick Doiron, New Hampshire/Uganda/Uruguay
* David Farning, USA
* Adam Holt, OLPC, Sugar Labs, USA
* Ric Holt
* [[User:CScott|C. Scott Ananian]], OLPC, Boston
* John Tierney, OLPC
* Aleksey Lim
* Nkubito Bakuramutsa, Rwanda
= Information written during the organization of the summit =
This page is for planning the EduJAM! summit in Uruguay May 5th to 7th 2011.
'''Don't forget the [[Conozco Uruguay Tour|pre-summit tour Apr 30 - May 5,]] as well as post-summit codesprint May 8/9 onwards -- dates are final but details are evolving!'''
== Main goals ==
== Main goals ==
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* '''Focus on South America'''. Bring as many south american developers as possible to Uruguay.
* '''Focus on South America'''. Bring as many south american developers as possible to Uruguay.
== Assistants ==
== Program ==
* Martín Abente
A first sketch of the event (''preliminary,'' [http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=node/1127 see also update here!]) is as follows:
Program committee:
* Andrés Ambrois
* Walter Bender
* Walter Bender
* Gabriel Eirea
* Gabriel Eirea
* David Farning
* Pablo Flores
* Pablo Flores
* Adam Holt
* Gonzalo Odiard
* Bernie Innocenti
* Fernando Sansberro
* Anish Mangal
== Other activities ==
== Pre-Summit "Conozco Uruguay" Exploration Tour ==
We're organizing a set of activities for those who want to know more about Uruguayan experience, visiting different points of the country, meeting with families, teachers, etc.
We're organizing a set of in-person activities for those who want to know more about the Uruguayan/Ceibal experience, visiting different points of the country, meeting with families, teachers, etc.
It will be in the week prior to the summit: April 3th to May 5th.
More information soon.  
== Acoomodation ==
This will happen during the 5-6 days prior to the summit (from Saturday April 30th to Thursday May 5th) for independent and resilient travelers, committed to "anthropological" learning through patient exploration -- [[Conozco Uruguay Tour|details are emerging here!]]
We'll put here some information about possible places for staying. At the same time we'll make a volunteers hosting program, so Uruguayan volunteers can host some of the attendees. More information soon.  
== Attendees ==
Attendees and possible attendees list in: http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=node/1108<br>
If you want to attend, please write us: edujam2011@ceibaljam.org
Including Volunteer Organizers: Martín Abente, Walter Bender, Gabriel Eirea, David Farning, Pablo Flores, [[user:Holt|Adam Holt]], Bernie Innocenti, Aleksey Lim, Anish Mangal, Gonzalo Odiard, [[user:aa|Andrés Ambrois]]
== Accommodation ==
We'll put here some information about possible places for staying. At the same time we'll make a volunteers hosting program, so Uruguayan volunteers can host some of the attendees. More information soon.
Uruguay (generally) uses [http://treehouse.ofb.net/go/en/voltage/Uruguay 220V European] [http://www.adaptelec.com/index.php?main_page=document_general_info&products_id=252 electrical outlets] so please consider bringing a small converter.
Wifi access will be sought where possible, but not guaranteed.
== Registration ==
[http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=edujam2011_en Registration is now Open!]
As explained therein, pricing is $100, with confirmed volunteers/students paying $30 or $10.  Attendance will likely be limited to about 100 attendees maximum.
Flight prices will rise, so we strongly encourage you to book your flight to Montevideo (MVD) & register today!
== Uruguay ==
== Uruguay ==
Touristic information: http://www.turismo.gub.uy/
Direct flights to Montevideo (Carrasco Airport) from:  
Visas are [http://worldtravelguide.net/uruguay/passport-visa not required] for most US, Canada, Europe, Australia citizens.
Direct flights to Montevideo (Carrasco Airport) from:
* US: Miami
* US: Miami
* Europe: Madrid
* Europe: Madrid
* Most of South America
* Most of South America
* Nearby hubs: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago
* Nearby hubs: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago
There are also nice ferries from Buenos Aires: http://buquebus.com
There are also nice ferries from Buenos Aires: http://www.buquebus.com/
An airport departure tax of $30+ may be charged upon leaving Uruguay, if not pre-paid within your flight ticket.
Touristic information: http://www.turismo.gub.uy
Don't forget to register for "Conozco Uruguay", our [[Conozco Uruguay Tour|pre-summit eduTRIP!]] (Saturday April 30 - Thursday May 5)
== Archivements ==
Main achievements during de Sugar Code Sprint:
* Journal
** Cloud Journal brainstorm (many people)
** Mockups for multiselection (tch, godiard, aq, manuq))
** Mockups for tags (tch, godiard, aq, manuq)
** Documents Folder patch (walter)
* Portfolio Activity (walter, manuq)
* Library brainstorm (godiard, manuq)
* Social Calc fixes (nick dorion)
* Maps Activity (nick dorion)
* Gnumeric Activity (dirakx)
* Etoys: download projects from Squeakland (bert)
* Fixes for Sugar Doers Kit (SDK) (alsroot)
* Pat em workwflow dxo - SL . OLPC (anish, erikos, martin_xsa)
* Review reports from the field
* Modification of 'I Can Read' activity to support sign language (walter)
Caryl Bigenho has posted some really great suggestions & topics on the [[Talk:Uruguay_Summit_2011|Talk Page]] -- eg. she started with "fun" activities for teachers, students, and parents to participate in alongside software architects -- please join her to [[Talk:Uruguay_Summit_2011|share your own ideas, for things you'd like to do at EduJAM!]]

Latest revision as of 07:35, 18 April 2012

Please copy/paste "{{Translationlist | xx | origlang=en | translated={{{translated}}}}}" (where xx is Translation Team/ISO 639 language code for your translation) to EduJAM/2011/translations HowTo [ID# 77443]  +/-  

Thanks to all participants of eduJAM! 2011 (5-7 May 2011) // Gracias a todos los participantes del eduJAM! 2011 (5-7 Mayo 2011) Edujam-final.jpg

Summit page // Página del evento

Photos of the summit / Fotos del encuentro



Press/blogosphere // Prensa/blogósfera

After event // Luego del evento:

During eduJAM! 2011, Conozco Uruguay Tour & Sugar Code Sprint

Before event // Antes del evento:


Attendees - Please add info & link adresses // Asistentes - Por favor agreguen info & link


  • María Abramovich
  • Cynthia Casal
  • Martin Langhoff, Argentina/Miami
  • Alvar Maciel
  • Laura Manolakis
  • Gonzalo Odiard
  • Manuel Quiñones
  • Lucía Zanone


  • Christoph Derndorfer, Vienna/Madrid


  • Vladimir Castro Salas, Bolivia/Perú



  • Rafael Ortiz, Colombia
  • Bianca Suárez

El Salvador:

  • Douglas Cerna, El Salvador


  • Bastien Guerry

Germany // Alemania

  • Bert Freudenberg, Germany
  • Simon Schampijer, Germany



  • Sebastián Silva, Perú/Colombia


  • Anish Mangal, India/Paraguay


  • Bernie Innocenti, Italy/USA


  • Micaela Acosta, ceibalJAM!
  • Alan Aguiar, Butiá
  • Andrés Aguirre, Butiá
  • Andrés Ambrois, ceibalJAM!/Hackspace Montevideo http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php?title=User:Aa
  • Federico Andrade, Butiá
  • Barbanegra, Hackspace Montevideo
  • Esteban Arias, Plan Ceibal
  • Paolo Benini, RAP
  • Esteban Bordón, Plan Ceibal
  • Inés Bouvier, Flor de Ceibo http://www.flordeceibo.edu.uy + Taller de Arte y Programación http://iie.fing.edu.uy/ense/asign/progarte
  • Roxana Castellano, Creática
  • Daniel Castelo, Plan Ceibal
  • Gabriel Eirea, ceibalJAM!
  • Ignacio Escudero, RAP
  • Luciano Ferrari, Plan Ceibal
  • Pablo Flores, ceibalJAM!
  • Bernabé García, Hackspace Montevideo
  • Sandra González, Plan Ceibal
  • Ruben Ingver
  • Karen López, Plan Ceibal
  • Rocío Medina, RAP
  • Luis Michelena, ceibalJAM!
  • Oscar Nieto, RAP
  • Evelyn Pelufo, Plan Ceibal
  • Jesusa Pereira
  • Eugenia Pinilla, Plan Ceibal
  • Carlos Rabassa, RAP
  • Nenny Rabassa, RAP
  • Rosamel Ramirez
  • Alejandro Rodríguez, ceibalJAM!
  • Christofer Roibal, ceibalJAM!
  • Leticia Romero, RAP/ceibalJAM!
  • Fernando Sansberro
  • Gonzalo Tejera, Butiá
  • Victoria Torena, Plan Ceibal
  • Guzmán Trindad


  • Tony Anderson Texas/Nepal/Rwanda
  • Chris Ball, OLPC, Boston
  • Walter Bender, Sugar Labs
  • Caryl Bigenho caryl@laptop.org
  • Ed Bigenho
  • Aaron Borden, San Francisco
  • Nick Doiron, New Hampshire/Uganda/Uruguay
  • David Farning, USA
  • Adam Holt, OLPC, Sugar Labs, USA
  • Ric Holt
  • C. Scott Ananian, OLPC, Boston
  • John Tierney, OLPC


  • Aleksey Lim


  • Nkubito Bakuramutsa, Rwanda

Information written during the organization of the summit

This page is for planning the EduJAM! summit in Uruguay May 5th to 7th 2011.

Don't forget the pre-summit tour Apr 30 - May 5, as well as post-summit codesprint May 8/9 onwards -- dates are final but details are evolving!

Main goals

  • Focus on developers. It does not mean at all we're not concerned about educational aspects, but as a developers community we have huge challenges and the summit will be more of a working instance than a "reflection" instance.
  • Exceed OLPC and Sugar. The developers community goes beyond OLPC and Sugar, and this could be a good instance for bringing "non-olpc organizations" to the conversation.
  • Focus on South America. Bring as many south american developers as possible to Uruguay.


A first sketch of the event (preliminary, see also update here!) is as follows: Program committee:

  • Andrés Ambrois
  • Walter Bender
  • Gabriel Eirea
  • Pablo Flores
  • Gonzalo Odiard
  • Fernando Sansberro

Pre-Summit "Conozco Uruguay" Exploration Tour

We're organizing a set of in-person activities for those who want to know more about the Uruguayan/Ceibal experience, visiting different points of the country, meeting with families, teachers, etc.

This will happen during the 5-6 days prior to the summit (from Saturday April 30th to Thursday May 5th) for independent and resilient travelers, committed to "anthropological" learning through patient exploration -- details are emerging here!


Attendees and possible attendees list in: http://ceibaljam.org/drupal/?q=node/1108
If you want to attend, please write us: edujam2011@ceibaljam.org

Including Volunteer Organizers: Martín Abente, Walter Bender, Gabriel Eirea, David Farning, Pablo Flores, Adam Holt, Bernie Innocenti, Aleksey Lim, Anish Mangal, Gonzalo Odiard, Andrés Ambrois


We'll put here some information about possible places for staying. At the same time we'll make a volunteers hosting program, so Uruguayan volunteers can host some of the attendees. More information soon.

Uruguay (generally) uses 220V European electrical outlets so please consider bringing a small converter.

Wifi access will be sought where possible, but not guaranteed.


Registration is now Open!

As explained therein, pricing is $100, with confirmed volunteers/students paying $30 or $10. Attendance will likely be limited to about 100 attendees maximum.

Flight prices will rise, so we strongly encourage you to book your flight to Montevideo (MVD) & register today!


Visas are not required for most US, Canada, Europe, Australia citizens.

Direct flights to Montevideo (Carrasco Airport) from:

  • US: Miami
  • Europe: Madrid
  • Most of South America
  • Nearby hubs: Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago

There are also nice ferries from Buenos Aires: http://www.buquebus.com/

An airport departure tax of $30+ may be charged upon leaving Uruguay, if not pre-paid within your flight ticket.

Touristic information: http://www.turismo.gub.uy

Don't forget to register for "Conozco Uruguay", our pre-summit eduTRIP! (Saturday April 30 - Thursday May 5)


Main achievements during de Sugar Code Sprint:

  • Journal
    • Cloud Journal brainstorm (many people)
    • Mockups for multiselection (tch, godiard, aq, manuq))
    • Mockups for tags (tch, godiard, aq, manuq)
    • Documents Folder patch (walter)
  • Portfolio Activity (walter, manuq)
  • Library brainstorm (godiard, manuq)
  • Social Calc fixes (nick dorion)
  • Maps Activity (nick dorion)
  • Gnumeric Activity (dirakx)
  • Etoys: download projects from Squeakland (bert)
  • Fixes for Sugar Doers Kit (SDK) (alsroot)
  • Pat em workwflow dxo - SL . OLPC (anish, erikos, martin_xsa)
  • Review reports from the field
  • Modification of 'I Can Read' activity to support sign language (walter)


Caryl Bigenho has posted some really great suggestions & topics on the Talk Page -- eg. she started with "fun" activities for teachers, students, and parents to participate in alongside software architects -- please join her to share your own ideas, for things you'd like to do at EduJAM!